christian practises Flashcards
what is the Great Commission?
Jesus’ instructions to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world
what is a missionary?
a person sent on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in a foreign country through preaching/charitable work
what is Evangelism?
spreading the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
what is liturgical worship?
a church service that follows a set service/ritual
what is non-liturgical worship?
a service that does not follow a set text/ ritual
what is informal worship?
a type of non-liturgical worship- something “spontaneous” or “charismatic” in nature
what is Nonconformist?
English Protestant who doesn’t conform to the doctrines/practises of the established Church of England
what are sacraments?
rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace
what are sacraments for Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants?
“outward signs” of “inward” grace
what is Holy Communion?
a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
what is Holy Communion also called?
Eucharist, Mass, the Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of Bread and the Divine Liturgy
what is Eucharist?
a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
when does the celebration of Easter start and end?
starts on Easter day and finishes with the Feast of Pentecost
what is Christmas?
the day commemorating the incarnation, the birth of Jesus- also the season of 12 days ending with the Epiphany (when Christians remember the visit of the Wise men)
what is Easter?
the religious season celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead- it starts on Easter day and finishes with the feast of Pentecost
what is Mission?
the vocation/ calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out into the world and spread their faith
what is literg?
the work of the people
what is an example of liturgical worship?
a priest leads a congregation in formal prayers
Bible passages are read out from the gospels
there will be music, hymns and chatning
what is an example of liturgical worship?
the celebration of the Eucharist for Catholics
which denominations worship when they feel prompted by the Holy Spirit?
Evangelical Christians and Quakers
what can informal worship involve?
long periods of singing worship songs
include opportunities for people to pray “extemporary” prayers out loud where they pray as they feel led by God
praying for eachother and sharing of spiritual gifts
what are the advantages of liturgical worship?
stays the same- allows you to focus
sense of belonging
what is a disadvantage of liturgical worship?
less relaxed- more pressure
what are the advantages of non-liturgical worship?
more personalised
free to pray whenever you want
what is 24-7 Prayer?
international, interdominational prayer movement with a vision to revive the church and do non-stop night and day prayer
a free prayer course to help 11-16 year olds explore prayer
78 nations are a part of 24-7 prayer
advantages of public worship?
Christians do not have to think about own prayers- set prayers to follow
disadvantages of public worship?
it is not personal to you
there are time constraints on worshipping
what are advantages of private worship?
allows individuals to spend time with God, either alone or with close friends or family
helps Christians to build up a discipline which gives them strength to cope in times of trouble
disadvantages of private worship?
there is no structure
there are no people around to encourage you
what is sacrament?
a Christian act that is believed to be ordained by Jesus and is continued by the church as a sign of grace
what is Grace?
God’s love given to the undeserving
which churches believe in sacraments?
Roman Catholic, Church of England, Orthodox
which churches do not believe in sacraments?
Baptist, Pentecostal, Quaker
what is confirmation?
when an adult who was baptised earlier in life confirms the Christian belief and becomes a full member of the Church by being able to take the Eucharist (Holy Communion)
what is anointing of the sick?
a Priest anoints the person who is close to death or is sick with oil to give comfort, peace and courage
what are Holy Orders?
Ordained Ministers (Bishops, Priests, Deacons)- considered set apart and chosen for the role
what are the similarities of believers and infant baptism?
link to Jesus’ death and resurrection
washing away sins
dedication to their faith and God
turning yourself over to God
what are the differences between believers and infant baptism?
believers baptism does not wash away the original sin
believers baptism is by choice of the individual whereas infant is decided for them
what does Holy Communion teach Christians?
becoming one with Christ through saving his body and blood- communing with God
what does Mass teach Christians?
from the Latin meaning- to “send” or “dismiss”- showing that sharing bread and wine is supposed to affect how you live when you leave Church
what does Eucharist teach Christians?
meaning “thanksgiving”- Christians thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus
what does the Lord’s Supper teach us?
recalling that this was a real meal that Jesus hosted with his disciples and told them to “do this to remember him”
what is Eucharist like for Roman Catholic?
mass begins with a greeting from the priest and prayers of penance and praise
on Sunday- 3 readings from the Bible- from the Old Testament, Paul’s letters and the Gospel people say prayers for the Church
offerings of bread and wine
priest says Eucharistic Prayer- words of Jesus at the last Supper
prays over the wine
how does the Church of England celebrate Eucharist?
almost identical to Catholic Church
peace is shared at a different point in this service- Catholics do this after the Lord’s Prayer- Anglicans do it before the offerings of bread and wine are brought to the alter
some Anglicans believe the Catholic and Orthodox view that the bread and wine are transformed into Christ’s body and blood
how do Orthodox celebrate Eucharist?
most of the service takes place on the alter behind a screen
Church is filled with candles and insence
hymns, prayers and a reading from the Bible
priest comes through the Royal Doors to chant the gospel
priest comes through the Royal Doors to receive wine and bread
how do Nonconformist Communion celebrate Eucharist?
begins with a hymn and a prayer of praise and thanksgiving
Bible readings and a sermon follows
congregation pays for the world and the needs of particular people
what is the impact of Holy Communion?
Churches make everyone welcome
Christians believe they receive God’s grace by joining in on the great sacrifice of Jesus
brings the believers together in unity, strengthening their commitment to their faith
what is an example of someone being healed during a pilgrimage?
Rev Elmer Baykin- had parkinsons and could not read gospels- he stood and read every line clearly in Iona
what do Christians do in Iona?
daily services in the abby Church
7 mile hike to the island’s holy spot
silence and meditation
what happened in Lourdes?
a men who had cancer in his pelvis joint- suddenly went away completely
how many miracles have occurred in Lourdes?
over 60 miracles
what happened to Bernadette in Lourdes?
1858- Bernadette had visions of Mary in a cave near a river- Bernadette spoke of praying the rosary with Mary abover her- spring of water- healing properties
what do Christians do in Lourdes?
thousands of Christians go to recite the rosary together and bathe in the water
67 miracles and 6000 cures
pray, walk around and touch the holy rock
why are trees and homes decorated with lights and nativity scenes?
the lights represent Jesus as the light coming into the world and the nativity scenes show baby Jesus being born in poverty
why do Christians send cards and exchange gifts?
recall the wise men’s gifts to Jesus
why might Christians give to charity during Christmas time?
as God gave the gift of Jesus
why do churches have carol services and readings from the Bible?
shows God’s promises of a saviour
the readings also include events of Jesus’s birth
what happens during Midnight Mass?
the church is lit by candles, when the Gospel reading takes place- the lights go on to symbolise Jesus as the light of the world
carols are sung
churches decorated
Christingle service?
children are given Christingles
a collection is taken for charity
what is the week leading up to Easter called?
the Holy Week
what happens on Good Friday?
there are special services and processions in the streets
these processions are led by a person carrying a wooden cross
what happens to churches on Easter Sunday?
churches are filled with flowers on Easter Sunday and special hymns are sung
what do Orthodox Christians do on the Saturday before Easter Sunday?
they walk around the church at midnight on Saturday and then enter the darkened church with lit candles or lamps- this symbolises entering the empty tomb
the priest then says “Christ is risen!” and the congregation says “He is risen indeed”
what do Catholics and Anglicans do on Saturday?
they have a Saturday night vigil that starts in darkness
a large Paschal candle is lit which symbolises that Christ has risen- this then ends in Holy Communion
there are sunrise services after an all-night vigil and people will share breakfast togther- eating eggs- a symbol of new life
why is Holy Week important to Christians?
brings them closer to God and Jesus
helps them understand the death of Jesus and equally his resurrection
what is the purpose of a Church?
to pray and unite Christians together to sing songs and dance
remind them of Jesus
pastoral care- food banks/soup kitchens
what is the Alpha Course?
started in 1977 by Reverand Charles Marnham
help church members understand the basics of the Christian faith
evangelistic course
what is YWAM?
Youth with a Mission
adventure to pursue God in an extraordinary way- travelling across the world, exploring cultures and spreading the word of God
what is Tearfund?
has been working in Ethiopia since the 1970’s
trying to make the country more self-sufficient
in Myanmar- Tearfund has set up a training centre so that local people can be trained to deliver medical care in their local communities- over 480 people have been trained as community health workers