islam beliefs quotes Flashcards
in the name of Allah… (99 names of Allah)
most gracious, most merciful
he neither begets…(oneness of God- Tawhid)
nor is born. nor is there to Him any equivalent
misfortunes…(Gods plan)
can only happen with Gods permission
the most excellent names…(prayer and 99 names of Allah)
begin to God: use them to call on him
he is with you…(omnipresence)
wherever you are
there is no God….(creator)
but Him, the creator of all things
each person has angels…(importance of angels)
before him and behind, watching over him by Gods command
only what God has decreed… (predestination)
will happen to us
those who believe, do good deeds…(God being just)
keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms will have their reward with their Lord
this is a truly glorious…(importance of Qur’an)
Qur’an, written on a preserved tablet
every community is sent a messenger…(God being just)
and when their messenger comes, they will be judged justly, they will not be wronged
he first created man from clay…(creation story)
then He moulded Him, He breathed from His spirit into him, He gave you hearing, sight and mind
Muhammad is God’s messenger…(prophets and how God is the most important)
and the seal of all prophets- God knows everything
He is God…(Tawhid)
the one, the eternal
No one is…(oneness of God)
comparable to Him
His mercy takes…(God is just)
precedence over his wrath
He is able…
to do all things
Is Allah not…(God being a judge and just)
the best of judges?
We do not descend…(angels)
except for the command of the Lord
every community…(prophethood)
is sent a messenger
Im going to make…(prophethood)
a human out of clay
God took Ibrahim…(prophethood)
as a friend
this is the scripture…(Qur’an)
of which there can be no doubt
Verify this is the…(Qur’an)
earliest scripture, the scripture of Ibrahim and Musa
He gives life…(life after death)
and causes death, to Him you will be returned
Fear the fire…(life after death)
which has been prepared for those who reject faith
the righteous will have…
gardens in paradise beneath which river flow
obey those…(imamate)
of you who are in authority
never will we be struck…(predestination)
except by what Allah has decreed
your Lord is God, who created…(creation story)
the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the throne
all creation…(creation story)
and all command belong to Him
it is He who created…(creation story)
night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit
it is He who has made you…(creation story)
successors on the earth
eat and drink but do not be…(belief in God)
extravagant: God does not like extravagant people
every single Muslim that cultivates or plants…(zakat)
anything of which humans, animals or birds may eat from is counted as charity towards them on his behalf (Hadith)
God does not change…(free will)
the condition of people unless they change what is in themselves
do not seek…(free will)
from it more than what you need (Hadith)
vegetation comes out of…(predestination)
good land in abundance, by the will of its Lord
praise be to God, Creator of the heavens…(creation story)
and earth, who made angels messengers with two, three, four pairs of wings
He is our Master…(belief in God)
let the believers put their trust in God
this is God, your Lord…(oneness of God)
there is no God but Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him, He is in charge of everything
no vision can…(oneness of God)
take Him in, but He takes in all vision
He is the All…(99 names of Allah)
subtle, the All aware
and when their messenger comes…(God is just)
they will be judged justly, they will not be wronged
we make no…(prophethood)
difference between any one of them
the Night of Glory…(Qur’an)
is better than a thousand months
will have their… (Heaven)
reward with their Lord
a reward for what…
they used to do (Heaven)
taste the suffering…(Hell)
of the fire
all actions are…(judgement)
judged by motives
this is the scripture in which…(Qur’an)
there is no doubt
guidance and…(Torah)
the most excellent names belong to…(99 names of Allah)
God: use them to call on him
worship him, he is…(God)
in charge of everything
He is…(God/Tawhid)
Allah the one
Follow the religion of…(Ibrahim)
Ibrahim, who was true in faith
praise to be God, who…(angels)
made angels messengers
depart from me, you who are cursed in…(Hell)
eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels
all creation and command…(oneness of God)
belonged to him