Theme B: Religion and Life Flashcards
Genesis quote about command to rule over nature
“I give you domonion..
“Rule over…”
What are the 2 interpretations of ruling nature?
- Stewardship
- Dominion
- with rulership comes responsibilities like being a caring, protective ruler
- We can use natures resources but with responsibility
- as part of our duty as rulers, we must protect Gods creation
What does the Quran say about humans?
“Khalifah” meaning ruler (Quran)
What is dominion?
- Humans are in charge of nature and can do as we please
- we can exploit nature and take what we need eg excessive moning, deforestation, pollution
Quotes on stewarship Christianity
- “take care of it” (Genesis)
- “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Pslams)
- “people are responsible for the future of the planet” Pope John Paul II
Quotes from Islam about the world
- “The world is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you His stewards over it” (Hadith)
- “Eat and drink from the provision of Allah, and do not commit abuse on the earth” (Quran)
Quotes from Sikhism about the world
- “Air is the guru, water the father, and the earth is the great mother” (GGS)
- “Air, water, earth and sky - the Lord has made these His home and temple” GGS)
What can a belief in dominion influence a believer to?
- justify medical experimentation
- see all animals as created for the benefit of humanity
- justify battery farming of animals
- justify mining, drilling for oil, deforestation
What can a belief in stewardship influence a believer to?
- care for animals, veg and vegan
- be against medical experimentation on animals
- care for environment, recycling, reducing carbon footprint
What is reverential respect?
an amazement at the beauty, power + complexity of the natural world
Religious people will thank and praise the Creator for his work
How do humans pollute the environment?
- light pollution - fewer stars in the countryside
- releasing harmful waste into air, water,
- emptying factory waste into rivers - poisons fish + fertiliser kills
How do humans cause climate change?
- Burning of fossil fuels = greenhouse gases
- Drought, malaria will come to colder areas like here, flooding
- solution = use renewable energy resources thats sustainable
How do humans destruct natural habitats?
- Pollution like oil leakage kills and redcues biodiversity
- deforestation for buildings
How do humans abuse natural resources?
- Tech means materials are being taken out faster and in greater quantities
- coal running out
What does the RCC say about the good of the earth and beauties of nature?
“The goods of the earth and the beauties of nature are to be enjoyed and celebrates as well as consumed”
Religious reasons to why people are veg/ vegan?
- follow Gods command
- animal life is sacred
- Sikhs believe eating meat is bad karma
- we have a duty as stewards not to cause harm
- Jesus taught mercy for the weak, oppressed and powerless = shouldnt exploit
Non-religious reasons to why people are veg/ vegan?
- meat industry is cruel
- might be healthier
- animals are sentient (conscious, have feelings)
- we dont need meat to survive
- against battery farming
- killing animals for food is wrong
- its speciesism to exploit animals ( peter singer)
Christian opinion to support eating meat
- God gave us “dominion” over them (Genesis)
- “What goes into someone’s mouth doesn’t defile them” - Jesus (impure them)
Christian opinion against eating meat
- Agape
- Adam and Eve were veg in Garden of Eden
- Jesus taught mercy
- God made us stewards of his creation
Muslim opinion to support eating meat
- Eid-ul-Adha = animal slaughter
- God made us “khalifah” over natural world