Islam Practices Flashcards
5 pillars sunni
10 Obligatory Acts
nahi anil munkar
6 articles of faith in Sunni
Holy Books
5 roots of usul-adin
Shia: Khums
20% tax on all income split between charity/religious leaders (10% each)
Jihad - Shia
struggle to maintain faith + defend Islam
encouraging good actions
Nahi anil munkar
discouraging bad/evil actions
loving towards friends of God including Muhammad pbuh and Imams
Disassociating from the enemies of Islam
Sunni vs Shia Shahadah
“I bear witness that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Prophet of God”
Shia: adds “and Ali is the friend of God”
What does the Shahdah show?
- Risalah = Prophet delivered the final message as the “seal of Islam” Quran
- Tawhid - 1 God, anything else = shirk
- Shia addition = Ali has authority too
Quran quote about obeying God
- “Whoever obeys God and the messengers will be among those He has blessed”
Why is the Shahdah important?
- 1st pillar for sunnis
- declaration of faith
- said when converting
- testimony - reminder of their commitments as a Muslim
- Rewards - heaven - promised to those who pull Allah first before everything
When is the Shahadah said?
- Recited since the time of the Prophet
- First words a new born hears
- Call to prayer
- Funeral service
Who was Ali?
Muhammads cousin - successor after him (shia) + only he and his descendent know the true meaning of the revelation given to Muhammad
2 Quran quotes about prayer
“Prayer is the duty of believers at fixed hours”
“Prayer separates a Muslim from a non- muslim”
Why do Muslims pray?
- commandment
- to go to heaven
- good deed
- comittment to god
- close contact to allah
- encourages self-discipline
What does praying 5 times a day prevent and how?
Sinning because God is in contact with you 5 times a day, all the time, you are reminded of his presence
Prayer names + times
Fajr - dawn, before sunrise
Zuhr - after sun passes its highest point
Asr - late afternoon
Maghrib - just after sunset
Isha - complete darkness, between sunset + midnight
ritual washing - physical and spiritual
if water isnt availible, sand or dust can be used as a sign or spiritual
Quran quote about wudu
“when you are about to pray, wash your face and your hands up to the elbows”
“wipe your hands”
niche in the wall indicating the direction of Mecca
Qiblah wall
wall in the mosque that contains the mihrab
sequence of movement in prayer
Prayer in Islam How?
Start with “Allahu akbar” - greatest
Read first chapter of Quran - Al Fatiha
End - dua (choice)
Quran quote about how prayer can be done anywhere except
“The entire earth has been made a place of prayer except toilets and graves”
9th monthe of Islamic calender
Night of Power
night when 1st revelation of quran was revealed
The Feast of Breaking the Fast -muslim festival of end of ramadan
When does Sawm take place?
Ramadan - 9th month in lunar calender
Why does Sawm happen
- Quran was 1st revealed
- Quran : “self-restraint”
- Develop religious purity and its a command and its one of the pillars
- Gratitude and empathy to the poor
- focus on spirituality and repent
Quran quote about Ramadan
“It was in the month of Ramadan that the Quran was revealed as guidance for mankind”
Who is exempt from Sawm?
- pregnant
- menstruating
- young kids
- unwell
- people travelling
make up fasts
What do ppl do on Eid-ul-fitr?
- wear nice clothes
- charity
- decorate
- spend time with fam/friends
- morning prayers
Hadith about fasting
“Fasting is for me and I shall reward you”
What do people do on the night of power?
- worship more
- duas accepted on odd days - last 10 days
- read Quran
- listen to talks from scholars
- Go mosque
a journey by a believer to religious site
the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should try to make t least 1 in their lives
Black building in centre of grand mosque
festival honouring Ibrahims willingness to sacrifice his son
Origins of Hajj
- Hajar runs out of food - runs between safa and marwa 7 times
- ishmael struck foot on ground - zamzam
- Allah instructs Ibrahim to build a shrine - kaaba
- Mecca was built around Kaaba
- People started to worship idols in Kaaba
- Muhammad makes his return to Mecca and restores Kaaba
Night of Power Quran Quote
“The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months”
Zakah amount
2.4 per cent of savings
Quran quote about Zakah
God is well aware of whatetever good you do
good actions.voluntary payments that are undertaken for charitable reasons
Significance of Zakah
- duty from God
- not to be greedy
- stengthens communities - rich support poor
Stages of Hajj
- Entering state of ihram
- Tawaf
- Sai
- Safa Marwa
- Mina Tent city
- Arafat mount of mercy
- muzdalifah
- Mina 2 Jamarat
- Qurbani Eid ul Adha
Significance of Ihram
- white cloth - 2 sheets for men - equality and purity
- women - single cloth
Significance of circling Kaabar 7 times
- anticlockwise
- stone is ancient - origin is unclear
- Can touch black stone
What do people do in Mina?
- 8km journey
- prayer and remebering Allah
collect pebbles and spend night here
What happens in Mina?
- first rami - throwing seven pebbles at the largest of 3 columns known as Jamarat
- symbolic - stoning devil
- Mina - where devil appeared to dissuade Abaraham from following command
- Abraham threw stones to scare him off
Sacrifice - Hajj
- sheep, goat, cow or camel
- pilgrims trim or shave hair and remove ihram clothes
- Go to Mecca for tawaf and sai, circle then safa marwa, then Mina
Final days in Mina
- stone devil, 7 pebbles on each 3 pillars
- final circulation of Kaaba
- Go to Medina - optional - Prophet buried with companions
Standing at Arafat
- where Muhammad preached his last sermon
- prayer under hot sun
- heat of sun - reminder of Day of J
- Forgiveness of sins of all who complete standing at Arafat - only if they know what they did wrong, determined not to repeat and make up for sins
Significance of Hajj
- deep spiritual transformation
- teaches sincerity and humility
- inner preace
- self discipline
- emphasises unity and equality
- reminds Muslims of the faith and examples set by Ibrahim, Hajira, and Ishmael
- forgiveness for sins
to struggle against evil (internal,external, collective, personal)
Greater jihad
inside you, personal struggle of living in faith
Lesser jihad
facing the world, outward struggle to defend ones faith
Holy war
fighting for a religious cause or God
Hadith about the best type of jihad
“The best hijad is the word of justice in the face of an oppressor”
Quran quote about those who strive for Gods cause
“those who have striven for Gods cause, it is them who can look forward to Gods mercy”
Ashura for Shia
- holy day that is important for Shia Muslims - they remember the battle of Karbala and death of Husayn
- day of mourning
- Muharram (10th day)
Who was Husayn?
- son of Imam Ali and grandson of Prophet Muhammad
What happened in the battle of Karbala?
Husayn was matryed along with 70 women,men and kids
Which caliph was the battle fought against - karbala?
army of caliph yazid
What happened to women of Husayn?
they were taken as prisoners
What rituals do Shia practice to mourn the martyrdom of Husayn?
- beating of chest - feel what HhHusayn felt
- plays
- prayer
- charity
- self-flagellation
What values did Husayn die for?
symbol against injustice and oppression
Sunni view on Ashura
- Quran “day of atonement”
- Day when Moses/Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt
- day of fasting
What did the Prophet say about Ashura?
Hadith “This is the day when Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemy and Musa fasted on this day”
What did Husayn say about dignity
“Death with dignity is better than life with humanity” - fought against injustice