Islam Flashcards
Whats Tawhid?
Oneness of God
1. Oneness of Lordship
2. One worthy of worship
3. Oneness of attributes
Whats shirk?
Associating/worshipping others with God
What is the Quran?
Words of Allah
What is a Hadith?
Sayings based on validity
What is a Sira?
What are the 3 battles?
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Uhud
- Battle of the Trench
When and what was the Battle of Badr?
- 624
- 300 Muslims vs 1000 Meccans/ Quraysh
- Despite being outnumbered, Muslims won - miracle
When and what was the Battle of Uhud?
- 625
- Quraysh didnt give up - sent an army of 3000
- Muslim army loses due to being distracted by loot
When and what was the Battle of the Trench?
627 - Muslims build a trench when Quraysh (1000) tries to go through mountains to Yathrib
What is Surah 112?
- “He is God, the One
- God, the absolute
- He begets not,, nor was He begotten
- there is nothing comparable to him
What is the nature of Allah?
- Merciful - Ar Rahman (99 Names)
- One - Tawhid - “He is God, the one” Quran
- Immanent (closeness) - “We are closer than your jugular vein”
- Transcendence (beyond universe, time, space) - “Nothing is comparable to Him”
- Beneficient
- Creator/Omnipotent - “Allah created the heavens and the Earth”
- Just and Fair - the judge who is fair
When did the Prophet die?
632 AD
6 Articles of faith in Sunni Islam
- God
- Prophets
- Angels
- Holy Books
- Afterlife
- Predestination
Who are the Caliphs in Sunni Islam?
- Abu Bakr
- Umar 634 - 644
- Uthman 12 yrs
What is an imamate?
Divinely appointed leaders chosen by God for Islamic community
Who is Ali (AS)?
Prophet’s daughters (Fatima) husband/ Prophets cousin
What are the 5 roots of Usul ad-din?
- God
- Prophets
- Resurrection
- Justice of God (Adalat)
- Imamate
Person who proclaims the message of God
Belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and human
Iblis (Satan)
Spiritual being created from fire, who was thrown to paradise for refusing to bow to Adam
Key Events of Adam
- 1st man on Earth + Prophet
- Hawwa and Adam had Cain and Abel in Garden of Bliss
- 1st to plant seeds, harvest crops, cook food
- God revealed to him food Muslims can eat, how to repent, how to bury the dead
Story of Adam
- Allah told angels to bow down to Adam out of respect, Iblis refused
- Iblis thrown out of paradise and vowed to mislead humans away from Allah
- Allah told Hawwa and Adam not to approach the tree
- Iblis deceived them and they ate from the tree
- Actions brought sin into the world, all humans will be judged on DOJ
- Adam repented, Iblis didnt
Story of Ibrahim
- Father Azar was a sculptor and made idols
- Ibrahim threw them into water
- Searched for the truth, Allah made him a prophet
- Preached by ppl ridiculed him
- He destroyed the idols and asked the ppl to get answers from idols
- Fire built for him, Allah commanded fire to cool down
- Ibrahim married Sarah (barren - cant have babies), then Hajar
- Hajar had Ismail who was to be sacrificed according to Ibrahims dream
- Ram was sacrificed instead
- Allah gave Sarah Ishaq
10.Hajar and Sarah were jealous so H and I left - H and I were thirsty and Allah gave them a well, H called it Zamzam
- Ibrahim built Kaaba with Ismail to thank Allah
Story of Muhammad pbuh
- Born in Mecca, orphaned and brought up by Abu Talib
- Became a merchant and married a wealthy widow Khadijah at 25
- Went to Mount Hira for mediation an dprayer
- Jibril appeared with a msg from Allah, 1st revelation for 20 yrs (Night of Power)
- Jibril took him to Jerusalem (Night Journey) on a horse with wings (al Buraq), ascended into heaven, sopke to prophets, told ppl to pray 5
- Challenged ppl from Mecca to stop cheating, alcohol, gambling, idol worship
- Fled to Medinah (Hijrah) beginning of the Ummah
- Gathered army of 10,000 Muslims convnerts marched to Mecca and conquered city
- Won many battles and returned to Medinah, ill and died
person considered to be a political and religious succesor of the prophet and leader of Sunni Muslim Community
Imam sunni def
leader of prayer
Imam shia def
title given to Ali and 11 successors
ppl of the house - prophet, fatima (Daughter), 12 imams
Other holy books in Islam
- Scroll of Ibrahim - Suhuf
- Torah - Tawrat
- Pslams - Zabur
- Gospels - Injil
Scrolls of Ibrahim
- earliest scripture
- now lost
- revealed to moses on mount sinai
- some is word of Allah, some human addition
- “guidance and light” Quran
- Revealed to Jesus
- good news of Jesus
- not the biblical Gospels
- Islamic view of Jesus
- Virigin birth, miracles, no claims of divinity (Jesus not GOd), no cruxification, atonement ( Jesus died for our sins, Allah is all compassionate), no resurrection
- Revealed to David
- “We gave Dawud the Zabur”
- Collection of prayers + poems
- key info on Masih (messiah)
Beliefs about Quran
- Direct word of God
- intends to correct earlier revelations
- Miracle, prophet was illiterate
Compilation of the Quran
- 114 chapters/surahs
- not in chronological order, lengths
- Prophet learnt Quran by heart and encouraged others
Contents of Quran
- All chapters but 1 start with “In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate”
- Spiritual guidance
- Basis of worship, legal, social, moral, political systems
Ways which Muslim show importance of the Quran
- Perform ablution before touching
- Nothing on top of it
- Not on the floor
Characteristics of angels
- No free will, act on Gods command
- Beings of light
- Pure and sinless
Names of angels
- Mikail
- Jibril
- Munkir and Nakir
- Kiraman and Katibeen
- Malik
- Israfil
- “angel of mercy”
- “giver of rain and sustenance”
- 1st to bow to Adam
- Assists humanity - helped during BOB
- “spirit of holiness”
- “messenger”
- 1st thing given life by God
- delivers msg to humanity - mary about jesus
- assists humanity , cool fire, revealed zamzam
Nakir and Munkir
Questions you in your grave
Gaurdian of hell
Day of J trumpet
Kiraman and Katibeen
Recording deeds
Quote about angels
- “As the 2 recording angels - 1 stting to the right and the other to the left - note everything” Surah 50:17
- “Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by Allah’s command”
- “They do not precede Him in speech and (only) according to His commandments do they act”
Al Qadr
Predestination - God knows and determines everything that will happen in the universe beforehand
Quote about Al Qadr
- “Only God has decreed what will happen to us” Quran (9:51)
- “Misfortunes can only happen with Gods permission”
- “You will be questioned about your deeds”
- “God does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves”
Signs of the end of the world
- Appearance of Mahdi (Shia think hes alr here)
- Return of Isa
- False messiah deceive people
- Increase earthquakes
- Killing
- Rejection of Islam
- Dishonesty
- Drunkenness
- Obscenity
- Nakedness
- Forcination
- Corrupt society
- Angel of death Azrail take their souls to await the day
- Munkar and Nakir question soul when funeral and burial is over
1. Who is your Lord
2. What is your religion
3. What if your faith about Muhammad pbuh - Sould enters barzakh (waiting) until D of J
Judgment day
- Israfil blows trumpet sky is torn, dead rise from grave (Day of Resurrection)
- If book of deeds is given in right hand = heaven, left = hell
- God weighs your deeds: actions + niyah (intention)
- Good intention, unable to do = good
- Good int., able to do = 10 good deeds
- Bad int., didnt do = good deed
- Bad int, did do = bad deed
- After judgment, people pass over Bridge of As Sirat
- Must have asked for ALLAHS forgiveness
- No illness/worries
- families reunited
- reward for good faith and deeds
- angels welcome
7 levels
- “the fire” Quran Al-Nar
- fire, boiling water, torment
- 7 levels
Quotes about Paradise
- “My Garden”
- “rivers flow”
- “a reward for what they used to do” (Quran)
Quotes about Hell
- “Taste the suffering of the fire”
Why is Muhammad pbuh important for Muslims?
- Served Allah
- Determined and patient
- Brave
- Humble, modest, sense of duty and community
- Good leader
- Excellent political/religious leader
- Allowed religious freedom, rights for women, elderly, sick
- Good husband and father
- Saw fam is the basic unit for society
- Looked for ways to enable all to learn
Quotes about Allah’s attributes
- “We are closer to you than your jugular vein.”
- “He is with you wherever you are.”
- “Allah is the Creator of everything and He has authority over everything.”
- “In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent.”
- My mercy prevails over My wrath” (hadith)
- “Allah loves those who are fair and just”
- “On the day of Judgement rights will be given to those whom they are due and wrongs will be redressed”
How does Tawhid influence a Muslim
If Allah has power then Muslims will live according to his will
How do Angels infleunce a Muslim
If your actions are recorded you will live a good life in order to enter heaven
How do holy books influence a Muslim
Muslims listen to the messages and follow the examples of the prophets
How does the Day of J influence
The whole of this life is a test for the next life and for judgement
How does Al Qadr influence
Allah knows the choices that humans will make
Quote about Prophet
“Seal of the Prophets”
Quote about Allah being omnipotent?
Quran “All is the Creator of everything” + “Allah does what He will”
Quote about Allah being transcendent?
- “Eternal”
- “Nothing is comparable to him”
- “No vision can take him in”
Who purified Prophet’s heart when he was young?
Angel Jibreel
How does belief in the imamate influence Shias?
they believe what they said was infallible (no flaws)
Hadith on what Allah will say on the DAY OF J
“I am the King: where are the kings of the earth?”
Ways in which the belief in predestination may influence Muslims
- Put their trust in Allah because their life is going according to Allahs plan - not to lose hope
- makes them more God conscious, try their best to live good lives
- Allah has the power over everything, good and bad comes from Allah, from his will
- Make them reliant on God rather taking responsibility for their own actions, could make them give up if everything is already pre-determined
- Not afraid of death as outcome is determined
5 marker + quote
Role of Prophets beliefs
- Role model for future gen eg Sunnah by Prophet
- Establish monotheistic beliefs **“Say He is Allah the One” ** (Quran)
- reinforce message of tawhid (Ibrahim broke idols)
- remove injustice from world
- create harmonious society
- pass on Allah’s divine message
- warn peopple about afterlife and the consequences of living a life of sin
in support to why we should follow
Facts about the Quran for a 12 marker
- direct word of Allah, cant be distorted
- code of life
- main source of Shariah Law
- Some Hadith are open to change and alterations whereas God has vowed to protect the Quran “we are the protectors of it”
- its a divine revelation - God talking to us and how to live a good life
against - shouldnt follow
Facts against the Quran for a 12 marker
- old fashioned - revealed over 1400 yrs ago, technology isnt mentioned in Quran like phones, ivf
- Doesnt provide details on how to pray, Hadith shows it
- In Shia Islam, imam has equal/higher authority
- guidance can come from elsewhere like parents
- some unsure about religious meaning of Quran, need support of mosque + imam
Beliefs about the Quran
- direct word of Allah
- holy
- revealed to prophet
- revealed over a period of time
- revealed on mount Hira on Laylatul Qadr by Jibril
- source of guidance
- memorised
- stories of prophets
- final revelation
Explain ways in which the belief in the Imamate influences Shia Muslims
- follow 12 imams, they are infallible, live life according to their ways
- influence to follow in their footsteps - stand up against injustice
- celebrate life of imams, by travelling to their esting places eg Karbala
- live life according to the laws, teaching set by them, doing good
What did Jibril say to Prophet?
Quran: “Read in the name of you Lord”
all merciful