Theme A: Relationships & Family Flashcards
Uncondition love
Bible Quotes about adultery
- “You shall not commit adultery” 10 Commandments
- “Whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body”
Living together without being married
Jesus temple quote
“Your body is a temple of the holy spirit”
Artificial contraception
- The pill - stops releasing eggs
- Condoms
- Coil
- Implant
Natural contraception
- Withdrawal method
- Rythym method
Permanent Contraception
- Sterilisation
Family Planning
Practice of controlling the No of kids 1 has and intervals between their births, particularly by means of a contraception or voluntary sterilisation
In favour of Family Planning Quotes
- Liberal Christians - economic, psychological,physical
- Other purposes of it like cementing bond
- Agape
- Withdrawal method from Prophet - sunnah allows this
Against FP Quotes
- RCC believe its only to procreate and any method preventing that is sinful
- Wide availibity on contra encourages promiscuity
- “Be fruitful and multiply” God’s command in Genesis
Christian view on marriage
- Marriage is sacrement (sacred ritual) and its a covenant (sacred agreement with God)
- By ptcping in sacrament, couple is ptcping in the love of God
Purpose of marriage - Christian
- Honour God
- Reproduce in correct environment
- Introduce kids to church
- Supoort and love one another
Quote on marriage Christian
- A man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, they become 1 flesh” Genesis
Man has multiple wives
Conditions of Polygamy
Provide for all financially, emotionally, physically and get consent from wife
Why did the Prophet allow polygamy?
There were many war widows
Quran Polygamy
- “marry such women as is good to you, two, three, four then in case you fear you will not do justic, then one”
In favour of divorce and remarriage
- Lesser of 2 evils - best option eg abusive r/ship
- Hadith - Divorce is the most hated of lawful things, allowed in Sharia law
- Talaq - man can say “I divorce you” X3 over a period of time
- Gospel of Matthew - exceptions clause (adultery)
- Agape
Against divorce and remarriage
- Catholic Church says its wrong - its a sacrement and covenant
- “what God has joined together, let no man separate” Bible
- Gospel of Mark - “Whoever divorces his wife and remarries another, comitts adultery”
Nuclear family
parents and kids
reconstituted family
family + one other (step_
extended family
family + 1 more gen eg cousins
Christian view on role of a family
- introduce children to faith
- teach agape
- baptism
- educate, stability, nurtuting
Bible Quote on raising children and listening to parents
- “bring them up in the discripline and instructure of the Lord” Ephesians
- “Hear, my son you father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teacher” Proverbs
Bible quote on taking care of family
Timothy = “If anyone does not take care of his relatives, especially members of his own family, he has denied the faith and worse than an unbeliever”
Bible quote about love
“Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love”
Islamic quote about father and education
Prophet = “a father gives his child nothing better than an education”
Hadith on roles of family
- ” a husband is a gaurdian of his family, and is responsible for it; a lady is a gaurdian of her husband’s house and is responsible for it”
What is the mothers role in an Islamic household?
To ensure that the kids are raised in a halal household
What do muslims do when a baby is born?
Whispher the Shahadah in the ear, also they will be judged on how they raise their kids
choosing not to have s. r/s at all for extended periods of time eg priest
choosing not to have s. r/s for now, waiting for marriage
s. r/s with smn of diff s
s r/s with smn of same s
Religious views accepting homos.
- Agape “love thy neighbour” jesus, promotes tolerance and acceptance
- Jesus didnt explicity say anything about it , his silence = ok
- Liberal christians eg Quakers = “It is the nature and quality of a r/ship that matters (quaker view on s)
Religious views rejecting homos.
- “man must not lie with must, it is an abomination “ OT bible
- “indecent acts” - St Pauls, new testa, bible
- Old Testa = Story of sodom and gomorrah = punished for sodomy
- Quran “transgressors “ sodom = breaking Gods law
- Catholic Church = prupose of s is procreation and homos cant fufil this purpose therefore sinful
- In RCC, gay catholic is expected to be celibate
- “Pray the gay away” Evangenical Protestants belive its a sin and hold special prayer meetings to change thier orientation
- RCC and CoFE against same s marriage = christian def of marriage = 1 man and 1 woman foundation to procreate
Christian quote about how marriage is only betwen a man and woman
“blesses Adam and Eve” suggesting marriage (Bible)
What are civil marriages?
Married but not through a religious ceremony, legalised in March 2014, done at the regristary office
What are civil partnerships?
legal regristration of a same sex couple
How do same sex parents get children?
Surrogacy or adoption
Hadith about divorce being bad
“The throne of Allah shakes due to divorce”