Theme A: Relationships & Family Flashcards
Uncondition love
Bible Quotes about adultery
- “You shall not commit adultery” 10 Commandments
- “Whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body”
Living together without being married
Jesus temple quote
“Your body is a temple of the holy spirit”
Artificial contraception
- The pill - stops releasing eggs
- Condoms
- Coil
- Implant
Natural contraception
- Withdrawal method
- Rythym method
Permanent Contraception
- Sterilisation
Family Planning
Practice of controlling the No of kids 1 has and intervals between their births, particularly by means of a contraception or voluntary sterilisation
In favour of Family Planning Quotes
- Liberal Christians - economic, psychological,physical
- Other purposes of it like cementing bond
- Agape
- Withdrawal method from Prophet - sunnah allows this
Against FP Quotes
- RCC believe its only to procreate and any method preventing that is sinful
- Wide availibity on contra encourages promiscuity
- “Be fruitful and multiply” God’s command in Genesis
Christian view on marriage
- Marriage is sacrement (sacred ritual) and its a covenant (sacred agreement with God)
- By ptcping in sacrament, couple is ptcping in the love of God
Purpose of marriage - Christian
- Honour God
- Reproduce in correct environment
- Introduce kids to church
- Supoort and love one another
Quote on marriage Christian
- A man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, they become 1 flesh” Genesis
Man has multiple wives
Conditions of Polygamy
Provide for all financially, emotionally, physically and get consent from wife
Why did the Prophet allow polygamy?
There were many war widows