Human Rights Flashcards
Human Rights
Rights a person should be entitled to simply because they are a human being
Social Justice
Bringing justice / fairness to society so that all peopl ehave the same oppurtunities
What was the UDHR?
1948 by UN
Belief that all is equal in value and worth
Negative thoughts, feelings or beliefs about a person based on a characteristic they have
Actions that come from prejudiced views
Sikhism Equality quotes - 4
- “We are all made of the same clay.”
- “God’s light is within everyone.”
- “From the women is the man, without the woman there is none.”
- “Recognise the entire human race as one.”
Bible quotes about equality - 2
- “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.” (The Bible)
- “God created mankind in his own image.” (The Bible)
Islam quote and hadith - Equality
- “Mankind is naught but a single nation.” (Quran)
- “There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab.” (Hadith)
Freedom of Religious Belief
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change religion or belief
Freedom of Religious Expression
The right to freely practice religion without discrimination or punishment; e.g. being able to freely attend your place of worship or being allowed space / time to pray in the workplace
Quotes supporting religious belief - 3
- “God created mankind in his own image.” (Bible)
- “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (Quran)
- “There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim.” (Guru Nanak)
Quotes against religious belief - 4
- Apostasy (leaving the religion) is punishable by death in some interpretations of Sharia Law
- “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jesus)
- “Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.” (Exodus)
- “Whoever changes his religion, kill him” (Hadith)
Islam beliefs of religious expression
- “To you your religion, to me mine” Quran
- Constitution of Medina promotoes religious tolerance towards people of the book
- HOWEVER, there are apostasy laws in some interpretations of Sharia Law = death
Sikhism on religion expression
- Sikhs must cause no offence of those of other faiths
- HOWEVER, no religious expression thats harmful
Christianity on religious expression
- “Love, and do what you will” St. Augustine, as long as its loving, do what you will
- St Paul preached tolerance in other practices
- No RE thats harmful
Quotes supporting gender equality - 4
- “From woman, man is born.” (Guru Granth Sahib)
- “Anyone, male or female, who does right actions and believes, will enter the Garden.” (Qur’an)
- “You are all one in Christ” (St Paul, Bible)
- “God’s light is within everyone” GGS
Quotes against gender equality
- But the men have a degree over them (in responsibility and authority)” (Quran)
- “Wives, submit to your husbands.” (St. Paul, Bible)
- “I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man, she must be silent.” (St. Paul, Bible)
- Eve is a “helper” over Adam
What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
- Story tells us we are all neighbours, not because of our racial ties
- Jesus chose the Samaritan to help in his story beacsue the audience didn’t like Samaritans
- Teachers agape
- Show compassion and love regardless of race
What is the equality act (2010)?
Legally protects people from discrimination in workplace and wifer society (characteristics that are protected includes race)
Positive discrimination
Practice/policy of favouring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously
Examples of protected characteristics
- Age
- Disability
- Religion
- Gender reassingment
- Marriage/ civil partnership
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Pregnancy
- Race
Examples on positive discrimination
- In France, all state-owned companies must have at least 40% female board members - all appointments of males as directors will be invalid as long as the quote isnt met
- Stormzy set up a full scholarship for 2 black british students each academic year in Cambridge uni
- Australia’s Metropolitan Fire Brigade lowered the standards for their physical entrance exams to recruit more women into the fire service
Arguements against positive discrimination
- Meritocracy (best person for role) is preferable
- Its an inequality
- Dangerous (fire brigade eg)
Arguments supporting positive discrimination + example of figures
- Corrects earlier injustices eg SA post apartheid, Dalits in India
- More diverse workplace
- Helps break down stereotypes
- Jesus and Prophet helped the oppressed (helped a black African slave and made him the 1st to say prayer call)
- “Allah loves those who are fair and just” - Quran
What is absolute poverty?
Severe lack of basic human needs including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and info
What is relative poverty?
Condition in which people have the bare minium amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live in
Causes of Poverty
- Colonisation
- Debt
- War
- Corrupt gov
- Disability/ Disease
- Lack of education/ employment
- Family upbringing
- High interest loans
- People trafficking
Causes of being rich
- Rich family
- Highly paid job
- Investments/ Savings
- Inheritence
- Successful business
- Crime
- Marriage
- Gambling
Use of wealth in Islam + quote
- Wealth comes from Allah
- 5 Pillars - Zakat - 2.5% tax on excess money that goes to charitable purposes
- Hadith (“He who eats and drinks while his bro goes hungry is not one of us”)
- Charity is your “shade” on Day of Judgment (hadith)
Uses of wealth in Christianity
- Jesus fed 5000 people - miracle
- Parable of the sheeps and goats - sheep follow jesus to heaven
- “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” Jesus
- “whatever you did for one of the least of my bros and sis, you did for me”
Uses of wealth Sikhism
- Vand Chakna
- Sewa - selfless service - langar
- “All human beings are reflections of the one” GGS
- Anyone possessing riches has been blessed by God to help the poor
Probs related to donating money to charity
- Most are short term, dont solve under-lying causes eg corrupt gov
- Not all go to a good cause - most go to administration costs eg workers
- Charities may remove gov responsiblity
What does the UK gov do to fight poverty?
- Benefits
- Minimum wage
- Free NHS
- Free school meals
- Food banks/ vouchers
- Job seekers allowance
- Council houses
What is exploitation?
To selfishly take advantage of someone
What is fair pay?
Payment that is appropriate for the work done
What is interest?
Money paid back on loans in addition to the initial amount borrowed
What is excessive interest?
Loans that have extremely high interest rates, meaning borrowers end up being forced to pay more than what they borrowed
What does Christianity say about exploitation + quote?
- Agape - exploitation isnt an expression of love
- Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated
- Old Testament = “Do not take advantage of a hard worker who is poor and needy”
What does Islam say about exploitation?
- “Allah loves those who are fair and just” Quran
- Prophet known as Al-Sadiq because he was fair and honest in business when he was a trader
- “Allah shows mercy to a man who is kind when he sells, when he buys, and when he makes a claim” Hadith
- Usury (interest) is haraam if lender benefits from riba (lending $ with interest)
What does Sikhism say about exploitation?
- “Gods light is within everyone”
- 3 fold path - Kirit Karni - honest livihood = interest isnt an honest way of earning $
- GN warned Malik Bhago against $ through exploitation - story of blood and milk from bread
How many slaves are there today?
40 ml
What is people trafficking?
Illegal transport of people from 1 country or area to another, often resulting in labour or s exploitation
What does Islam say about people trafficking and slavery?
- Quran says that Prophet is sent as a “mercy for mankind”
- Prophet chose Bilal, African slave, to be 1st prayer caller when he conquered city of Mecca to show all are free in eyes of Allah
- “Do not be a slave to others, when Allah has made you free” Imam Ali AS
- Use £ to free slaves - Zakat
What does Sikhism say about people trafficking and slavery?
“See all of human kind as 1 caste” Guru Gobind Singh
What does Christianity say about people trafficking and slavery?
- Agape
- “made in the image of God” Genesis
- Golden Rule
- Jesus came to set the captives free
How are people exploited?
- Traffickers exploit ppl who want to escape poverty
- Globalisation makes it easier for ppl to be moved
- Increased demand for migrant workers in developed countries
- War, natural disasters, political instabliity
- Gender discrimination - girls less likely to have life oppurtunieis than boys
- Weak laws mean authorities turn a blind eye to traffickers
What roles are ppl forced to do?
- construction
- drug trade
- agriculture
- mining
- manufactoring
- domestic work
- forced begging
- child soldiers