Sikhism Flashcards
What caste was Guru Nanak born in and when?
He was born in a Hindu Kshatriya (high caste) family in 1469
Rank the caste system
- Brahmin (priestly caste)
- Kshatriya (kings,army,ruling caste)
- Vaishya (merchant,businesses)
- Shudra (servant)
- Dalit (Outcaste)
How was India during Guru Nanak’s time and what did the Mughals and Hindu leaders do?
- 2 main religions - Islam and Hinduism
- Mughals forced Hindus to convert to Islam
- Hindu leaders were corrupt and charged lots of money to perform religious ceremonies
What did Guru Nanak do as a child?
- He refused to follow the traditional ritual ceremony (sacred thread ceremony - Brahmins believed boys can reach heaven) because being kind and content will make you closer to God
Story of Duni Chand
Rich man Duni was asked to take a needle and give it back to him in the after life by Nanak. He taught him that you should share your wealth and not be greedy as wealth cannt help you when you die
River Experience
Guru Nanak went to bathe in the river and he didn’t return. People thought he was dead and after 3 days he reappeared. He said “there is neither Hindu nor Muslim”, and he went to spread his message
Guru Nanak: Hardwar
- Hindus were throwing water towards the sun because they believed that their ancestors were in the sun (old tradition)
- Nanak taught that you shouldn’t follow these rituals blindly
- Nanak started to throw the water away from the sun to water the field of Punjab
- He did this to prove that the Hindu’s water cant reach their ancestors because Nanak’s water can’t reach the field of Punjab
Guru Nanak: Tibet
- Monks meditated all day long
- Nanak taught thatr you must meditate on God’s name but also [play an active role to help others - action is needed, you can’t improve the world through thoughts alone
- Miri-Piri - balance between worldy and spirtitual duties
Guru Nanak: Baghdad
- Music had been banned because Muslims believed it was sinful
- Nanak said that music itself is neutral - it depends on how you use it
- Music can be used to praise God
Guru Nanak: Mecca
- Nanak fell asleep with his feet towards the Kaa’ba
- Muslims became angry towards his disrespect to God
- Nanak said that God is everywhere (“in which direction is Allah not present”)
What is the Mool Mantar?
What is Ang?
- Opening verse of the GGS describing beliefs about God
- Term used to refer to a verse in the GGS
Gives examples of the Mool Mantar
- There is only one God
- Truth is His name
- He is the Creator
- He is without fear
- He is without hate
- He is beyond time (transcendent)
- He is beyond birth and death
- He is self-existent
What are Sikh views on God? Include quotes
- “He created the Sun and the Moon; night and day, they move according to His Will” - He controls everything. He is all powerful and can do anything he wants
- We are manifestations of 1 being. We are all God’s energy. 1 experiencing different forms
What is Samsara? What is it fueled by? What can humans do?
Cycle of birth, death and rebirth. This is fueled by karma and our soulds pass through a series of numerous incarnations (gives you a chance to escape mukhti). Only humans can make moral decisions therefore being incarnated as a human is a huge oppurtunity.
What is Karma? Include the quote.
Law of action and consequence -not God’s reward or punishment
Quote: “This body is a field of karma whatever you plant, you shall harvest”
What is haumai?
Selfishness (leads you away from God), ego, spiritual disease
What is maya?
Illusion of the temporary world
What are the 5 thieves?
- Greed
- Vanity (obsessed with how you look)
- Attachment
- Anger
- Lust
All these lead you further away from God
What are the 5 stages of mukhti?
- Khand 1 - acknowledging God’s existance
- Khand 2 - Increased knowledge in understanding God and His power
- Khand 3 - Knowledge must be accompanied with discipline to remove haumai
- Khand 4 - Overcoming 5 Thieves (lesser mukti - person is freed from haumai but still in human form)
- Khand 5 - Reached mukti - you merge with God
Explain the 2 sides of Mukhti
- Negative (lesser mukhti) - refers to a person being freed from wordly temptations but still in their human form
- Positive mukhti - fullest and truest realisation of the self merging with God when you die
What are Sikh virtues?
- Justice
- Temperance
- Patience
- Courage
- Humility
- Contentment
- Wisdom
- Truthful living
What is the 3 fold path?
- Nam Japna - meditating on God’s name
- Kirit Karni - honest livelihood
- Vand Chakna - Sharing with others
What is the quote about virtues from Nanak?
Nanak - “Turth is higher than everything; but higher still is truthful living”
Quote about manmurkh
The self-willed manmurkh is lured by another man’s wife
Quote about reincarnation
“This human body has been given to you. This is your chance to meet God”
Quote about gurmukh
“The God-conscious being looks upon all alike”
What is a gurmukh?
Those who keep God in their mind (God-centred)
What is a manmukh?
Someone who is self-centred, ego-centred and possessed by the 5 thieves
List some difficulties in being gurmukh in the modern world
- Discrimination in multi-ethnic societies leads to anger (thief)
- Vanity and appearance obsessed society
- Difficulties in practicing religion to fullest e.g kara, kirpan, kesh
- Diluting of religious expression in a secular society e.g interfaith marriages
- Distractions in modern world e.g technology
What does:
1. Omnipotent
2. Omniscient
3. Omnibenevolent
- All powerful
- All knowing
- All loving
What is a Khand?
Stages to mukhti (there are 5 Khands)
What is Sewa?
Selfless service (for others)
Who is Guru Harkrishan?
8th Guru of the Sikhs
What is Deswandh?
10% of earnings given towards a noble cause
Examples of selfless service
- Volunteering at hospitals/care homes
- Helping others
- Teaching someone to read Gurmukhi
- Donating
3 types of Sewa
- Man (mind)
- Tan (body)
- Dhan (financial)
What is Man?
Service from the mind eg studying the GGS and teaching it to others
Physical service eg working in langar, voluntary work at Gurdwara
Matertial service to other people eg Daswandh
2 Quotes about Sewa
- “Serving others is serving God”
- “A place in God’s court can only be attained if we do service to others in this world”
What is Sangat?
Congregation - refers to a gathering of God-oriented (Sikh) people who are worshipping together
What is Sat Sangat?
True congregation
What happend in Kartapur?
- Guru Nank purchased Kartapur
- This was were the 1st Sikg Sangat happend
- Relates to the 3 fold path which is expressed through the community
How does Kartapur express the 3 fold path as a community?
- Dharamsala - Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims would pray together and praise God (Naam Japna and equality)
- Everyone contributing and Guru Nanak himself working in the fields (Kirit Karni, Miri-Piri, Equality)
- Langar Hall open to all - vegetarian (Vand Chakna, Sewa, Equality)
Give 3 quotes on Sangat from the GGS
- “Without the Sat Sangat, no one finds peace” (refers to mukti)
- “How does one recognise Sangat? Sangat is where the Lord’s name is recited” (Naam Japna)
- “Sangat is the school of the soul”
- “the Glorious Virtues of the Lord are studied”
- ” merge with their Lord and Master”
Examples of gender inequality in India
- Practice of Sati
- Purdah
- Dowry System
- Female Infanticide
What is Sati?
When husband dies, Hindu woman (wife) must leap into funeral pyre
What is the dowry system?
Bride’s family pay the groom’s fam with money/goods to take their daughter to ensure the marriage stays (done before marriage)
What is purdah?
Women obliged to cover faces in front of men, even at home, they cant enter house of pray during their monthly cycles
What is female infanticide?
- Deliberate killing of female babies/toddlers
- Seen as a burden/curse
Quotes for GGS about women
- From the woman is the man, without woman there is none
- Why call women evil who gives birth to kings and all
Stories about women
- Guru Amar Das (3rd Guru) trained and appointed a large no of women as religious leaders
- Guru Hargobind had a bodygaurd - Mai Bhago (warrior princess) and led men
- Mata Khivi - The soup kitchen Master - made langar, GGS describes her as a good person, affectionate mother
Quote about mukti
Mukti is the jewel of life
Quote about Sewa
A place in God’s court can only be attained if we do service to others
Haumai quote
“spiritual disease”
Why is karma important belief for Sikhs?
- Gurus taught it
- teaches Sukhs to treat others with respect
- shapes rebirth/mukti
- good deeds = good karma
- balances the world
2 ways in which equality was shown in the life of Guru Gobind Singh
- Panj Pyare were diif castes classes wealth = doesnt matter, their attitude does
- Allowed women in Khalsa same rules
2 beliefs of manmukh
- attached to worldy desires
- greedy selfish, never satisfied
- haumai linked, brings bad karma
GGS diff quotes about manmukh
- “The self-willed manmukhs are in utter darkness”
- “The self-willed manmukhs find no peace, while the gurmukhs are wondrously joyful”
- ” the mind aimlessly wanders”
GGS quote about virtues
- “Practice truth, contentment and kindness”
GGS quote about humility virtue
- “‘The Lord’s humble servants are True”
- “The Gurmukh is
steeped in humility”
Quote about how some sangat can be evil
“Not every Sangat is Sat Sangat” - manmukh, haumai
Quote about Sikhism aim
“The aim of human life is to unite with God”
How does equality for women influence Sikh men today?
- Women take “kaur” - dont belong to father/husband
- mai bhago - warrior, no differenc ein expectation on them
- can be any role in the gurdwara, can join khalsa, same rules
- respect women, “same clay”, influences behaviour and attitude
- euqal oppurtunities,no discriminate, justice for them
What is the sangat’s role?
- help religious community in their religious practice
- encourages all to ptcp
- teaching punjabi to kids
- teaching sikh history
- teaching nam japna
- back bone of the community
- place to become a gurmukh
- helps sikhs to achieve mukti
Quote about egotism being eradicated by sangat
GGS: “Egotism is never eradicated without the Sat Sangat”
Roles of an Akhand Path
- To dedicate and bless smth eg marriage
- comfort for sad times
- bring community together
- become more gurmukh
- remember lives of the gurus
- festival or gurpurb, right tone begins these celebrations, festivals are founded on faith and spirituality
GGS quote about praying and peace
“Pray, pray, pray and be at peace”