Theme 6 - Development and Resource Issues Flashcards
What is development?
The process of change which improves the wealth and quality of life of people
What is economic development?
Result of increased employment and rising incomes
What is social development?
Rising life expectancy and greater access to education, healthcare, clean water and housing for all people, particulary for women and minority groups
What is political development?
Forming a stable government and allowing greater freedom of speech
What is the development gap?
The widening difference in levels of development between the worlds richest and poorest countries
What is a development continuum?
A linear scale from highly developed countries to those with low level of development
What is GNI?
Gross national income per capita
A measure of the total economic output of a country, including income from foreign investments, divided by its population.
What GNI do HIC’s have?
What GNI do upper middle income countries have?
What GNI do lower middle income countries have?
What GNI do lower income have?
$1045 or less
What is GNH?
Gross National Happiness
What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product
The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year
What are the 4 economic development indicators?
- Employment structure
- Poverty
Limitations of economic development indicators?
- They measure only wealth and not social factors
- They do not recognise inequality
- They do not consider cost of living
What is HDI?
Human Development Index
Used by united nations
combines figures of life expectancy, education and per capita income
What is an export?
Goods and services produced in one country and shipped to another
What is an import?
Good and services brought into one country from another
What is a tariff?
Taxes imposed on imports
What are quotas?
Limits on the amount of goods imported