THEME 4: ODD&CD Flashcards
Which age group is the most aggressive (physical aggression)
Toddlers are the most aggressive age-group because they have limited linguistic abilities so they express physical aggression.
Antisocial behavior scale: A typology Frick’s dimension
-property violations
-physical aggression
-oppositional behavior
-status violations
Longitudinal study about Frick’s dimensions
1-Males exhibit more behavioral problems than females
2-Oppositional behavioral problems have the highest prevalence.
3-except the status violations they all tend to decrease over age
4- status violence increases over teenage years and decreases when getting older.
Delinquency and its affects during developmental
- Delinquency increases during teenage years and then it decreases but 10% of the people are tend to violate status during life-course.
-Individuals who are more involved in physical fight around the age of 13-15 show worse educational outcomes.
-name calling and ostracism are more common bullying ways than physical agression.
Social agression -female
Difference between female and male in regards to social aggression is insignificant however because men are more involved in physical,cal aggression society associates social aggression with women.
ODD&CD General info:
Impaired self-control, emotions and behavior.
-Violates the rights of others
- significant conflict with authority figures
ODD diagnosis requirement
- irritable mood, argumentative/defiant disorder, vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months; four or more symptoms from DSM-5 list (except the sibling relationships)
- Angry/Irritable mood: (↑ internalizing)
-Often loses temper
-easily annoyed
-angry and resentful
-Argumentative/Defiant Disorder:(↑ externalizing)
-often argues with authority figures
-defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures
-blames others for her or others misbehavior
-spiteful or vindictive at least twice -within the past 6 months.
ODD prevalence
1%-11% in the general population
(Clinical population): 28-65%
Conduct diagnosis requirement
Repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the rights of other or age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated as manifested by at least three of DSM-5
Conduct disorder DSM-5
Aggression to people and animals:
Destruction of property:
Deceitfulness and theft:
Serious violations of rules:(runaway from home):
Conduct disorder prevalence
2-10% of the population
Clinical population: 16-34%
CD 2 requirements for speicifiers
1-Limited Prosocial emotions
2-Age onset
Limited Prosocial emotions
Lack of remorse or guilt
callous lack of empathy
unconcerned about performances
shallow or deficient effect
Age onset
childhood onset
1+symtomps <10 years
Adolescent onset:
0 symtopms < 10 years