Theme 1 - Growth in Political Opposition prior to 1914 & Revolution of 1905 Flashcards
When was the First congress of the Russian Socalist Democratic workers party (SD’s) and what was the outcome
- 1898
- Broken up by the Okrana
When do the SD’s break into Menshviks and Bolsheviks and whats the difference between them
- 1903
- Bolsheviks more dictatorial in nature (central committee) as opposed to democracy
- Bolsheviks believed that the Bougoise & proleteriat revolution can occour simultainiously
When was Pleve assasinated and by whom
- July 1904
- By the SR’s
- Politcal assasinations had become commonplace
When was Pleve given extra powers? What did this let him do?
- 1903
- Given ability to send anyone to Siberia without trail and ability to organise pogroms
When is the beggining of the Russo-Japanese war? What caused it
- January 1904
- Japanese attack russian naval base at port arthur
When were talks about the formation of a Duma and what was the outcome
- November 1904
- Mirsky (who replaced Pleve) invited Zemstva representatives to St Petersburg to discuss Duma
- Nicholas II sabotaged this and only conceded to an expansion of Zemstva rights
When does Russia surrender port arthur
- 30 Dec 1904
- After a Japansese Siege
What impact does the failing of the war have
- Increase in discontent amoung many Russians
Where do the first strikes happen?
- Putilov Iron works
- 150,000 workers walk out
When is bloody sunday? What happens?
- 9 Jan 1905
- Peaceful and loyal (Singing Tsarist anthem) protesters lead by father gapon attempt to present a petiton of Social and politcal greivences to Nicholas.
- 12,000 troops deployed and they fire on the crowd
When is Grand duke sergi assasinated, what impact does this have?
- 4th Feb 1905
- Grand duke Sergi assasinated
- Nicholas agrees to meet with representatives
- Then replaced moderates with hardliners e.g Major General Trepov as military governer of St. Petersburg
When is the end of the Russo - Japanese war
- August 1905
Describe the impact of national minorites on the 1905 revolution
- Disruption more pronounced amoung Non- Russians e.g Poles
- Especially those who wanted independance from the empire
- General strikes inc 400k strong ones in poland
- Caused severe economic disruption
What did the Liberals want out of the 1905 revolution
- Lead by Milyokov
- Wanted full political autonomy
- Universal sufferage & democratic elections
What did the radicals do in the 1905 revolution
- SR’s conducted political assasinations (Grand Duke Sergi)
- Bolsheviks: Lenin absent; Trotsky wrote academic paper (The Russian Gazette) ~ 500k in circulation & chaired St. Petersburg soviet
- Menshiviks organised strikes
- SR’s posed a serious threat, Bolsheviks and Menshiviks less so
When does Nicholas II issue the October Manifesto and what does it contain?
- October 1905
- Some reforms
- Democratic Parliament and Civil liberties
When does Nicholas II issue the Fundamental laws and what impact do they have?
- April 23 1906
- Tsar can overturn court verdicts
- Article 87 - Tsar can rule by decree when Duma not in session
- Article 105 - Tsar can dissolve Duma when he wishes
Describe the Duma voting system
- Proportional vote: squewed heavily to the landowners and instrialists over workers and peasants
Describe what happens in the first Duma
- Overwhelmingly liberal / Radical.
- Address to the Throne demands abolition of state council; transfers ministeral responsibility to the Duma.
- After 10 weeks Nicholas dissolved the Duma
What do some 1st Duma delegates do after the closure of the 1st Duma
- Travel to Finland and attempt to persuade people to stop paying taxes
- They were arrested and spent 3 months in Prison
When was Stolypin made PM
- July 1906
What were the dates of the Second Duma
- Febuary to June 1907
Describe the compostion of the second duma & what happens during it
- More radical than the 1st Duma due to increase in the Bolsheviks and Menshiviks
- Stolypin forced to bypass duma to pass legislation
- Duma dissolved quickly and all SD representatives were exiled and voting weight changed to focus more on Gentry
What were the dates of the 3rd Duma
- November 1907 to June 1912
What was the composition of the 3rd Duma
- Largely pro - Tsar but opposional at times (Symbolic of how unpopular the Tsar was)
What was the composition of the 4th Duma
- More docile: lacked any power
When did it become clear that the Duma system was not working
- By 1912 it was obvious the duma system was not working
- Had no control over the Tsar
When and who said “Thank god we have no Parliament”
- Kokosov (Stolypin’s successor)
- 1914
When was Stolypin assasinted? Why was this unfortunate?
- September 1911
- Stolypin assasinated by SR
- Unfortunate as he acted more like a western PM than a Tsarist lacky
Was Stolypin repressive
- Yes: he used repression to pacify the people
- “Stolypin’s neckties” - a nickname for the noose
When did Stolypin introdruce his agrarian reforms?
- 1906
What were the key points in his reforms
- Doubled output
- Cheap loans from Peasant land bank facilitated transfer of lands from nobiltity to peasantry
- Peasant riots decilined in No.
Pro’s of Stolypins reforms
- 1915: 50% of peasants owned thier own land up from 20% in 1905
Con’s of Stolypins reforms
- 50% of land still in hands of Nobility in 1914
- 1914 90% still farmed in traditional strips
Why did Rasputin Emerge
- Abiltiy to “heal” the Hemophiliac Alexi