The Way Of Salvation Flashcards
What constitutes salvation?
Eph 2:8 “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.”
What is salvation?
Salvation is deliverance from power and penalty of sin.
Who are the objects of salvation?
Through what medium does salvation come to the sinner?
Through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God.
What are the mediatorial offices of the Son of God?
Prophet, Priest and King.
What is a prophet?
One who predicts the future facts.
What is a priest?
One who offers sacrifices.
What is a king?
One who rules.
What was necessary for Christ to do in order to secure our salvation?
To die and make atonement.
What is atonement?
It is the satisfaction rendered to the law for some injury.
To whom did Christ make this atonement?
To Justice.
What part did the sinner receive?
When Christ made this atonement
The benefits.
Where is Christ now?
He is in heaven.
What you mean by being enthroned?
To be seated upon a throne.
What makes Him (Jesus) so wonderful?
He is God and man.
What makes Him an all sufficient Savior?
He is in every way qualified to be a Savior.
What are the qualifications He possesses?
All qualifications necessary for salvation.
Name some of them.
Qualifications necessary for salvation
Power, wisdom, holiness, justice, truth, and immutability.