The Wanderer 73-105 Flashcards
Ongietan sceal glēaw hæle hū
gǣstlic bið, þonne ealre þisse worulde wela wēste stondeð,
The wise man must understand how
terrible it will be when the wealth of all this world will stand ruined
swā nū missenlīce geond þisne
winde biwāune weallas stondaþ,
hrīme bihrorene, hrȳðge þā ederas
just as now here and
now throughout this world walls on snow
swept buildings stand blown upon by wind
covered in frost.
Wōriað þā wīnsalo, waldend licgað
drēame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,
80wlonc bi wealle
The wine halls decay the rulers lay dead
deprived of joy, the veterans all fell
by the wall,
Sume wīg fornom,
ferede in forðwege:
battle carried some away on the
way forward:
sumne fugel oþbær
ofer hēanne holm,
the bird of prey carried one
over the deep sea
sumne se hāra wulf
dēaðe gedǣlde,
the brave wolf shared one
with death,
sumne drēorighlēor
in eorðscræfe eorl gehȳdde.
the sad faced noble man
concealed one in the grave.
85Ȳþde swā þisne eardgeard
ælda Scyppend
The creator of men destroyed this
dwelling place
oþ þæt burgwara breahtma lēase
eald enta geweorc īdlu stōdon.
Until the old work of giants stood worthless
deprived of the noises of the citizens
Se þonne þisne wealsteal wīse geþōhte
ond þis deorce līf dēope geondþenceð,
Then who deeply ponders upon this
foundation and this stark life with wise
ferðe, feor oft gemon
wælsleahta worn, ond þās word ācwið:
he always remembers from far
the multitude of slaughters from long ago
and says these words:
Hwǣr cwōm mearg? Hwǣr cwōm mago? Hwǣr cwōm māþþumgyfa?
Hwǣr cwōm symbla gesetu? Hwǣr sindon seledrēamas?
Where has the horse gone? Where has the kinsman gone? Where has the treasure keeper gone? Where have the seats of the feast gone? Where have the revelry of the hall gone?
Ēalā beorht bune! Ēalā byrnwiga!
95Ēalā þēodnes þrym!
Alas the bright cup! Alas the warrior!
Alas the the glory of the prince!
Hū sēo þrāg gewāt,
genāp under nihthelm, swā hēo nō wǣre.
How the time has departed, for it grew dark under the cover of the night, as if it had never been
Stondeð nū on lāste lēofre duguþe
weal wundrum hēah, wyrmlīcum fāh.
The wall stands astonishingly high, decorated with serpentine patterns stands
now in the track of the dear troop of retainers