Beowulf 762-863 Flashcards
Mynte se mǣra, þǣr hē meahte swā, wīdre gewindan ond on weg þanon flēon on fenhopu;
The famous one intended to turn and reach a more remote place if he could do so and to flee to a safe place in the fen
wiste his fingra geweald on grames grāpum.
he knew the power of his fingers in the grasp of the fierce one
Þæt wæs gēocor sīð,
þæt se hearmscaþa tō Heorute ātēah.
It was a sad journey
That the hostile enemy took to Heorot
Dryhtsele dynede; Denum eallum wearð, ceasterbūendum, ēnra gehwylcum, eorlum ealuscerwen.
The splendid hall resounded, terror happened to all the Danes the city dwellers, each of the brave ones, and the noble men
Yrre wǣron bēgen, rēþe renweardas.
angry were both the fierce guardians of the hall
Reced hlynsode. Þā wæs wundor micel, þæt se wīnsele wiðhæfde heaþodēorum,
The hall resounded then it was a great wonder that the hall withstood the ones brave in battle.
þæt hē on hrūsan ne fēol, fæger foldbold; ac hē þæs fæste wæs innan ond ūtan īrenbendum searoþoncum besmiþod.
The beautiful hall did not fall to the earth It was fastened so firmly within and without with bonds of iron and skills.
Þǣr fram sylle ābēag medubenc monig mīne gefrǣge golde geregnad, þǣr þā graman wunnon.
As i have heard there from the floor many mead benches adorned with gold started up where the hostile ones have fought
Þæs ne wēndon ǣr witan Scyldinga,
þæt hit ā mid gemete manna ǣnig
betlīc ond bānfāg tōbrecan meahte,
listum tōlūcan,
The wise men of the Shielding did not expect that any man by any means could break it splendid and adorned with bones destroy it with ingenuity,
nymþe līges fæþm swulge on swaþule.
unless the embrace of fire swallowed it in flame.
Swēg ūp āstāg nīwe geneahhe: Norð-Denum stōd atelīc egesa, ānra gehwylcum þāra þe of wealle wōp gehȳrdon,
The sound that was very new ascended up A terrible call came upon the North Dane for each of the one of those who heard the wailing through the wall
Hēold hine fæste
se þe manna wæs mægene strengest
790 on þǣm dæge þysses līfes.
He held him firmly
he who was strongest of men in strength in that day of age
Nolde eorla hlēo ǣnige þinga
þone cwealmcuman cwicne forlǣtan,
The protector of the noble men did not want to let the murderous visitor go alive, by any means.
ne his līfdagas lēoda ǣnigum
nytte tealde.
Nor did he consider his life useful
to any man.
Þǣr genehost brægd
795 eorl Bēowulfes ealde lāfe,
wolde frēadrihtnes feorh ealgian,
mǣres þēodnes, ðǣr hīe meahton swā.
There most frequently Beowulf’s noblemen drew the old inheritance most often there he wished to defend the life of the Lord and the famous prince, if they could do so.