Beowulf 702-762 Flashcards
Cōm on wanre niht
scrīðan sceadugenga.
In the dark night the walker in darkness came flying.
Scēotend swǣfon,
þā þæt hornreced healdan scoldon
ealle būton ānum
The bowmen all slept except one who had to keep the gable-house
— þæt wæs yldum cūþ,
þæt hīe ne mōste, þā metod nolde,
se scynscaþa under sceadu bregdan —
It was known to all men that the evil doer could not drag them into the darkness, if the creator did not wish it
ac hē wæccende wrāþum on andan
bād bolgenmōd beadwa geþinges
but he keeping watched enraged awaited the outcome of the battle in anger against the cruel one
Ðā cōm of mōre under misthleoþum
Grendel gongan; Godes yrre bær;
Then from the moor Grendel came walking under the misty cliff he carried the anger of God
mynte se mānscaða manna cynnes
sumne besyrwan in sele þām hēan.
the evil one intended to ensnare one of the race of man in the high hall
Wōd under wolcnum tō þæs þe hē wīnreced,
goldsele gumena gearwost wisse
fǣttum fāhne.
He advanced under the clouds to the place where he most surely knew the hall to be, the gall hall of men decorated with gold plates
Ne wæs þæt forma sīð,
þæt hē Hrōþgāres hām gesōhte;
nǣfre hē on aldordagum ǣr ne siþðan
heardran hǣle, healðegnas fand!
It was not the first time he had sought Hrothgahr’s home: never did he before or after harder luck or hall thanes found
Cōm þā to recede rinc sīðian
drēamum bedǣled.
Then the warrior deprived of all joys came travelling to the hall
Duru sōna onarn
fȳrbendum fæst, syþðan hē hire folmum onhrān;
Then the door fixed with bonds forged in fire immediately gave way when he touched it with his hands
onbrǣd þā bealohȳdig, ðā hē gebolgen wæs,
recedes mūþan.
The hostile one pulled open the mouth of the hall since he was enraged
Raþe æfter þon
on fāgne flōr fēond treddode,
ēode yrremōd;
quickly after that the enemy advanced on the decorated floor angry he went
him of ēagum stōd
ligge gelīcost lēoht unfæger.
from his eyes a horrible light shone most like the flame
Geseah hē in recede rinca manige,
swefan sibbegedriht samod ætgædere,
730 magorinca hēap.
He saw in the hall many men a band of kinsman sleeping together, a troop of warriors
730b Þá his mód áhlóg:
mynte þæt hé gedaélde aér þon dæg cwóme atol áglaéca ánra gehwylces
líf wið líce þá him álumpen wæs
wistfylle wén.
Then his mind laughed
the terrible combatant intended before day came to separate the life of each one from the body. When expectation of the fill of the feast befell him