Beowulf 1305-1383 Flashcards
Þā wæs frōd cyning,, hār hilderinc on hrēon mōde,
syðþan hē aldorþegn unlyfigendn
the wise king, the grey-haired warrior had a troubled mind after his chief to be unalived,
þone dēorestan dēadne wisse.
he knew the dearest one to be dead
Hraþe wæs tō būre Bēowulf fetod,
sigorēadig secg.
Beowulf was quickly fetched from his chamber, the victorious man
Samod ǣrdæge ēode eorla sum,
at daybreak a certain one of the warriors
æþele cempa
self mid gesīðum þǣr se snotera bād
hwæþer him alwalda ǣfre wille
æfter wēaspelle wyrpe gefremman.
The nobleman, went with his companion to where the wise one remained to see whether the old ruler would ever bring about change for him after the tiding of woes
Gang ðā æfter flōre fyrdwyrðe man
mid his handscale — healwudu dynede
the man distinguished in war then went along the floor with his companion the wood of the hall resounded
þæt hē þone wīsan wordum nǣgde
frēan Ingwina
he addressed the wise one Lord of the Danes with words
frægn gif him wǣre
1320 æfter nēodlaðum niht getǣse.
he asked if the night had been agreeable according to his desire
Hrōðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
Hrothgahr spoke, protector of the Scyldings
Ne frīn þu æfter sǣlum! Sorh is genīwod Deniga lēodum.
do not ask after joy, trouble is renewed for the people of the Danes
Dēad is Æschere,
Yrmenlāfes yldra brōþor,
Aeschere is dead, older brother of Yemelf
mīn rūnwita ond mīn rǣdbora,
my confident and advisor, my shoulder companion
þonne hniton fēþan, eoferas cnysedan.
when the infantry clashed boar figurers on helmets
Swylc scolde eorl wesan,
æþeling ǣrgōd, swylc Æschere wæs!
Such a nobleman should be an especially good prince, so was Aeschere
Wearð him on Heorote tō handbanan
wælgǣst wǣfre
the restless murderer became his slayer in Heorot