The Truth Project Lesson 12 Flashcards
We are called to love who?
God (greatest Commandment) and our neighbors as ourselves (second greatest Commandment)
Loving our neighbors as ourselves is the _______ we have in life
There is little to no ________ or ________ gained in this sphere
Glory or power
In what section of Scripture did Jesus illustrate a _______ view of our neighbor?
Radical, Matthew 22:33-40
Where in Scripture can we find the story of the good neighbor?
Luke 10:25-29
Jesus told us that to be a good neighbor, we are to do what?
Have mercy on others (love them)
In a selfish culture, no one will _______ you if you don’t assist them because it’s _________ acceptable not to
Fault, culturally
God declares his heart for the _____ and _______
Needy and lonely
God promises He will _______ the poor and help them to ______
Protect, rise
List the 5 verses that reference God promising to protect the poor.
I Samuel 2:8, Job 5:11, Psalm 12:5, Psalm 72, Psalm 138
God _______ himself and ______ us through the needs of the ____
Reveals, calls, age
What two verses reference God revealing himself and calling us through the needs of the age?
Isaiah 65:1-2 and Matthew 23:37
What prevents us from seeing the needs of the age?
Our selfishness
In what verse does Jesus call all who are _______ to come to Him, because He is ______ and _______?
Needy, gentle, humble, Matthew 11:28-29
In what verse does Jesus teach that you will see Him and the Father in _______?
Humility, John 14:4-9
Community and Involvement:_______ _____, do you?
God cares
What heart is contrary to the nature of God?
The proud heart
Providing for the needy does not bring us _____ and _____
Wealth and fame
In what two verses does it say God will lift up and honor those who are _______?
Humble, Luke 1:51-52 and James 4:6,10
Seeing others as God sees them allows us to do what two things?
Recognize their significance and recognize their eternity
What is the quote by C.S. Lewis?
“No one is a mere mortal.”
When we are _______, we are able to _______ the _______. What verse says this?
Transformed, transform, culture, 2 Corinthians 3:18
We have a choice to either ______ the culture or ________ it
Confront, abandon
To be a follower of God is to engage in a cultural ________
What did William Wilberforce believe he had a deep calling to do?
Abolish slavery
William Wilberforce had an effort of what?
Sustained public persuasion
Who heard the call of God but refused to follow it?
Jonah had more compassion for what than who?
The plant than the people of Nineveh
What verse tells us that when confronting the world, we are to understand that _______ is not _______?
Humility, timidity, 2 Timothy 1:7
The ________ of God is symbolic of His _______
Balance, Justice
__________ is not ________ (we are not called to be timid in confrontation)
Permissibility, evangelism
What two things are the authorities over selfishness and arrogance?
Discipline and humility
Which verse communicates “Spare the ____, _____ the child”?
Rod, spoil, Proverbs 13:24
What three things are we called to do in terms of loving others?
1) Receive your calling from God, for it is Him who has made you
2) Accept your gifts from God, for it is Him who has gifted you
3) Continue to pursue God to be transformed into His image.