Midterm Flashcards
Give an example of finding one’s VALUE and WORTH through self-justification
Who provided a great example of knowing when to lead others and when to support others?
John the Baptist
Who provided an example of frustration and anger because they wanted to live their own way?
In what city did Paul make his address about Christian philosophy?
This is known as freedom from external control
Who wrote the fable of the tortoise and the hare?
In what manner does God call us to treat other people?
Who was the member of the Jewish ruling council who came to see Jesus at night?
What is known as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God?
The name given that describes the people humans surround themselves with to support their thinking
Abraham’s son who became the forefather of the Jewish faith
No one has been declared ______________ by following the law of God
What did God provide for us to make us aware of our sin?
They were the political ruling government during the time of Jesus
Who was Abraham’s wife?
Gave an example of being justified by having faith that God will provide an answer even when the circumstances don’t look like it
Abraham’s son who became the forefather of the Islamic faith
The simplistic manner in which humans try to understand the world
The “wretched condition” that Jesus saves humans from
War with sin
In Romans 2, it is written that the consequence for those who “are self-seeking and who reject the truth and who follow evil” is “wrath and anger”, who is the one responsible for this?
What city did God call Jonah to go and preach repentance to?
Humanity is ___________ because of the act of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which broke through the separation of sin and reunited humanity with God
What does it mean to be seen as guilt-free and pure before God?
To be restored back to our original created state
The confidence in claiming that we are pure in the eyes of God by our faith
Who did Jesus interact with to show us an example of true love?
The Samaritan woman
What did Jesus say He DID NOT come into the world to do?
Condemn it
What were the three ways that Satan tempted Jesus?
Appealing to pride, flattery, and mocking
What verse is “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart”?
Psalm 37:4
What lessons were taught by Jesus either immediately prior or after his teaching on prayer in Matthew 7?
Do not worry, store up treasures on earth, love your enemies
In the beginning, who was with God?
The Word
The ultimate purpose of the Old Testament is to what?
Prepare the way for the coming Messiah
What does it mean to “have the fear of God before your eyes”?
Being humble
What is the reason the teaching in James 1 and Romans 5 states that we are to respond to problems in this manner?
Our character and maturity will develop
What does Romans 3 teach as the beginning of knowledge?
What is the consequence given in Romans 3 about what happens when people do not fear God?
They don’t have peace
What verse is “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”?
Romans 3:23
The desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another
Being rude or impolite; having or showing a lack of respect for other people
Having no pity; cruel or merciless
What does it mean to “worship”?
What we promote to others, what we spend money on, what we pay attention to
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing”?
Because loving is the only purpose of our life
Maturity is defined in James 1 as what?
Fully complete, not lacking anything
At the beginning of the book of Acts, Jesus teaches his disciples to receive _____________ and be His witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth
The Holy Spirit
What jobs did Jesus NOT give us to do while on earth?
Condemn people’s bad behavior, judge people’s bad behavior, act right and set an example
According to Romans, people who have not heard the word of God will have this consequence at their death
Will be judged by the secrets of their heart
The teaching in James 1 and Romans 5 states that we are to respond to life’s problems with what?
In any given moment, this is choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to
Instant gratification
In any given moment, this is choosing to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you feel like
Delayed gratification
The wages of sin is what?
Romans 2:24 states “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you”- what is the significance of this verse?
We can use it to be self-aware
What did Paul mean when teaching in the book of Acts that God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live?
God’s purpose for our lives is not circumstantial, the people in our lives are there for a reason, the situation of our lives are not random, they hold significance
When Jesus said he did not want affirmation from man, what did he know was in a man?
They were only looking to give the affirmation so they could get something
What did Eve have to believe when she was tempted by the serpent?
God was a liar, she would become equal with God, she would not be happy the way she was originally created
Paul called the people he spoke to in Athens very “religious” because why?
They were consistent in their worship of the latest ideas of the day
When an individual attempts to justify themselves by works, they will think what?
Think they are worthy and valuable because of their accomplishments, their wealth and power, the praise and attention they receive from others
Why was the Jewish ruling council so upset about Jesus preaching that He was the Messiah?
They didn’t want to lose control of the Jewish church
What did Paul mean when he taught that God does not live in temples built by human hands?
God is beyond the understanding of human beings and should be humbly sought after
In what two ways has God made His existence plain to man?
Divine nature and eternal power
What are the two primary ways in which we will have credibility in the eyes of others that will allow us the opportunity to evangelize to them about Jesus?
Our talents and testimony
What does Romans 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God and the Creator for?
Lies and created things
The values of a society are found in what?
Who they admire
What was the reason Jesus said “peace” to the disciples the first time?
To calm their fear
What was the reason Jesus said “peace” to the disciples the second time?
To let them know they were there to serve, not to conquer or rule
Who did Jesus say it was necessary to forgive and why?
The Pharisees and Romans, because we have been forgiven
Who wrote the excerpt “The toiling masses…”?
Leo Tolstoy
Explain the author’s point of “their keenest suffering in the glaring contrast between what is and what ought to be”.
Innocence lost
Using your understanding of what the purpose of God’s law is, how would you respond to the hopelessness in this excerpt?
Even when a situation seems hopeless, we should trust in God’s plan because He can always reverse a situation
List 3 examples from Galatians 5 that describe the actions of a life led by the sinful nature.
Sexual immorality, idolatry, hatred
List 3 examples from Galatians 5 that describe the actions of a life led by the Holy Spirit.
Love, joy, peace
List the 6 declarations we make in Romans 6 that illustrate our desire to live for God.
Sin will no longer reign, We won’t obey the desires of sin, We won’t offer the parts of our body to sin, We will offer the parts of our body to God, Sin will no longer be our master, God will be our master
Explain how God gives us provision through each line of the Lord’s prayer.
Y’all I tried to get it all to fit, but if you can’t read the whole thing this is from the first test, first quarter 😅✌🏼️
Our Father in heaven- acknowledges the existence of God
Hallowed be your name- acknowledges the authority of God
Your kingdom come- have heaven set as long range goal
Your will be done- for us to love and serve others
On earth- where we serve
As it is in heaven- done in love
Give us today our daily bread- provides for our physical, emotional, and intellectual needs
And forgive us our trespasses- we’re sinful and selfish and in need of forgiveness
As we forgive those who trespass against us- reminds us that others are sinful
Lead us not into temptation- selfish ways
But deliver us from the evil one- the devil is real
Name the 16 ways of love in 1 Corinthians 13.
Same with this one 🙃
- Love is patient
- Love is kind
- Love doesn’t envy
- Love doesn’t boast
- Love isn’t proud
- Love isn’t rude
- Love isn’t self seeking
- Love isn’t easily angered
- Love keeps no record of wrongs
- Love does not delight in evil
- Love rejoices with the truth
- Love always protects
- Love always trusts
- Love always hopes
- Love always perseveres
- Love never fails
What is the cycle of sin?
Living in right relationship with God, getting too comfortable and falling into sin, dealing with the consequences of that sin, repenting and turning back to God
God will accept all people into heaven equally the moment they repent, whether it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of their lives
Parable of the workers in the vineyard
Upon the return of Christ, those who live in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God
Parable of the weeds
The Angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the righteous
Parable of the net
We are forgiven by God for our great amount of wrongdoing, therefore we are to forgive others for the wrongs that are done to us
Parable of the unmerciful servant
Showing that actions speak louder than words in displaying who really repents of selfishness and lives by faith
Parable of the two sons
When given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in
Parable of the wedding banquet
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying God’s wisdom, rather than spending our time and talents in other selfish pursuits
Parable of the hidden treasure/ pearl
Wisdom of living in a manner being able to meet the daily call of loving God and loving others and eagerly anticipating that one day we will live in eternity with God, either by Jesus’ return or our physical death
Parable of the ten virgins
The amazing truth about how just a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God
Parable of the mustard seed/ yeast
The clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities and abilities we’ve been given
Parable of the talents
How valuable we are to God and how intensely He will seek after us
Parable of the lost sheep
The understanding that we are merely caretakers of the life God has provided us, not the owners of it
Parable of the tenants
How individuals receive and apply the Word of God into their lives
Parable of the sower
When Jesus was asked by his disciples why He taught in parables, He responded by saying what?
Parables contain the secrets of the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven for all who seek to understand
What did Pilate believe about truth?
Truth was relative to each individual depending on their situation, there wasn’t an absolute truth that applied to everyone, truth was a waste of time to even discuss with Jesus
Why are we considered “co-heirs” with Christ?
Through the death of Jesus, we become sons and daughters of God
In Romans 8:12, it states that “we have an obligation” to do what?
To love God by being all that He created us to be
In Romans 8:18, it states that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”. The significance of this verse is what?
Focus on how present problems are an opportunity to love God and love others, don’t complain about the present, temporary life, no matter what happens in this life, it will not equal eternity in heaven with God
How does the Spirit help us in our weakness, especially in prayer?
It intercedes for us and reveals to us what we need
What is the significance of Romans 8:8 “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”?
When we are focused upon our selfish desires, by definition we are ignoring God’s call on our lives
What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror”?
We don’t focus upon who wins or loses, because we know Christ has already conquered it all
What did Jesus say He DID NOT come into the world to do?
Condemn it
What did Jesus say He DID come into the world to do?
Bring truth
Who or what did Jesus identify as being primarily responsible for His death?
Jewish leaders
What was the primary motivation of the Jewish ruling council in seeking the crucifixion of Christ?
To maintain power
What was the primary motivation of Pilate in deciding on the crucifixion of Christ?
To maintain order
Who was the rich Jewish man whom Pilate allowed to claim and bury Jesus’ body?
Joseph of Arimathea
Who was the former member of the Jewish ruling council that believed Jesus was the Messiah because he was there assisting in the burial of Jesus’ body?
Who did the Jewish leaders say was their king?
Warned Pilate “not to have anything to do with this innocent man” when he was deciding about Jesus
Pilate’s wife
Caused Pilate great fear while he was deciding about Jesus
The Holy Spirit
Who was responsible for making an attaching sign on Jesus’ cross stating “King of the Jews”?
The language on the sign “King of the Jews” that was meant for the popular culture to understand
The language on the sign “King of the Jews” that was meant for the Jewish people to understand
We are modeling this individual’s thinking when we have an attitude of compromising in order to protect and promote oneself
We are modeling this individual’s thinking when we have an attitude of humility that seeks to develop our talents and use them for others
We are modeling this individual’s thinking when we have an attitude of arrogance that will protect our selfish desires at all costs
The Jewish leaders
List the ways in which Pilate tried to absolve himself from accepting responsibility for Jesus’ crucifixion.
Sent Jesus to Herod, Release Jesus or Barabbus?, Flogged Jesus, Washed his hands of him, Handed him over to the Jewish leaders, Made the sign above the cross
Know model of perseverance
There’s a separate deck for it 👌🏼
Know Romans outline to salvation and receiving the Holy Spirit (test 2)
This is from test 2 quarter 1 kill self 😊🔫
The captain of the guard who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites
The country in which Esther became the queen
He was a talented Israelite that was put into slavery when Babylon besieged Judah
Actively promoting others to do wrong
The cupbearer spoke well of his ability to interpret dreams, which ended up releasing him from jail
The king who chose Esther as Queen
The land in which the people of Joseph were enslaved in
He was sold into slavery by his own brothers
Freedom from external control
He enslaved the Israelites because he didn’t remember Joseph or what Joseph had done for his people
He showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater
John the Baptist
The king who cared for Daniel and was joyful when he came out from the lion’s den
The caretaker of Esther who discovered the plot to kill the king
The person who persuaded the king that killing all of the Jews in their land was necessary
His wife tried to seduce Joseph, which caused him to run away from his owner and be thrown into jail
He was brought to a place of power when interpreting a dream about an upcoming famine
He was brought to a place of power due to “his ability to understand visions and dreams of all kinds”
Knowing what is right and choosing to do wrong anyway
The nation who conquered Daniel’s people
Influenced the king not to kill all the Jewish people in the king’s land
“Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart”
A statement that illustrates the Psalmist’s foundation of faith
“But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold”
The verse that describes the Psalmist doubting his faith
“For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills.”
The verse that describes all the Psalmist sees around him and thus caused this struggle with his faith
“Therefore pride is their necklace”
The verse that describes how the self-centered glorify themselves by displaying the awards and achievements of their life
“They clothe themselves with violence”
The verse that illustrates how the self-centered seek out victory over others- to be the winners and exalt themselves over the losers
“From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits”
The verse that illustrates how the self-centered don’t even consider God or others when they go about planning the actions, words, and behaviors of their life
“They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression”
The verse that illustrates how self-centered people bully others into believing that they will either take away what they value or exclude them from an opportunity to prosper
“Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth”
The verse that illustrates how the selfish believe that the world is theirs and their accomplishments are to be admired as though they’re a god
“Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance”
The verse that illustrates how others begin to follow the selfish as sycophants hoping to discover and copy why they’ve been successful on earth
“They say, ‘How can God know? Does the Most High have knowledge?’”
The verse that shows how the self-centered have a mocking and dismissive attitude towards God
“This is what the wicked are like- always carefree, they increase in wealth”
The verse that illustrates how self-centered individuals truly care about only themselves
“Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. All day long long I have been plagued; I have been punished every morning. If I had said, “I will speak thus,” I would have betrayed your children.”
The verse that describes the Psalmist’s inner struggles in thinking that his effort at loving God and loving others has been a waste of time
“When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me”
The verse that describes the Psalmist’s emotions when trying to make sense of what he sees
“Till I entered the sanctuary if God; then I understood their final destiny”
The verse that describes where the Psalmist found peace
“Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! As a dream when one awakes, so when you arise, O Lord, you will despise them as fantasies”
The verse that shows the consequence of those who live only for the benefits of this physical world
“When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered…. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”
The verse that shows the consequence of those who follow God
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be faithful in what?
How long was the decree affecting Daniel that no one could worship any God or man except the king?
30 days
What was the name of the king that was ruling when the no-praying decree was put into place?
What was the name of the king when his nation conquered Daniel’s people?
In Romans 12:20, what does the author teach about whose responsibility it is to avenge the wrongs done to us?
We are to forgive the offense and allow God to avenge
What was the name of the king who made Daniel the third highest ruler in his nation?
What was the name of the king who made a new decree after Daniel came out of the lion’s den about all in his kingdom towards Daniel’s God?
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message and hearing the message comes from where?
The Word
How did the king respond to his administrators and satraps who accused Daniel of disloyalty to the king?
They and their families were placed in the lion’s den
In Romans 12:2, it states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world”- what is the pattern of this world?
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be patient in what?
In Romans 12:13, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our problems is found in what action?
Serving the needs of others
In Romans 12:2, Paul states that you will be transformed by the renewing of what?
Your mind
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be joyful in what?
In Romans 12:20, why are you “heaping burning coals” on your enemy if you feed them or give them something to drink?
Because they are not expecting you to love them
In Romans 12:1-2, Paul teaches that you will be able to do what ACT when you are renewed?
Test and approve God’s will
What adjective is NOT used to describe God’s wil: perfect, good, loving, pleasing?
In Romans 12:3-8, why does Paul use the human body to describe the spiritual gifts that each of us have?
Because each part has an important role to play, we are stronger when united together, we are not in competition for the same roles
Romans 9:20 states “Who are you, O man, to talk back to God”. This verse is in reference to future generations thinking they have the authority to question God’s choice to use this individual to play a role in the history of man?
What increases as our sin increases?
God’s grace
According to Romans 9:14, God’s justice “does not depend on man’s desire or effort but on…” what?
God’s mercy
Romans 12 teaches that we are to overcome evil with what?
What are the intrinsic gifts and call that have been placed within you and on your life?
Can never be taken away (irrevocable)
What does Paul use to describe how we are to connect people to God through the grace of Jesus?
The ingrafted branch
What does Paul use to describe how there are those chosen to share the gospel of the grace of Jesus?
The remnant
When we choose to rebel against the authority God had instituted, we are doing what?
Bringing judgement on ourselves
In Romans 12, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our own problems is found in what?
Sharing ourselves with people in need
When you have a goal to please God, you are showing that you have faith in what?
What word does Paul use to describe the passion the Jews have for God, but also stating the passion is not based in knowledge?
What is the false god of gratifying selfish behavior mentioned in Romans 11?
What is the stumbling stone?
Justification by works
The Gentiles received righteousness through what?
The people of Israel did not receive righteousness, why?
Their zeal was in the law and their works
What are the two ways Paul describes those who find themselves in a “spirit of stupor”?
Deaf and blind
Why do Christians have a unique understanding of sovereignty?
We have to give up our selfishness to submit to God’s ultimate authority and sovereignty
Why does being disobedient and obstinate cause people to NOT hear the word of God?
They choose not to hear, they’d rather gratify themselves
What are the 6 ways to show sincere love?
Hate what is evil, Cling to what is good, Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, Honor one another above yourselves, Never be lacking in zeal, Keep your spiritual fervor
How will an individual with an “I-centered” perspective view authority?
As either something that will get in the way of what they want or as a way to get what they want
How will an individual with a “God-centered” perspective view authority?
Authority is placed over us by God so we can understand the purposes of our situation
Why is authority at conflict with an “I-centered” philosophy?
Authority is not meant to cater to the whims of one individual
The question that Jesus posed to the Jewish leaders when they were asking by “whose and what authority” Jesus was led by, was centered around what person?
John the Baptist
Who caused the Jewish leaders to be indignant during Jesus’ triumphant entry?
The children
Into what city did Jesus make his triumphant entry?
The individual that the chief priests plotted to kill so that the people would not remember the great deeds of Jesus
After Jesus made his triumphant entry, they wanted to know more about the teachings of Christ
The Greeks
Upon Jesus’ triumphant entry whose actions were a testimony showing their belief that Jesus was the Messiah?
Those laying palm branches
Who tries to manipulate a situation involving Jesus to make it look like they were concerned about “giving” to the poor, when they were actually motivated by greed?
Who designed a religion that had a stated purpose of being for the peo, but really it was designed as a set of rules to control the people?
The Jewish leaders
The place where Jesus overturned the tables and cleared the temples
What action are we performing when we contribute to being a solution to the needs of our age?
He showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater
John the Baptist
What word is defined as “being able to understand a situation from another person’s perspective”?
Who decided to kill Jesus in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus?
The Jewish leaders
When we choose to follow God and authority in a God-centered manner, we critique people and problems with __________
What is significant about Romans 13:11 “And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed”?
It’s always true, because with each moment we grow closer to dying and coming face to face with Jesus. Therefore, don’t wait- live for God now!
In Romans 16 Paul urges us to watch out for people who promote acting contrary to the teaching you have learned- what two manners do people promote this?
By causing divisions and placing obstacles in your way
When you view God in an I-centered manner, you view God and the authorities over you in which two manners?
They will get me what I want or prevent me from getting what I want
What two facts regarding a critic’s criticism make it seem like their criticism is valid?
There’s an obvious problem and their solution can’t be tested
In Romans 16, Paul warns of what two methods that people use when deceiving the minds of the naive?
Smooth talk and flattery
Paul states in Romans 14:23 that “man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith”. What is he doubting and eating?
Doubting his faith in loving God and loving others, eating the self-centered philosophy of the world
What two ways do you please yourself when not bearing with the failings of the weak?
Thinking you’re better than them, preying on their weakness
When the Jewish leaders challenged Jesus in Matthew 21 by asking by what authority and whose authority are you doing these things, what was their motivation?
Self-centered (to maintain their power)
In James 4 the teaching on boasting about tomorrow states that an individual with an I-centered view will go into each day with an attitude of what?
When you have an I-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a ruling God
When you have a God-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a loving God
Choosing to view God and authority in a God-centered manner is an act of what?
Choosing to view God and authority in an I-centered manner is an act of what?
In Romans 14, Paul warns against this in multiple verses
Judging others
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us weak?
Being selfish
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us strong?
Serving others
Romans 15 teaches that the purpose of the church is what?
To create unity
In Romans 15:4 it states that “everything that was written in the past was written for” what purpose?
To teach us
Being unable to see or understand the world from outside your own self- centered viewpoint is described in Romans as what?
Living in darkness
Being aware of the grand designs and plans that God has for you beyond your selfish desires is described in Romans as what?
Living in the armor of light
Complete Romans 14:13: “Therefore let us stop _______________ one another. Instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling blocks or obstacles in your brother’s way.”
Passing judgement on
Complete Romans 14:19: “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual _______________.”
What is the “continuing debt” described in Romans 13 that we owe each other?
When we choose to rebel against the authority that God has instituted, we are doing what?
Bringing judgement on ourselves
In Romans 14, how are we to respond to people when we are involved in disputable matters?
Accept others without judgement
Complete Romans 15:5: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of _________.”
Complete Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of __________, __________, and ______ in the Holy Spirit.”
Righteousness, peace, and joy
What are the three lessons learned from the buyers and sellers response to Jesus?
Jesus doesn’t follow the authority established by humans, Jesus “smashes” the systems created by humans, Jesus opens our eyes to the truth that we are to follow his system not humans
In Romans 12:3-8, why does Paul use the human body to describe the spiritual gifts that each of us have?
Because each part has an important role to play, we are stronger when united together, we are not in competition for the same roles
The belief that matter is the only reality
“The fool says in his heart there is no God”
Psalm 14:1
The belief in the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain
“Our lives will not change until our minds change”
Romans 12:2
The belief that there isn’t any real knowledge- only reactions to stimuli
We are to treat people who do not know the truth of God with “wisdom” and “grace of speech”
Colossians 4:5-6
The belief that knowledge only comes from scientific study
“Delight ourselves in the Lord and He will grant us the desires of our hearts”
Psalm 37:4
The belief that there are no absolutes
What verse warns us against consuming philosophies that are contrary to God
Romans 14:23
What is impossible to do when “I” is the center of ones life?
Do something that transcends ourselves
How does the Humanist Manifesto explain where the universe and man came from?
It was self existing and then man emerged from the cosmos (and then evolved over time)
What are the two primary consequences of believing in the concept of Evolutionary Biology?
No life after death
No strong foundation for ethics
What is the manner in which philosophy of secular humanism responds to the concept of “evil”?
It is a correctable abnormality that science will discover solution to.
Every sin that besets us can be traced back to our belief in what?
Study the Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow
Yeah study it
Explain the two logical fallacies one would find when attempting to follow the principles of the model (hierarchy of needs)
- Towards the end it tell us to help others but all along it has been teaching us to be selfish
- When we are all searching for our needs we will eventually clash with others causing chaos.
Who is one of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto and influenced government schooling in the U.S.?
The individual who criticized secular morality by stating that virtue is in only pleasing themselves and defining good as being loyal to only oneself
The individual who stated that “the cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or ever will be.”
The individual who stated that the chains which keep humanity in bondage is organized religion.
The individual who stated that the only way to make your life meaningful was to believe in something that transcends yourself
The philosopher who believed that truth is to be derived from the pursuit of high or lofty ideals
The philosopher who believed that truth is to be derived from observation
The person who depicted the philosophical debate in the questions concerning Aristotle and Plato in a famous painting
The year that the first Humanist Manifesto was written
The Humanist Manifesto was the product of what era in United States History?
Who was the United States President during this era of reform?
Woodrow Wilson
The famous scopes trial also occurred during this era. In the court battle over the truth of the origins of life, what was the name of the law that did NOT allow the teaching of evolution in public schools?
Butler Act
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should be allowed in schools?
Clarence Darrow
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should NOT be allowed in schools?
William Jennings Bryan
Jesus came into the world to:
Bring grace and truth
The governmental system that grew out of the manifesto written by Marx and Engels promoting the elimination of religion:
The governmental system rejected by the Humanist Manifesto:
The governmental system promoted by the Humanist Manifesto:
What is the political belief system that states “the law must change as the culture of society changes?”
Sociological Jurisprudence
Which philosophies rely on the contradictory concept that there “is no absolute truth from which we can determine right from wrong” when trying to support its own truth claims?
Relativism, Secular Humanism and Post Modernism
The Humanist Manifesto stated that traditional religion:
Gave people false hopes
What is revealed behind every truth claim of God?
The character of God
What is the primary reason that we do not hear from God?
We don’t belong to God
What is the name given to the naturalistic worldview in which all things are enclosed with the natural physical world?
The Cosmic Cube
What does the Humanist Manifesto promote as the “needs of humanity”?
Personal Satisfaction
The ability to understand the perspective of others, so you can relate in a loving manner.
A comprehensive set of truth claims that purports to paint a picture of reality.
Formal Worldview
The set of individual truth claims that one has embraced so deeply that they believe it reflects what is really real.
Personal Worldview
A transcendent norm of behavior (what ought to be) is known as:
How people behave (what is) is known as their:
What three examples do the writers of the Humanist Manifesto use as examples of “advancements” of humanity in order to conclude that a “new statement” is required about the “means and purposes of religion”
Larger understanding of the universe, Mans scientific achievements, Greater appreciation of brotherly love
What are the two primary reasons that the Humanist Manifesto has found an acceptable audience in Western Civilization?
It appealed to inherent sinful nature, They wanted to be free from organized religion
What are the two primary ways that the Humanist Manifesto states that humans will face the crises and problem of life?
Knowledge of naturalness, Probability
What are the ways that the Humanist Manifesto states that humans will NO LONGER face the crises and problems of life?
Sentimental Hopes, Unreal Hopes, Wishful Thinking
What are the three character traits that are observed when an individual is living by the Spirit of Truth?
Logical, Consistent, and Trustworthy
What are the three character traits that are observed when an individual is living by the spirit of lies?
Illogical, inconsistent and cannot be trusted
Know outline found on Essay 1, Truth Project 1-3 Test
Yeah know it 😁