Test 1 Q3 Flashcards
In order to support one’s conclusions about the origins of life in the study of science, one is to use ___________ and ___________
Observation and experiment
Both Carl Sagan and Del Tackett used an appeal to _______ and _______ language to sway listeners opinion on the origins of life
Wonder and assumptive language
What are the two options to explain the origins of life?
There was a beginning and It always existed
What are the two conclusions that science can come to in its study of the origins of life?
Transcendent Creator and Created itself
A record of how ancient philosophers tried to answer this question is illustrated in a painting by ____________
Who believed you could understand the world through the study of the realm of particulars?
Who believed you could understand the world through the study of the realm of universals?
What is the stated purpose of the Scientific process?
To reveal scientific laws/ truths
Define hypothesis.
An early observation based on basic observed data
Define theory.
Observations that have confirmed the original assumption
Define a law.
The observation will always produce the same results
Does someone have to have evidence of the origins of life in order for a law to work?
Who made an argument for design by using a watch?
How did this person form their argument?
No one could look at a watch and say that it was made by anything other than its designer.
Who responded to the argument of design with a “Blind Watchmaker” theory?
How did this person form their argument?
Despite the appearance of design, it has actually evolved over time
Who said that evolution was proven through the fossil record and contemporary molecular biology?
In arguing about the complexity of creating a cell in an evolutionary way, who came up with the theory of Directed Panspermia to explain about how cells began on Earth?
According to the theory of Directed Panspermia, how did cells begin on Earth?
Placed here by aliens
What is the problem evolutionists have when using the fossil record to prove evolution?
Missing links
Who stated that there was a lack of evidence of the estimated 50,000 changes required to transform from a sea creature to a land creature?
Who used theory of Punctuated Equilibrium to actually state the problem of the fossil record?
How does the theory of Punctuated Equilibrium address the problem of the fossil record?
The reason missing links exist is because changes happened immediately and spontaneously.
Who quoted Darwin himself in the book Darwin’s Black Box to question the validity of evolution?
In the quote, Darwin stated “if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not have been formed by ________, _________, _________ __________ my theory would absolutely break down”.
Numerous, successive, slight modifications
What is Darwin’s above principle known as?
Irreducible complexity
Who said the “Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest deceit in the history of science?”
Name three of the outdated icons of evolution that show the theory is not holding true.
Huxley’s icon of apes becoming man
Haeckel’s embryo’s proved to be fake
There is no scientific evidence that vertebrate limbs show evolution, they only look alike
The peppered moths were actually tacked to trees
There is no evidence for Darwin’s tree of life
Darwin’s finches do not show evolution, only an oscillation within the same species
Why is the study of science a worldview battle?
Because evolution destroys any foundation for the standards of ethics or morality
Sociology is the study of what?
What is the battle that takes place in the realm of sociology?
Truth vs. lies
The values of a society will be found in
Who they admire
To learn is to
Acting in this manner when learning shows
God’s ________ shows his design.
________ and ____________ creates disorder because it focuses on _______ rather than __________
Envy and selfish ambition, self, service
List the Triune structures for each of the following: God, family, church, our world.
God- Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Family- Husband, Wife, Children
Church- Christ, Leaders, Members
Our World- Physical, Spiritual, Social
When social institutions reflect God’s Nature, they will do what?
Work better and display unity
God makes a divine statement about his nature when He emphasizes the importance of what?
What are the three broken relationships outlined in Genesis?
Man and man, Man and God, God and creation
The response to the brokenness in relationships from those who do not have a relationship with God is often to change the definition of relationships in order to avoid the experience of what?
The following of an order determined by _________ is an act of choosing not to retain the knowledge of God. The consequence of this behavior is a society of people feeling ________
Humans, lonely
A Christian is called to follow Christ’s lead and ____ to God’s call to ____ others.
Submit, serve
A Christian needs to recognize their own _____ before having the ability to love others in their ______
Sin, sin
illustrates WHO we are to influence
illustrates WHAT we are to do
illustrates who is to make the DECISION
illustrates how we are to RESPOND
What is the primary question one is to answer when determining the laws of the state?
Whose law is it?
God’s design of how to structure civil authority was a system of ______, as outlined in the Old Testament.
But Israel rejected this idea and asked for a _______
How did I Samuel 8:11-18 describe how this system would rule?
The king would take their property and enslaved them all for the “betterment” of his kingdom
What country’s system of government is an attempt to return to the design of the Old Testament?
What is the definition of sovereignty?
Freedom from external control
What is the example given of a “sphere of sovereignty”?
Church’s do not sit on state soil, but on God’s
Why do Christians have a unique understanding of sovereignty?
Because in order to truly be FREE from the external control of SIN, Christians have to give up their freedom to be SELFISH & choose to be under the authority of CHRIST.
According to a Christian worldview, where is supreme authority found?
According to a Christian worldview, where is civil authority found?
According to a Christian worldview, to whom did God delegate authority to FIRST?
According to a Christian worldview, to whom did God delegate authority to next?
Civil magistrates
What does Jesus teach as an example to us in how to follow authority?
His submission to the Father
What is the delegation of authority to the people?
What is the adherence to authority by the people?
According to a Christian worldview, the primary purpose of the state is to do what?
Punish evil and reward good
According to a Christian worldview, what are the laws to the state to be based upon?
According to a secular humanist worldview, where is supreme authority found?
What is the trap that adherents to secular humanist worldview put themselves in when promoting laws based upon “universal” or “higher” ethics?
To what higher ideal are they appealing to?
The decline of culture is due to _______ disorder.
According to I Samuel 8:7, this disorder is caused by a lack of _______ law.
Who stated that “God is dead”?
Friedrich Nietzsche
This same individual stated that humans either have a drive for ______ or ________
Power, pleasure
This same individual further stated that ______ is all that is left for humans as they pursue _________ without __________
Naturalism, pleasure, consequence
Who stated that once you get rid of objective truth, one can live however they want?
Ravi Zacharias
This same individual stated that once society killed God, it simultaneously killed ______ and ultimately was killing ________.
Ethics, man
The warning given for the future was one of a global state, where the state itself replaces ________ and the _______ as the experts of what is best for man.
God, family
History has shown this form of government has failed in the book by __________
What was Gibbens’ book entitled?
“Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”
How does Christ teach us to have a righteous rebellion to secular government?
Through love and service
How does Christ teach us to instill a Christian worldview into a secular world?
Individuals using their talents and gifts within their God-called roles to meet the needs of the age.
The study of science is the systematic study of the __________ and ___________ of the physical and natural world
Structure and behavior