Test 3 Q1 Flashcards
According to Romans 9:16 God’s justice “does not depend on man’s desire or effort, but on what?
God’s mercy
What is the teaching in Romans 9 when referencing Pharaoh followed by Romans 9:20 “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God”?
That “you” do not have the wisdom or knowledge to comprehend the reasons why God hardens Pharaoh’s heart
What is the stumbling stone?
The belief we can please God or earn God’s praises through our efforts (or works)
The Gentiles received righteousness through what?
Why did the people of Israel not receive righteousness?
They tried to gain it by works
What does Paul mean when he says that the people are “zealous” for God, but that their zeal is not based in knowledge?
Their zeal was based in following religious rules instead of seeking God
How will an individual with an “I-centered” perspective view authority?
Authority will either:
i. prevent them from doing what they want or
ii. be an avenue to get what they want
How will an individual with a “God-centered” perspective view authority?
Authority is placed over us by God so that we can understand the purposes of our situation
Why is authority at conflict with an “I-centered” philosophy?
Because the authority (and the world itself) wasn’t created to serve any one individual
Freedom from external control
Why do Christians have a unique understanding of sovereignty?
Because in order to be free from the external control of sin, they had to willingly give up the freedom of selfishness and follow God’s Authority
What is the significance of Paul quoting Moses in Romans 10:5 “The man who does these things will live by them”?
Your actions will show where you are placing your values in life
How is Romans 10:9-10 an example of worship? “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Your words are worship because they testify and give credit to God for all the good in one’s life
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where?
Word of Christ
What does Paul state is the reason why the people did not “hear the message”?
They choose not to
What does it mean to be disobedient?
Knowing what is right and choosing not to do it
What does it mean to be obstinate?
Active refusal and promotion of wrong behavior
When your goal is to please God, you have faith in the _________
What is the “remnant” described by Paul in Romans 11?
Those who know the Word of God and are called to share it with everyone
What is the false god of the Old Testament that Paul warns against worshipping?
What are the two ways Paul describes those who find themselves in a “spirit of stupor”?
Blind and deaf
What does Paul use as a metaphor to describe how to stay connected to God through Jesus?
Ingrafted branches
In light of this connection, what is considered to be the sternness of God described in Romans 11:22?
That there will be consistent consequences when choosing wrong behavior
And what is the kindness of God in Romans 11:22?
A new opportunity every day to choose right behavior
Can the gifts you are given from God can be taken away from you if you don’t use them for the glory of God?
What is the Latin term meaning “let the buyer beware”?
Caveat Emptor
Who is the “buyer” and what are they “wary” of?
You are the buyer and you are to be wary of the philosophies and ideas that others are promoting to you
The values of society are found in who _______ _________
Society admires
What is thinking behind the music found in three of the top four artists followed on Twitter?
Primarily there is a goal to experience the “freedom” of doing whatever one pleases to do without having negative consequences
What is he Psalmist referencing when stating that “my feet had almost slipped, I had nearly lost my foothold.”
The Psalmist was doubting their faith
Why did the Psalmist describe the behaviors of others as arrogant and wicked?
They were self-centered
Why was the Psalmist envious of the arrogant and wicked?
They were free from burdens and human ills
What type of necklace does the Psalmist described the arrogant and wicked as having?
What does the Psalmist mean when stating in Psalm 73:6 “they clothe themselves in violence”?
How self-centered individuals seek out victory over others – and exalt their achievements over the losers
What does the Psalmist mean when stating in Psalm 73:8 “in their arrogance they threaten oppression”?
How self-centered people bully others into believing that they will either:
a. Take away what they value or
b. Exclude them from an opportunity to prosper
What is happening when the Psalmist describes in Psalm 73:10 “therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance”?
How others begin to follow the selfish as sycophants in hope that they can gain success on earth
How does the Psalmist describe their attitude toward the knowledge of God?
They are mocking and dismissive
Why does the Psalmist describe them as carefree?
Because the only care they have is themselves
As a result of the earthly gains of the arrogant and wicked, the Psalmist states that he thinks he’s done what in vain?
Kept his heart pure
How does the Psalmist describe the attempt at understanding all of this?
As being oppressive
What is the conclusion the Psalmist comes to?
That the self-centered are not on solid ground of God’s truth, but rather on the slippery ground of believing that instant gratification in this physical life is all that there is to life
What was the name of the king of Babylon who made Daniel the third highest ruler in the land?
What decree did the administrators and satraps make to the king to lessen Daniel’s power?
That no one could worship any God or man. They could only worship the king.
What was the name of the king who placed Daniel in the lion’s den?
Did that king want Daniel to suffer death from the lions?
How did the king respond in regards to Daniel’s faith?
He made a new decree
How did the king respond to the administrators and satraps who accused Daniel of disloyalty?
They and their families were placed in the lion’s den
Who was the king when Daniel’s people were conquered?
How long was the decree to not worship anyone or any God but the King?
30 days
Why was Joseph in Egypt?
He was sold there as a slave
What was the name of the captain of the guard that who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites?
What were the circumstances that led Joseph to leave the place of the captain of the guard?
Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him and when he refused, she claimed he tried to rape her
What was the result of Joseph leaving the place of the captain of the guard?
He was thrown into prison
Under what circumstances was Joseph introduced to Pharaoh?
Because he could interpret dreams
What was the result of Joseph’s introduction to Pharaoh?
Pharaoh put him in charge of the country’s grain supply
Why did the Israelites settle and prosper in the land of Egypt?
Because they needed food during the famine
What was the result of the Israelites choosing to stay in Egypt?
They stayed too long and a new Pharaoh came along and enslaved them
What were the circumstances that led Esther to be selected as Queen?
The queen refused to come to the king, who then banished her in order to pick a new queen (which ended up being Esther).
Who was the king and what country did he rule over?
Xerxes, Persia
Who was the caretaker of Esther and why was he in this land instead of Jerusalem?
Mordecai, his people were in captivity
Who was the noble that wanted to kill all of the Jewish people?
How did Esther manipulate circumstances in order to have the noble’s plans discovered by the king?
She held a banquet in which she was able to publicly out Haman as the person who wanted to kill the Jews
In Romans 12:1 what is described as being a living sacrifice for God?
Offering our bodies and minds
In Romans 12:2 it states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world” - what is the pattern of this world?
To be self-centered
In Romans 12:2, Paul states that you will be transformed by the renewing of what?
Your mind
In Romans 12:1-2, the lesson that Paul teaches is that you will be able to do what ACT when you are renewed?
Test and approve God’s will
How is God’s will described in Romans 12:2?
Good, pleasing and perfect
In Romans 12:3-8, why does Paul use the human body to describe the spiritual gifts that each of us have?
To show that each of us are uniquely valuable and each of us have a unique role to play (for instance the ear’s job isn’t to smell, the eye’s job isn’t to hear, etc.)
Is there something humans can do to earn or acquire these gifts?
Is there anything humans can do to have these gifts taken away?
In Romans 12:5, what does Paul state that each member of our body belongs to?
One another
Once you have decided to trust God’s will, what is the three-pronged continual process God has provided for the purpose of your life?
a. Identify the gifts and talents God has given us
b. Develop (sharpen) the gifts and talents God has given us
c. Use our gifts and talents to meet the needs of the age
What is meant by love that must be “sincere” in Romans 12:9?
Real, not phony or to make it “look like” you really care so that you will be considered “good”
What are the six (6) ways that Paul describes “sincere love” in Romans 12:9-11?
a. Hate what is evil
b. Cling to what is good
c. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love
d. Honor one another above yourselves
e. Never be lacking in zeal
f. Keep your spiritual fervor in serving the Lord
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be joyful in:
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be patient in:
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be faithful in:
In Romans 12:13, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling on our problems and worries is found in what action?
Sharing with people in need and practicing hospitality
Why do the actions in Romans 12:13 release us from dwelling in problems and worry?
Because we are focused on others instead of ourselves
In Romans 12:20, why are you “heaping burning coals” on your enemy if you feed them or give them something to drink?
Because they are expecting you to compete, argue, or judge them…
How does Romans 12 teach us to overcome evil?
With good