The Test Too Flashcards
Bladder innervation: Sympathetic?
Hypogastric n.
Bladder innervation: Parasympathetic?
Pelvic n.
Bladder innervation: Somatic
Pudendal n.
Pelvic n: Give the muscle supplied and action on that muscle and spinal cord segments!
Pelvic (parasympathetic): detrusor contraction and S1-S3
Pudendal n. (muscle supplied? and spinal cord segments?)
Pudendal n. (somatic) striated muscle of EUS; S1-S3
Hypogastric n: muscle supplied? and action on muscle? and spinal cord segments?
Hypogastric (sympathetic): detrusor inhibition (beta adrenergic) and contraction of IUS
What type of drug is bethanecol?
What type of drug is Phenoxybenzamine?
What is Oxybutrin—
antispasmostic; effect directly on smooth m to allow ↑ bladder
capacity; relief of symptoms associated with detrusor instability and hyperreflexia
Cystostomy may be performed by placing a Foley catheter (6 to 20 French [Fr]; depending on the size of the animal) via a small midline abdominal incision, through a _____________ approach (Bray et al, 2009), by __________ (Zhang et al, 2010), or percutaneously.
muscle-splitting inguinal approach -Bray; laparoscopy -Zhang
Stamey Malecot catheters (10 to 14 Fr) are used for ____________ placement; however, premature removal of this catheter may occur. Therefore surgically placed Foley catheters are often preferred for long-term catheterization in ambulatory patients.
Use of low-profile gastrostomy tubes for cystostomy in dogs and cats has been described and appears to be well tolerated. Regular gastrostomy (Pezzer; mushroom tip) tubes have also been used for ______ catheters. (name the location of placement).
The ______ _______ catheter can be removed by gentle traction within 3 or 4 days after placement without risk of urinary leakage; however, it is recommended that a ________ catheter be left in for 5 to 7 days.
Stamey Malecot catheter: 3-4 days. Foley catheter: 5-7 days.
What is callotasis?
callotasis—induction of endochondral ossification due to slow distraction of callus; used in distraction osteogenesis for limb lengthening procedures
What is the DuraFace pin?
Griffin 2011; negative-profile pin featuring a tapered thread runout that mitigates the stress–riser effect at the thread–shaft junction
Fick’s equation?
O2 consumption=CO x (A-V)O2
Fluids for uroabdomen
Ehrlos Danlos
aka cutaneous asthenia – definition
Inherited deficiency of type I or III collagen, Himalyan cats
Dermatome-power driven, free knife vs other?
Location of the bronchus in relationship to the pulmonary artery and vein?
Left lung anatomy vs. Right lung anatomy?
Osteochondromatosis? (MCE)
Three bottle set up for thoracic pleural drainage?
Accessory carpal bone fracture in greyhounds?
Muscle type classifications?
Blood supply to the caudal rectum?
Chondrocyte transplantation?>
Pancreatic duct anatomy (dog vs. cat)?
In the dog the accessory pancreatic duct (duct of Santorini) enters the minor duodenal papilla and is the major contributor. The pancreatic duct (duct of Wirsung) opens at the major duodenal papilla ADJACENT to the common bile duct
In the CAT 80% have a single pancreatic duct and it fuses with the common prior to entering the MAJOR dudenal papilla
Surgicell, gelfoam, Instat (bovine collagen mesh), hemopad (bovine collagen mesh), fibrin glue?
Urachal diverticulum?
Vesicularurtero reflux
Partition coefficient-methoxy, iso, halothane (stability, rate of induction, MAC)?
Absorbent soda lime
What is the treatment for oral melanoma ?
What is the prognosis for oral melanoma?
Dermal melanoma? What are the factors that influcence malignancy? depth? size? etc
Normal ratio of trachea in dogs? brachycephalics? English bulldogs?
name 4 or 5 colloids and then order them from the smallest to largest size.
The different effects of all the different colloids on coagulation?