The Struggle for Independence in the French Colonies Flashcards
French colonies practice a policy called _____,
what does it do?
Assimilation Policy:
- Turn Africans into French men and women
- Act and behave in the French conditions
To be a part of the French colony you had to?
- Learn to read and write in French
- Must become christian
- Must have one wife
- Must have French manners
What happened after they complete the policy:
- You become assimilated and receive the certificate
The policy failed why?
- Africans realized the certificate didn’t mean anything
- They were still lower than the average French person
- They became alienated from their own culture and become distant from by sides
What are the Federations:
AOF ______
AEF ____
Afrique occidentale Francaise (AOF) West Africa that the French control - Dakar, in the country of Senegal Afrique Équatoriale Francaise (AEF) Country by the equator - Brazzarville, in the republic of Congo.
World War II and France
(Germany defeated French so Germany took over the French colonies in Africa)
what was the name of the German regime and who named it?
Vichy Regime
- German established a proper government , the French named it the Vichy regime
World War II and France
(Germany defeated French so Germany took over the French colonies in Africa)
What was the repercussion of this?
What did some French flee to?
- They rebelled against the Germans
- Some French fled to England and formed The free French Gov
Free French Government
who was the leader ?
Liberation of France
After the us and England freed France who returned to France?
- The leader of the FFG was called De Gaulle
- Once the us and England freed France De Gaulle returned to France to establish proper rule
What was De Gaulle’s promise:
- Did De Gaulle keep his word?
- If the Africans helped fight against the germans France would free the africans of the French colonies
NO, he wanted the africans to join the French parliament or the French Assembly
French Assembly:
formed multiple political parties what is the name of the RDA
how many representatives of the French party had to be sent to the French parliament
Match the names with location
FHB ___
LSS ___
STG ___
- Formed multiple political parties in the French colonies in Africa which were called Rassemblement Démocratique African- RDA
Rassemblement Démocratique African- RDA - had to send two representatives of the French party to the French parliament
Felix Houphet Boigny - Ivory Coast
Leopold Sedar Senghor - Senegal
Sekou Toure - Guinea
The struggle for freedom in the French colonies of Africa:
did the Africans want to be a part if this rule?
who hosted the Referendum
- The africans did not want to be a part of this rule
- De gaulle hosted a referendum
De Gaulle - 1958 what did the Referendum consist of? What did De Gaulle do during this campaign? What happened during the voting count? which colony voted no?
Referendum- 1958
- Choose to join the French or gain independence
- Either Yes for France or no for independence
- He travelled to multiple colonies and urged them to vote yes
- He also threatened them if they voted no they would be punished
- The French stuffed the ballot with yes’s
- Except for one colony which was Guinea
Guinea - Voted no due to the vigilante leader (who is the leader)
What was the repercussion of Guinea choosing no
what did France do?
what all was taken
what was the goal
- France wants to punish Guinea
- So they granted guinea independence
- But they took everything from Guinea , anything French was stolen.
- Chairs, desk, chalk boards, paper from class rooms.
- The goal was to make Guinea collapse due to the French no funding them anymore
Who helped Guinea when France left:
what did he do?
What happened after this event?
when did they gain their independence?
Kwame Nkrumah
- He helped by donating millions of dollars for the new country to start
After this event the colonies still educated themselves to learn how to free themselves
In 1960 France decided to grant freedom
Independence (1960)
Only country who did not receive independence:
what did most of the land consist of grass or desert?
what was the religion ?
what was one of the main laws of that religion?
French Settlers:
what did the French settlers do?
Whats the repercussions of this:
Who was the leader
what was the name of the movement
what year was the war
Algeria ( Setter Colony)
Most of Algeria is desert.
Most people of Algeria were Muslim
One of the main rules state you should not drink alcohol.
French Settlers:
- took 1/3 of agricultural Land
- Grapes for Wine
- They started to remove the wheat fields to grow more grape fields
- This caused friction between the settlers and the Algerians
Whats the repercussions of this:
The Algerians had to fight
- They fought the settlers and the government
Who was the leader? Ahmed Bed Bella National Liberation Front War in 1954 French Troops- 700,000
What did the U.S do that they shouldn’t
- Gave arms to France to oppress the people of Algeria
Who was General Aussaresses
and what was his role
did he loose both wars?
he was a general who was trained by the British special forces as a freedom fighter to free the French people.
yes , Vietnam and Algeria
What year was the cease fire 1959
what came of it?
- they realized they should grant independence to the people of Algeria
The French secret service kidnapped Ahmed Bed Bella - Highjacked a commercial French plane
- This did not stop the struggle
who are the OAS?
What did they do and in what year?
- Organization formed by the settlers who felt abandoned by the French government
- So they attacked Algeria and France
- In the year of 1962