Pre-colonial Period (Before 1900)
Before the Europeans came in.
Did women have economic power?
- Name of the goddess or Supreme Being: Mawuno
- The people of Ewe worship : Mawuno (Goddess the creator or mother)
- God is a woman
Sexual Division of Labor
- The same role is given to mothers why?
- Because mothers give life
- This is used in some African cultures
- Where the child inherits from the mothers line
Dowry/bride price
- When you decide to marry your woman, it becomes an affair of:
- two families, communities, towns, etc…
- The families much negotiate before the two people can do anything
- Marriage is a relationship in two families
- The mans family must approach the brides family first to discuss if they can marry.
- They must offer a symbolic gift or gesture to the brides family to ensure good faith or intent
- Ex: whisky, cloth, chicken, cattle, money
- Most women were soldiers
- The most famous come from : Dahomey-MIno(women soldiers)
- They fought the French when they tried to take their home.
- If you were defeated by them it was as if you lost twice
- North Africa and South Africa women are the main traders
- ## From grass to hardware
Colonial Period (1900-1960): Europeans arrived in Africa Cultural Facilitators
Once they get off the boats from the high seas: they start looking for women
- As companions and mistresses
- They use these women to:
- understand the African people
- Give access to some of their
The Name the women were given:
- Pillow Dictionaries
Christian African Farmers
- Teaching them to be good mothers, wives, husbands
Women who went to the missionary schools became:
Nurses, receptionist, typist, Pre-school teachers, etc
This didn’t give them enough
Eventually this caused the women to have:
Resistance against colonialism
- They fought like men
- They were known for TAX REVOLTS
What are Tax Revolts
Origin: The European women who worked in trade and retail were taxed highly for their goods
- They refused to pay
Post-Colonial Period(1960-Present
Many if them expanded on their businesses
Business or market women
- EX: Wholesalers
- Owners of big shops
Higher education
Professional women
- Ex: managers, doctors, lawyers
- Writers Food retailers
Women’s Associations
“The mouth only repeats what the ears hear”
The men can go out yelling
But its the voices of the women who influence