The Structural Frame Flashcards
Which are the “two issues are central to structural design”?
Differentiation and Integration
Which are the two forms of organization coordination?
Vertical and lateral
Name eight structural dilemmas
- Differentiation vs. Integration
- Gap vs. Overlap
- Underuse vs. Overload
- Lack of Clarity Versus Lack of Creativity
- Excessive Autonomy Versus Excessive Interdependence
- Too Loose Versus Too Tight
- Goalless Versus Goalbound
- Irresponsible Versus Unresponsive
Which are the five sectors in Mintzberg’s five- sector logo?
Strategic apex Middle line (administrative component) Operating core Technostructure Support staff
Which are the five different structures from Mintzberg’s five-sector logo?
Simple Structure Machine Bureaucracy Professional Bureaucracy Divisionalized Form Adhocracy
What is essential to organizational performance, according tot he structural frame?
Clear, well understood goals, roles, and relationships and adequate coordination
How can the fundamental dilemma of the structural frame be summarized as two questions?
- How do we allocate responsibilities across different units and roles?
- How do we integrate diverse efforts in pursuit of common goals?
Name five basic assumptions underlying the structural frame
- Organizations exist to achieve established goals and objectives.
- Organizations increase efficiency and enhance performance through specialization and appropriate division of labor.
- Suitable forms of coordination and control ensure that diverse efforts of individuals and units mesh.
- Organizations work best when rationality prevails over personal agendas and extraneous pressures.
- Problems arise and performance suffers from structural deficiencies, which can be remedied through analysis and restructuring.
Which are the “three aims” of the structural frame?
Internal efficiency
- to do things right
External effectiveness
- to do the right things
System effectiveness
- to be able to develop and change what to do
Which are the three methods for vertical coordination?
Rules and policies
Planning and Control Systems
Which are the four methods for lateral integration?
Task Forces
Matrix Structures
Name three characteristics which differentiates lateral coordination from vertical coordination
Typically less formal and more flexible than authority-bound systems and rules
Often more effective but costlier than its vertical counterparts
Work best when a complex task is performed in a turbulent, fast-changing environment
The structural frame identifies four types of goals
Honorific: Fictitious goals with desirable qualities
Taboo: Goals pursued but not talked about
Stereotypical: Goals any reputable organization should have
Existing: Goals quietly pursued even though inconsistent with stated values and self-image
Which is the relationship between structural development requirements and work quality/complexity/sophistication?
High end, high quality, high tech –> less structural developed required
Which are the six structural imperatives?
Size and age
Core process/central processes
Environment (uncertainty and turbulence)
Strategy and goals
Information technology
Nature of the workforce
Name three typical pitfalls in organizational restructuring
The impulsive firm
(develops slower than it grows –> primitive organization)
The stagnant bureaucracy
(older, tradition-dominated organization with obsolete product line)
The headless giant
(loosely coupled divisional organization with weak administration)