Lectures 7-9 Flashcards
Which are the four types of divisions?
- Cost centres (Divisional expenses)
- Revenue centres (Sales)
- Profit centres (EBIT, Margins)
- Profitability centres (ROA, ROCE, ROE)
How is economic profit different from net profit?
Net profit – Owners’ required return
What is the top-down budgeting approach?
Top management prepares the budget that is implemented throughout the organisation.
When is it good to use top-down budgeting?
- When resources are scarce
* When management has a better picture of the overall situation in the market and economy.
What are the pros and cons of top-down budgeting?
Takes shorter time
Might be less realistic (detailed knowledge of lower levels is not taken into account)
What is the bottom-up budgeting approach?
Top management only provides basic framework and each division prepares its own budget that is afterwards incorporated into the total budget through negotiations
What are the pros and cons of bottom-up budgeting?
\+ Democratic Serves as a good communication tool Engages people More realistic (prepared by people closer to floor)
Takes too much time
Is not always optimal from the overall perspective (each division is more interested in its own activities rather than whole company)
Describe the concept of a rolling forecast
Rolling forecast is prepared every quarter and is based on a small number of crucial variables, thus it is very quick to prepare.
Rolling forecasts are best suited for which type of company?
Start-ups and companies in quickly changing environments
Which are the three principle components of the BSC?
Strategy formulation Management control (implementation) Task control (individual tasks)
Name six ways in which financial measures are different from balanced measures
Balanced (financial):
- Stakeholders (owners)
- No comparability (comparability)
- Linked to strategy (aggregate)
- Long & short term (short term)
- Leading & lagging (lagging)
- Easy to identify with (hard)
When obtaining ROA from the leverage formula, based on a ROE from the growth formula, should you use opening, average or closing balance figures?
Opening, since growth formula implies this is a forecast
Which are the four main dimensions (columns) of the BSC
- Shareholders (financial perspective)
- Customers
- Processes
- Innovation/learning/development (employee)
What is at the top of the BSC?
Vision & Strategy
What are rows of a typical BSC?
- Dimension names
- Strategic goals
- Critical success factors
- Critical measures