The stock exchange Flashcards
What do we call an organized market where shares are traded?
A stock exchange.
Define “capital”.
Money, assets, and property owned by a company.
What do we call a person that owns shares?
A shareholder.
What do we call the total value of shares of a company?
Share capital.
Define “dividend”.
Money paid to shareholders from company profits.
What do we call equal parts of ownership of a company?
Define “blue chips”.
Shares of large financially sound companies.
Define “securities”.
Shares, bonds and derivatives.
Define “going public”.
Making shares available on the stock exchange.
Define “equity finance”.
Money available to a company through its shares.
What do we call a company’s ability to pay debts?
Credit rating.
Define “share index”.
Average value of a group of shares traded on a stock exchange.
Define “broker”.
An individual or a firm that arranges a transaction between a buyer and a seller to earn a commission.
What is the NASDAQ Composite?
The US high-tech index.
Define “underwriter”.
An investment bank that guarantees to sell all shares and gives advice what, when and at what price to sell.
What are corporate bonds?
Securities issued by companies to raise funds.
Define “rating agency”.
A firm assessing creditworthiness of an issuer of securities.
Translate “securities”.
Vrednostni papirji.
Translate “shares/stocks/equities”.
Translate “bonds”.
Translate “derivatives”.
Izvedeni inštrumenti.
Translate “the stock market”.
Borzni trg.
Translate “over-the-counter (OTC) market”.
Izvenborzni trg.
Translate “issuer”.
Translate “investor”.
Translate “stock broker”.
Borzni posrednik.
Translate “shareholder”.
Translate “bondholder”.
Imetnik obveznice.
Translate “listing, quotation”.
Translate “initial public offering (IPO)”.
Prva javna ponudba delnic.
Translate “seasoned equity offering (SEO)”.
Naslednja ponudba delnic.
Translate “government bonds”.
Državne obveznice.
Translate “boniteta”.
Credit rating.
Translate “dividend”.
Translate “razpršiti tveganje”.
To spread/diversify risk.
Translate “bond maturity, due date”.
Dospelost obveznice.
Translate “futures and options”.
Terminske pogodbe in opcije.
Translate “yield”.
Translate “prvorazredna/varna delnica”.
Blue chip.
Translate “preferred stock”.
Prednostna delnica.
Translate “ordinary share”.
Navadna delnica.
Translate “regulatory authority/body”.
Nadzorni organ.
Translate “public limited company”.
Delniška družba.
Translate “zadržani dobiček”.
Retained earnings.
Translate “tveganju nenaklonjen vlagatelj”.
Risk-averse investor.
Translate “common stock”.
Navadna delnica.
Translate “preference share”.
Prednostna delnica.
Translate “rating agency”.
Bonitetna agencija.
Translate “brokerage house”.
Borzno-posredniška hiša.
Translate “bull market”.
Bikovski trg.
Translate “investment grade bond”.
Kvalitetna obveznica/obveznica z boniteto boljšo od razreda C.
Translate “junk bond”.
Visokotvegana obveznica.
Provide near synonym for “currency”.
Foreign exchange.
Provide near synonym for “shares/stocks”.
Provide near synonym for “listing”.
Provide near synonym for “maturity”.
Due date.
Provide near synonym for “government bonds”.
Provide near synonym for “default”.
Provide near synonym for “credit rating”.
Provide near synonym for “financially sound”.
In good condition.
Provide a synonym for “to prevent from operating”.
To disrupt.
Provide a synonym for “to reimburse”.
To compensate.
Provide a synonym for “to decide that something will be used for a particular purpose”.
To earmark.
Provide a synonym for “revelation of facts”.
Provide a synonym for “calculation of a future trend”.
Provide a synonym for “supervising body”.
Explain “to subpoena”.
To order someone to come to a court of law as a witness.
What do we call the total value of shares?
Market capitalization.
What do we call an investment bank that guarantees to sell the share issued?
Provide a synonym for “to suddenly and quickly decrease”.
To plummet.
Translate “going rate”.
Veljavna tarifa.
Provide a near synonym: The season sale took off.
Picked up, recovered, bounced back.
Provide a near synonym: Gold prices peaked last month.
Reached a high point.
Provide a near synonym: Intereuropa shares plummeted.
Plunged, slumped, went down dramatically.
Provide a near synonym: The yen fluctuated in the last quarter.
Was volatile, went up and down.
Provide a near synonym: Share trading remained stable.
Stayed the same, held steady.
Provide a near synonym: Bond trading was sluggish last week.
Was very slow, without movement.
Provide a near synonym: The price of the euro slipped against the dollar.
Went down slightly, dropped.
Provide a near synonym: Last week the SBI reached an all-time low.
Bottomed out, dropped to the lowest point.
Provide a near synonym: Leading stocks firmed up.
Became stronger, improved.
Provide a near synonym: The FB share price skyrocketed to $42.
Soared, increased dramatically.
Provide a near synonym: Profits levelled off at around $100,000.
Became stable after a period of growth.
Translate “finančni vzvod”.
Gearing, leverage.
Translate “občinske obveznice”.
Municipal bonds.
Translate “letna skupščina delničarjev”.
Annual general meeting (AGM).
Translate “flotation”.
Translate “underwriter”.
Odkupnik primarne izdaje vrednostnih papirjev.
Translate “disclosure”.