Economic issues Flashcards
What do we call an increase in economic activity?
A recovery.
What do we call the highest point of economic activity?
A boom.
What do we call a decline in economic activity?
A recession.
What do we call the lowest point of economic activity?
A slump.
Translate OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
Organizacija za ekonomsko sodelovanje in razvoj.
Translate CPI (Consumer Price Index).
Indeks rasti cen življenskih stroškov.
Translate RPI (Retail Price Index).
Indeks rasti maloprodajnih cen.
Translate FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).
Neposredne tuje investicije.
Translate PPP (Purchasing Power Parity).
Pariteta kupne moči.
Translate AGR (Annual Growth Rate).
Letna stopnja rasti.
Translate scarcity of resources.
Pomanjkanje virov.
Translate consumption.
Translate “razpoložljivost delovne sile”.
Availability of labour.
Translate “razpoložljivost virov”.
Availability of resources.
Translate expenditures.
Translate market economy.
Tržna ekonomija.
Translate perfect competition.
Popolna konkurenca.
Translate utility.
Translate public tender.
Javni razpis.
Translate national output.
Nacionalni proizvod.
Translate welfare.
Translate “javna poraba”.
Public spending
Translate “ekonomska politika”.
Economic policy.
Translate “indeks rasti cen na drobno”.
Retail price index.
Translate “kupna moč”.
Purchasing power.
Translate “razcvet/konjunktura”.
Join by using a relative clause: The workers in the production will go on strike. They haven’t received their salaries for three months.
The workers in the production, who haven’t received their salaries for three months, will go on strike.
Join by using a relative clause: Here is a mobile phone. I was telling you about it.
Here is a mobile phone which I was telling you about.
Join by using a relative clause: The model was launched five months ago. It’s not doing well.
The model that/which was launched five months ago isn’t doing so well.
Rephrase the sentence by using the phrase in the bracket: Poor economic policy has led to a severe crisis in manufacturing. (arise from)
A severe crisis in manufacturing has arisen from poor economic policy.