Managing people Flashcards
Provide the most suitable business term: goal.
Provide the most suitable business term: acknowledgement
Provide the most suitable business term: response.
Provide the most suitable business term: barrier.
Provide the most suitable business term: to give the power to make decisions.
Provide the most suitable business term: level of management.
Provide the most suitable business term: the number of employees who leave and are replaced over time.
Staff turnover.
Provide the most suitable business term: to achieve a task.
Provide the most suitable business term: someone who benefits without effort.
Provide the most suitable business term: taking actions without being told what to do.
Provide the most suitable business term: above the subordinate.
Provide the most suitable business term: agreement among all the people involved.
Provide the most suitable business term: to give advice.
Provide the most suitable business term: devotion.
Provide the most suitable business term: to give authority.
Provide the most suitable business term: intention, reason.
Provide the most suitable business term: combined effort being greater than its parts.
Translate “empowerment”.
Translate “recognition”.
Priznanje za opravljeno delo.
Translate “authority”.
Translate “to delegate”.
Prenesti pristojnosti na druge.
Translate “to impede/to hinder/to hamper”.
Translate “to counsel/to give advice/to advise”.
Translate “unanimously”.
Translate “to be indifferent”.
Biti nekomu malo mar.
Translate “consensus”.
Translate “unanimous decision”.
Soglasna odločitev.
Translate “collective decision”.
Skupna odločitev.
Translate “red tape”.
Translate “Žal mi je, da nisem bil boljši vodja tima.”
I wish I had been a better team leader.
Translate “Ne bi mogel biti nič boljši.”
He couldn’t have been any better.
Translate “Gotovo ni bil kaj prida vodja!”
He can’t have been a good leader.
Translate “Ni mu bilo treba biti najboljši.”
He didn’t have to be the best.
Translate “Ko bi vsaj več delegiral.”
I wish I had delegated more.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It would be a good idea to make a deal. We …
We should make a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It would have been a good idea to make a deal. We …
We should have made a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It was not a good idea to make a deal. We …
We shouldn’t have made a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It is possible we will make a deal. We …
We may make a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It is not possible to make a deal. We …
We can’t make a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It was possible to make a deal, but we didn’t. We …
We could have made a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It’s necessary to make a deal. We …
We need to make a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It wasn’t necessary to make a deal, and we didn’t. We …
We didn’t need to make a deal.
Continue the sentence by using a modal verb: It wasn’t necessary to make a deal, but we did. We …
We needn’t have made a deal.
Rephrase the sentence by using the modal perfect.
It is certain, that the team established a clear goal.
The team …
The team must have established a clear goal.
Rephrase the sentence by using the modal perfect.
It is certain, that the team didn’t establish a clear goal.
The team …
The team couldn’t have established a clear goal.
Rephrase the sentence by using the modal perfect.
It is certain, that the team leader wasn’t honest to all.
She …
She can’t have been honest to all.
Rephrase the sentence by using the modal perfect.
It is certain, that their team was incredibly efficient.
Their team …
Their team must have been incredibly efficient.
Rephrase the sentence by using the modal perfect.
It is certain, that the climate wasn’t in favour of teams.
The climate …
The climate couldn’t have been in favour of teams.