Corporate growth Flashcards
Find a synonym and translate “acquisition”.
Synonym: takeover
Translation: prevzem, pripojitev
Define and translate “merger”.
Definition: a joining of two or more companies resulting in a new company
Translation: združitev, spojitev
Define and translate “joint venture”.
Definition: two or more companies cooperate in a project or enterprise; they share the investment and the profit/loss, but remain separate entities
Translation: skupno vlaganje
What do we call a company buying another company? Translate it as well.
An acquirer or a bidder, prevzmenik / prevzemno podjetje.
What is a target (target firm)? Translate it as well.
A company to be taken over because of its assets, cash, or business potential.
Translation: ciljno podjetje, tarča.
Translate “majority stake”.
Kontrolni/večinski delež.
Define and translate “management buyout (MBO)”.
Definition: managers of a company buy a controlling stake (share, interest) in the company.
Translation: managerski/notranji odkup.
Define and translate “raider”.
Definition: a company making a hostile takeover.
Translation: sovražni prevzemnik.
Define and translate “hostile takeover”.
Definition: an acquisition that is opposed by the management of the target company.
Translation: sovražni prevzem.
Define and translate “friendly takeover”.
Definition: an acquisition that is welcomed by the management of the target firm.
Translation: prijazni prevzem.
Define and translate “takeover bird”.
Definition: making an offer to the target company’s shareholders to buy their shares.
Translation: ponudba za prevzem.
Define and translate “due diligence”.
Definition: careful investigation of a potential investment.
Translation: skrbni pregled.
Define and translate “company valuation”.
Definition: determining the value of a company.
Translation: vrednotenje podjetja.
Define and translate “market capitalization”.
Definition: the market value of all company stocks.
Translation: tržna vrednost podjetja.
Define and translate “leveraged buyout (LBO)”.
Definition: buying a controlling stake of a company by using a large amount of borrowed money (up to 90%).
Translation: odkup podjetja z zadolžitvijo.
Define and translate “competition/antitrust legislation”.
Definition: laws concerning anti-competitive concentrations of market power.
Translation: protimonopolna zakonodaja.
Define and translate “vertical integration”.
Definition: a company buying out its suppliers and/or customers.
Translation: vertikalni/navpični prevzemi.
Define and translate “horizontal integration”.
Definition: a combination of two companies producing similar goods or services.
Translation: horizontalni/vodoravni prevzemi.
What does the example illustrate?
Gorenje entered new markets and launched several new products.
What does the example illustrate?
The company is more efficient; it has higher output and lower costs per unit of output.
Economies of scale.
What does the example illustrate?
The Competition Protection Office clears acquisitions or mergers.
Competition authorities.
What does the example illustrate?
The value of company equity per share was reduced.
Diluting share capital.
What does the example illustrate?
Time Warner is a large group combining very different types of businesses.
What does the example illustrate?
Manufacturing household appliances is Gorenje’s most important activity.
Core business.
What does the example illustrate?
Senora Plc bought a company in the town centre, closed production, and sold the land and buildings for the new housing estate.
Asset stripping.
What does the example illustrate?
Gorenje and Sistemska Tehnika work together on several projects.
Joint venture.
What does the example illustrate?
The company has the dominant position in the soft-drink market and determines the conditions on the market.
What does the example illustrate?
The GlsxoSmithKline merger resulted in a combined performance of companies that is better than the sum of their separate performances.
What does the example illustrate?
JP Morgan suggested splitting the conglomerate into three companies.
Provide a noun, a subject, and an adjective for the following verb: acquire.
Noun: acquisition,
subject: acquirer, acquiree,
adjective: acquisitive.
Provide a noun for the following verb: take over.
Provide a noun for the following verb: merge.
Provide a noun and a subject for the following verb: bid.
Noun: bid,
subject: bidder.
Provide a noun and a subject for the following verb: offer.
Noun: offer,
subject: offerer, offeree.
Provide a noun and a subject for the following verb: raid.
Noun: raid,
subject: raider.
Provide near synonym for “acquisition”.
Takeover, buyout.
Provide near synonym for “joint venture”.
Strategic alliance, partnership.
Provide near synonym for “controlling interest”.
Majority stake.
Provide near synonym for “bidder”.
Acquirer, offerer.
Provide near synonym for “to merge with”.
To combine with, to joint with.
Find two mistakes in the following sentence: Mercator brought a 13% interests in M-Rodič d.o.o.
Bought, interest.
Find two mistakes in the following sentence: Armani diversed into home furnishing with its brand Armani Casa.
Diversified, brand.
Find two mistakes in the following sentence: They want to acquisition their biggest competitioner.
Acquire, competitor.
Find two mistakes in the following sentence: Why did Sony Music merger with BMG? To acheive economies of scale.
Merge, achieve.
What does the following abbreviation stand for: DD?
Due diligence.
What does the following abbreviation stand for: LBO?
Leveraged buyout.
What does the following abbreviation stand for: MBO?
Management buyout.
Translate “ciljno podjetje, tarča”.
Target company, targeted company.
Translate “odpuščanje delavcev”.
Layoffs, redundancies.
Translate “notranja rast podjetja”.
Internal growth.
Translate “povečana učinkovitost”.
Increased efficiency.
Translate “skupno vlaganje”.
Joint venture.
Translate “economies of scope”.
Ekonomija dejavnosti.
Translate “economies of scale”.
Ekonomija obsega.
Translate “antitrust law”.
Zakon o preprečevanju omejevanja konkurence.
Translate the following sentence: “Prevzemi so najhitrejša oblika rasti podjetij.”.
Acquisitions are the fastest manner of company growth.
Translate the following sentence: “Cilj horizontalnih prevzemov in združitev je ustvarjanje monopolov.”.
The goal of horizontal mergers and acquisitions is creation of monopolies.
Translate the following sentence: “Financiranje prevzema lahko poteka z denarjem ali vrednostnimi papirji.”.
The acquisition can be financed with cash or securities.
Translate the following sentence: “Delničarji ciljne družbe prodajo delnice in dobijo premijo.”.
The target company’s shareholders sell their shares and receive a premium.
Translate the following sentence: “Premija je razlika med ceno izplačane delnice in njeno tržno ceno.”.
A premium is the difference between the share price that is paid out and its market price.
Find a word or expression:
The increased worth of something: a____ _____.
Added value.
Find a word or expression:
Additional advantages that are produced by two companies combining their resources: s______.
Translate “reverse takeover”.
Prevzem velike družbe s strani majhne.
Translate “product diversification”.
Proizvodna diverzifikacija.
Translate “management buyout”.
Notranji odkup podjetja.
Translate “M&A (business combinations)”.
Prevzemi in združitve.
Translate “due diligence”.
Skrbni pregled.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
TFA is in exclusive talks ____ French investment fund F33 to sell a majority stake ____ its gas distribution network.
With, in.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
National Engineering entered ____ an agreement to sell its equity in Legacy Reserves.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
On Monday the bidder withdrew ____ his offer to buy Mura.
No missing preposition.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
According to reports from The Wall Street Journal, merger talks are underway ____ IBM and Sun Micro.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
If the merger goes ____ it will create a mega bank with over 30 million customers.
Complete the following by supplying the missing preposition:
The company would dominate the market and this is ____ the public interest.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: a target company with great potential.
Sleeping beauty.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: an acquiring company that makes a hostile takeover bid.
Black Knight, raider.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: a company that makes a friendly bid, a friendly bidder.
White Knight.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: to announce a merger.
To announce a marriage plan.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: to discourage a hostile takeover by making its stock less attractive and offering it to shareholders at a discounted price.
To take a poison pill.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: a company’s most valuable assets.
Crown jewels.
Provide a metaphor or an idiom related to explanation: buying a company’s shares on the stock exchange.
Dawn raid.
Express contrast with a clause of concession.
The deal is off. There still might be further negotiations.
Although the deal is off, there still might be further negotiations.
What are some guidelines for a successful merger?
Good preparation, good communication, making efforts to keep staff happy, consideration of the other company’s culture, quick action, loyalty, and mutual support.