the stamp act Flashcards
when was the stamp act created?
april 1765
when did the stamp act come into power?
november 1765
what was the stamp act?
it required colonists to buy stamps which were to be attached to newspapers, legal documents and items such as dice and playing cards
it was to raise british revenue
why did the americans over react to the stamp act?
argued that they were not represented in parliament so shouldn’t be taxed
antagonised lawyers - had to pay just to be a lawyer
no vote or say in how the money would be spent
why was the stamp act not implemented straight away?
they needed time to recruit and train people to enforce
why was the time delay in the stamp act significant?
colonists had time to organise resistance
eliphalet dyer
believes the stamp act restricts liberty
colonists should protest - if they don’t they’ll keep being taxed
britian are using the stamp act to benefit themselves
no say in how the money will be spent
pay lots of money just to be a lawyer
who made a fiery speech and pushed five resolutions through the virginia assembly?
patrick henry
what did delegates from nine colonies do?
sitting as the stamp act congress, they petitioned for the stamp act to be repealed
what did merchants do in new york?
pledged not to buy or sell british goods until the stamp act was repealed
during patrick henry’s may session, how many members remained?
31 of the 116
what was the first resolution?
‘the first settlers to this country brought with them all the privileges and rights that have at any time been enjoyed by the people of great britain’
what was the second resolution?
‘these privileges and rights have been guaranteed by two royal charters’
what was the third resolution?
‘the right of self taxation is a distinguishing characteristic of british freedom’
what was the fourth resolution?
‘the virginia assembly has always had the sole power of self government and self taxation and that these rights have always been recognised by the kings and people of great britain’
what was the fifth resolution?
‘the assembly of this colony has the sole right and power to tax virginians, any attempt to surrender this power will destroy britain as well as american freedom’
what was the sixth resolution?
’ the inhabitants of this colony are not bound to obey any law except those passed by their general assembly’
what was the seventh resolution?
‘that any person who speaks otherwise shall be deemed an enemy of the colony’
what resolutions weren’t passed but were published in newspapers?
six and seven
why was talking about the act described as treason?
implying that george iii should be murdered
‘caesar has his brutus; charles the first, his cromwell and george the third…’
why did the assemblies agree?
near the end of the session
many were mentally drained so just kept the peace
what other methods did patrick henry use to get his argument across to american people?
he inspired riots and pressure from below
august - riots in masachusetts
inspired by patrick henry
under the leadership of loyal nine
protest in the streets
pulled stamp office to the ground in two minutes
mob broke down the garden fence and beat in all the windows
26th august - mob attacked governor hutchinson’s house with inestimable fury
loss of house - £3000
october - the stamp act congress
purpose of it was to protest the stamp act
‘that his majesty’s subjects in these colonies owe the same allegiance to the crown of great britain, that is owing from his english subjects, and all due subordination to parliament’
‘that it is the right of englishmen that no taxes be imposed upon them but with their own consent, given personally or by their representatives’
‘that the people of these colonies cannot be represented in the house of commons’
‘that it is the duty of these colonies to try to obtain the repeal of the stamp act’
november - boycott of british goods
in new york, philadelphia and boston merchants agreed to stop doing business with or pay debts to english businessmen until the stamp act was repealed
200 merchants signed
march - repeal of the stamp act
violence, petitions, resolutions and boycotts finally caused parliament to reconsider the stamp act
repealed after a long, heated debate