the first continental congress 1774 Flashcards
when was the first continental congress?
5th september 1774
what caused the continental congress?
the coercive acts
paul revere delivered the news that boston was to be blockaded with war ships
how many colonies attended?
12 , georgia didn’t
what was believed would persuade the king and britian to retreat from the coercive acts?
a display of unity
they were proved wrong
did people speak of independence?
not really, apart from sam adams
what did joseph galloway want?
what did dickinson want?
what happened on tuesday 6th september?
each colony would have one vote, regardless of population
no one should speak more than twice on the same point without permission
keep the congress secret
why were two delegates from each colony appointed?
to define colonial rights and how parliament and the king had infringed upon them
why was a second committee chosen?
to specify how acts of parliament had seriously affected the colonial economy
compromised one delegate per colony
friday 16th september
committees were deliberating
paul revere went to philadelphia’s city tavern with a document, which if adopted, would make a break from britain unavoidable
suffolk resovles
9th september 1774
called for an embargo on british goods, in effect closing british ports in retaliation for closing boston
non importation of british goods
december 1774
delayed for southern colonies since they needed to harvest their goods and sell them to britain first
started in september 1775
overall success
showed political unity
creation of militias threatens britain
sam and john adams disappointed
march 1774
colonists boarded east india company ship ‘the nancy’ and disposed of the tea in response to to the coercive acts
13th may 1774
boston town meeting asked all the colonies to boycott british goods until the boston port act was repealed
24th may 1774
virginian house of burgesses passed a resolution condemning the coercive acts
lord dunmore dissolved the house 2 days later
27th may 1774
89 of 103 burgesses met at the raleigh tavern in williamsburg and adopted a non importation agreement, pledged non consumption of tea and denounced boston port act
5th june 1774
boston committee of correspondence drafted a solemn league and covenant committing itself to a british boycott
summer 1774
extra conventions set up by 7 colonies even though royal governors had forbidden it
late 1774
committees of safety established in accordance with continental association
british authority had completely broken down in massachusetts