The Spanish Armada Flashcards
How long did it take Philip to organise the Armada?
2 years
Why was Philip convinced the Armada was the right thing to do?
He was doing God’s work
He was engaged in a Catholic crusade
Why was sailing of Armada delayed?
Success of English attack on Spanish ships at the harbour of Cadiz in April 1587
When did Armada finally set sail?
July 1588
Objective of Armada?
Reach port of Gravelines in the Spanish Netherlands where it was intended that a Spanish army led by Parma would board the ships to lead an invasion to England
Where and when was the Armada spotted?
29th July, Cornish coast
Battle of English Channel? Dates?
30th July to 6th August
End of Armada?
Armada was forced because of unfavourable winds to return to Spain by hazardous route of sailing north towards Scotland and then back south to Ireland - cost them ships because they were lost in storms
How did English take advantage of weather?
Sent fireships to destroy some of the Armada while at anchor and the English also benefitted from superior gunnery and manoeuvrability
For how many years did the war between Spain and England continue?
Where was the war fought?
At sea of Western Europe
Land in France, Netherlands and Ireland-
Main cause for Elizabeth staying in war?
Survival on a national and universal level against Catholic conspiracy
Why would a naval war be favoured by E?
War in the Netherlands tended to be expensive and difficult while England had enjoyed success in small scale naval attacks in Caribbean
England’s 3 attacks on mainland Spain from 1495?
Capture and occupation of Cadiz
Hawkins and Drake attacked Panama- weakest part of Spanish empire
Failures of English attacks?
Occupation of Cadiz had no strategic follow ups
Drake and Hawkins failed and died at sea
Success of English attacks?
Capture of Cadiz was humiliating for Spain- prevented Spanish ships from sailing to West Indies
Philip’s attack 1596?
Caused by capture of Cadiz
Failed as it was autumn - destroyed by storms
Actions and attitudes of English 1599?
Further fear of invasion prompted by false intelligence= huge panic in England, naval activity directed at need to prevent Spanish landings in Ireland
Sir Francis Vere?
Leader of English forces after Leicester resigns in 1588, led positive relations with Dutch leader - allowed for the recovery of territory lost after Parma invasion
Troops in Netherlands- advantage and disadvantage?
They were expensive
Netherlands paid a share of the running cost
Success for Dutch by end of war?
1594 Spanish troops had been expelled
Northern Netherlands became an independent state
Southern Netherlands achieved a degree of autonomy
No major foreign power was entrenched in Netherlands
Summary of Elizabeth foreign policy?
Focus changed from dynastic considerations to military glory to putting national interests first
Elizabeth’s reputation was enhanced by her victory during the Armada
Success of Drake in Panama?
Netted £400,000 of Spanish silver
Treaty of Berwick 1586?
Defensive treaty with Scotland, Scotland would receive 4000 per year- would protect the Scottish Lords
How much did the Armada cost?
War cost over 4 million
War in Netherlands cost 2 million
How many men did the Spanish have?
When did the war end?
1604- both Philip and Elizabeth had died