The Golden Age Flashcards
Why was Shakespeare distinctly appealing?
He could appeal to both the educated elite and to the ‘groundlings’ who attended performances in larger numbers
His language in plays was used in every day conversations
Importance of Art?
Formal portraiture remained important with the Queen a regular sitter as were courtiers e.g. especially the Earl of Leicester
Why did Portraiture lack in Elizabeth’s remained?
No one could match the skill set of Holbein who was present in Henry VIII reign
Most important culture of art?
Miniature- focus on small in paintings
Elizabeth had her own collection e.g. that could be stored in lockets such as art to remind her of her success in the Armada
Famous names from miniature art?
Nicholas Hilliard and Issac Oliver
Benefits Hilliard received?
Enjoyed much favour at Court- redesigned the royal seal
Golden age of architecture?
Although the Queen was reluctant to commission new buildings her courtiers were often able to afford extravagant building projects because of the family acquisition of monastic lands at knock down prices
First named English Architect?
Robert Smythson - worked on Longleat in Wiltshire and Wollaton Hall in Nottinghamshire
Increase in literacy?
More educational opportunities- emergence of highly literate and sophisticated viewing and reading public
Significant dramatists?
Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe
Significance of plays in London?
Increasing sophistication and infrastructure for the production of plays
Lord Chamberlain’s men?
Group of actors that operated under the patronage of courtiers- Shakespeare was a member
Aim for Shakespeare?
To produce plays on a regular basis and appeal to all audiences from all social classes
Most significant play of Shakespeare?
Richard II- received sponsoring at Globe Theatre by Earl of Essex- it was about the usurpation of a king in 1399
Elizabeth was alleged to have remarked ‘I am Richard’
Foxes Book of Martyrs?
Wide reading among Puritans
2 most influential writers?
Sir Philip Sidney- conscious moderator of English language through classical forms- responsible for revival of poetry
Edmund Spenser- argued that his work was highly was critical of court
Elizabeth’s role in music?
Skilful musician
Saved the importance of music culture within English Cathedrals and Oxbridge colleges when Puritans believed the word of God was more important than the beauty of holiness
2 greatest music composers?
Thomas Tallis and William Byrd- both wrote extensively for COE
Byrd skill as musician ensured his safety as he was a Catholic sympathiser
What type of music flourished at court?
Secular music
What did Renaissance convention say about music?
That courtier should be skilled musicians
Madrigal development?
Song that could be sung by a small mixed voice choir
Composers= Morley and Weelkes
Non political
Importance of Madrigals in 1601?
Morley put together 25 madrigals by 23 different composers to honour the Queen
Music was a way to support the Queen when her reputation was slipping
Who provided more intimate music?
John Dowland
What was a broadside ballad?
Songs printed cheaply on a single piece of paper - popular- were extremely bawdy
Requirements for Elizabethan gentleman?
Had to be able to speak and write proper English- French, Latin and Greek were also desirable
Education was vital- likely to have attended a grammar school
Decrees needed in maths and geometry for example