The Social Self Flashcards
What are the 2 concepts of self
Self concept or self-knowledge (the known of me)
Self-awareness (the knower of the I)
What are the 3 features of self
Self includes the body
Self includes their social identity
Self is the active agent
What are the 3 functions of selfhood
1) Self is an interpersonal tool
2) Self makes choices
3) Self regulation
Explain the function of self is an interpersonal tool
It aids in the connections with others
Explain the function of self makes choices
The “I” makes choices
What you want to study, what are your goals in life
Explain the function of self regulation
Looking after yourself
Regulating emotions, thoughts
The “I” looks after the “me”
What does self knowledge come from (2)
Feedback from others (know you are kind, compassionate, ect, because others have told you)
Self comparison (how you compare to your friends)
Why is self knowledge percieved
Self knowledge is obtained from others but is heavily filtered through biases from others
- Self knowledge is obtained from others but is heavily filtered through biases from others
What we hear is generally filtered through politeness, not giving honest feedback
-When we get negative feedback we tend to be dismissive and come up with excuses
Why do autobiographers thing self-knowledge is accurate
- Self concept is the most complete form of knowledge imaginable
-No one knows you as much as you know yourself. No one knows who people are unless they explain to us
Why do psychoanalyists not think self-knowledge is accurate
You need an expert to help understand yourself
Self concept is very difficult to obtain
What is introspection
The process of looking inward and examining our thoughts or feelings
Sitting with self and reflecting on self, examining motivation, emotions, behavior
Limitation of introspection
Reasons for some of our behaviours are hidden from our conscious awareness
What are 3 systematic distortions people use
1) Exaggerating positive self-evaluation
2) Exaggerating perception of control
3) We have unrealistic optimism
Explain distortion: Exaggerating positive self-evaluation
We think we are healthy, smarter, than other people
Explain distortion: Exaggerating perception of control
Exaggerate the degree of control we have over our life