The skeletal system part II Flashcards
Axial Skeleton
Skull, Hyoid, Vertebral Column, Thorax
Appendicular skeleton
Pectoral (shoulder) girdles, Upper limbs, Pubic Girdle, Lower Limbs
portion of the skull that has direct contact with the brain
Facial bones, do not have direct contact with the brain
Frontal bone
Forms the forehead
Parietal bones
Form the sides and roof of the cranial cavity
Temporal bones
Form the lateral aspects and floor of the cranium
Occipital Bone
Forms the posterior part and most of the base of the cranium
Sphenoid Bone
Lies at the middle part of the base of the skull
Ethmoid Bone
Located on the midline in the anterior part of the cranial floor medial to the orbits.
Supports nasal cavity
thin projections in the ethmoid bone lined by mucus membranes
Nasal Bones
Form bridge of nose
Forms inferior portion of nasal septum
Forms the upper jawbone
Forms most of the hard palate
separates nasal cavity from the oral cavity
Forms lower jaw
Ramus articulates with the skull
Body houses the teeth
Zygomatic bones
Form the prominence of the face cheeks
Lacrimal Bones
Forms a part of the medial wall of each orbit
Palatine Bones
Bone that forms the posterior portion of the hard palate
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Bone that forms a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Functions of the vertebral column
Protects the spinal chord
supports head
serve as a point of attachment for ribs, pelvic girdle, and muscles
Why is the vertebral column curved?
Curves increase column strength
Distribute center of gravity, decreasing shock
Helps maintain balance
Protects from fractures
How many cervical vertebra are there?
7 (amount of vertebra of one of the sections)
How many thoracic vertebra are there
12 (amount of vertebra of one of the sections)
How many lumbar vertebra are there?
5 (amount of vertebra of one of the sections)
Vertebral section that consists of 5 fused sacral vertebrae
Vertebral section that consists of four fused coccygeal vertebrae
What curvature do infants have in their vertebral column?
a single C curve
What vertebral curvature do adults have
a double S curve
Twisting of the vertebral column
hunchback, top of spine is curved forward more than usual
common with age
also known as swayback
Bottom curvature is exaggerated
common with pregnancy and gymnasts
Function of Intervertebral discs
Form strong joints
permit movements of the vertebral column
absorb vertical shock
What do Vertebrae consist of
A body: this bears weight
A vertebral arch: this surrounds the spinal chord
Several processes: these are points of attachment for muscles
Cervical Region
Vertebrae C1-C7
atlas is C1 and axis is C2
[Vertibrae Prominens C7 forme the landmark at the back of the neck
Transverse foramen (holes in vertebrae) for arteries and veins carrying brain blood supply