What is the definition of a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words with its own subject and a finite verb that expresses a complete thought or idea.
What punctuation marks can a sentence end with?
A sentence can end with a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark.
What are the basic sentence elements?
The basic sentence elements include:
* Subject
* Verb
* Object
* Complement
* Adjunct/Adverbial
What does the subject of a sentence represent?
The subject represents the performer or doer of an action in a sentence.
What is a verb in a sentence?
A verb signifies the action or state of being of the subject.
What is the role of the object in a sentence?
The object represents the recipient of the action of the verb.
What is a direct object?
A direct object completes the statement and answers the question what? or who? about the verb.
What is an indirect object?
An indirect object represents the receiver of the message or gift related to the direct object.
What is a complement in a sentence?
A complement is either a noun or adjective that completes the meaning of a sentence, providing information about the subject or object.
What is an adjunct/adverbial?
An adjunct/adverbial is a group of words that function as an adverb in a sentence.
What is an appositive?
An appositive is a noun or noun equivalent placed beside another to complement its meaning.
What are verbal phrases?
Verbal phrases function as nouns or adjectives and do not contain a full verbal action.
What are declarative sentences?
Declarative sentences are also known as statements and are meant to give information or express an opinion.
What are imperative sentences?
Imperative sentences are commands that generally give instructions or requests.
What are interrogative sentences?
Interrogative sentences are used to obtain responses from the listener.
What are exclamatory sentences used for?
Exclamatory sentences are used to express feelings, facts, or opinions emphatically.
What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence contains one independent clause.
What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence is made up of two independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions.
What is a complex sentence?
A complex sentence contains a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
What is a compound-complex sentence?
A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
What defines a multiple sentence?
A multiple sentence comprises at least three independent clauses with no subordinate clause.
What is the SV pattern in sentence structure?
The SV pattern consists of a subject and a verb.
Fill in the blank: The SVO pattern is made up of _______.
What does the SVOO pattern represent?
The SVOO pattern consists of subject, verb, indirect object, and direct object.
What is the SVC pattern?
The SVC pattern consists of subject, verb, and complement.
What does the SVA pattern include?
The SVA pattern consists of subject, verb, and adjunct.
What is the SVOA pattern?
The SVOA pattern includes subject, verb, object, and adjunct.
What is the SVOC pattern?
The SVOC pattern consists of subject, verb, object, and complement.
What is the SVOOA pattern?
The SVOOA pattern includes subject, verb, object, object, and adjunct.