What is speech?
The act of speaking, an oral form of communication
According to R.W. Emerson, what is speech?
‘Speech is power’. It is to persuade, convert, or compel
What are the components of speech?
Words we know and use, our vocabulary
What does ‘Parts of Speech’ refer to?
The category to which a word belongs based on its syntactic functions
How many parts of speech are there in the English language?
List the eight parts of speech in English.
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
What is a noun?
A word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea
What are proper nouns?
Names that identify specific persons or things, often written with an initial capital letter
What are common nouns?
Generic names of people, places, and things without specific reference
What are concrete nouns?
Things that are real and tangible, perceived by the five senses
What are abstract nouns?
Intangible items representing concepts or ideas, not perceivable by the senses
What are collective nouns?
Nouns that refer to a set of bodies or objects or a collection of people
What are compound nouns?
Nouns formed by combining two words to create a single word
What are countable nouns?
Nouns that can be counted as individual units and have singular and plural forms
What are uncountable nouns?
Nouns that cannot be counted individually, always singular
What is a possessive noun?
A noun that indicates ownership, shown by an apostrophe and ‘s’
What is the simplest definition of a noun?
A thing
What do nouns provide in communication?
Specificity and clarity
True or False: Nouns can indicate ownership.
What is the role of proper nouns in language?
They express identity and culture, reflecting historical figures and landmarks
Fill in the blank: Nouns can be _____ or _____ and possessive to indicate ownership.
singular; plural
What influences the evolution of nouns?
Historical and linguistic developments
What types of nouns serve different purposes?
- Common nouns
- Proper nouns
- Countable nouns
- Uncountable nouns
- Concrete nouns
- Abstract nouns
- Collective nouns