The Secondary Assessment Flashcards
What is the first step in the reassessment process?
Primary assessment
Hit with a baseball during practice, alert, oriented, pain to left arm, black discoloration of skin. What type of assessment is called for in this situation?
Focused exam
Reassessing and recording findings of the reassessment so they can be compared to earlier findings is known as what?
66-yr-old female, chest pain. What question would you ask to help determine if the pain is radiating?
“Are you having pain anywhere besides your chest?”
When a patient describes how they feel, they are telling you what?
Their symptoms
Immediately following a rapid physical exam on an unresponsive medical patient, what should you do next?
Obtain baseline vital signs
A patient tells you that they have a prescription for nitroglycerin. What medical problem should you suspect?
Heart problem
During reassessment you notice you patient is making gurgling sounds. What should you do immediately?
Suction the airway
A patient with a significant mechanism of injury needs a physical exam performed quickly. What type of assessment is this called?
Rapid trauma assessment
What is a danger of the application of an improperly sized cervical collar?
It may obstruct the airway.
24-yr-old female, swallowed handful of unknown pills, initially alert & oriented w/ no complaints, beginning to slur words and becoming progressively lethargic. What is the highest priority in dealing with this patient?
Maintaining an open airway
What are 3 things included in the reassessment?
Taking vital signs, repeating the primary assessment, repeating the focused assessment
In medical terms, bruises are known as what?
Victim of domestic violence, 25-yr-old female, struck on head several times w/ baseball bat, on scene: responsive to verbal stimuli, bleeding profusely from open head wound, transport: unresponsive. What do you do next?
Primary assessment
When using the memory aid OPQRST, what question would help you find out about P?
Does anything make the pain better or worse?