The Russian Revolution Flashcards
First revolution won to establish a socialist society
Petrograd (during revolution) Moscow (after revolution)
Assigned parcels of land to particular peasants and established taxation rates for households.
People’s Will
Radical group that believed that by carrying out assassination missions and acts of anti government terrorism would help topple the Czarist regime. Assassinated Czar Alexander II in 1881.
Books of the Revolution
Catechism of the Revolution by Anarchists Sergei Nechaev and Mikhail Bakunin which describes the revolutionary as a person who only cared about the revolution.
Liberation of Labor
Founded in 1883 by Russian exiles in Switzerland. Incuded Georgi Plekhanov who translated Marx’s works into Russian.
Russian Social Democratic Labor Party
Russian Social Democratic Party. Evolution of Liberation of Labor in 1890s. Opposed terrorism and violence.
The Spark. The newspaper for the Russian Social Democratic Party.
The Majority. Supporters of Lenin in the RSDP.
The Minority. Lenin’s opponents in the RSDP. Orthodox version of RSDP.
Trade Union Consensus
A concern about limited job-related objectives, such as wages, benefits, working hours, and working conditions.
Rich peasants.
Stolypin Land Reform
Wanted to eliminate the Mirs and institute capitalist business relations among farmers. Premier Peter Stolypin.
Bloody Sunday
Peaceful protest by workers in Petrograd. Led by activist priest George Gapon. Protesters massacred. Janurary 1905.
The Duma
The Czar’s parliament. Mostly full of large wealthy businessmen, aristocrats, or employed in the professions.
February Revolution
- Massive strikes in Petrograd. Army joins protesters. Protesters and soldiers take control of capitol. Czar forced to abdicate on (March 12/February 27)
Petrograd Soviet
Dominated at first by Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. Later dominated by Bolsheviks.
October Revoluion
- Trotsky orders soldiers, sailors, and armed workers to occupy major transportation areas and the Czar’s winter palace. Little bloodshed.
Trotsky’s General Theory Of Permanent Revolution
A worldwide series of revolutionary upheavals which together would bring the about the conditions necessary for the achievement of socialism throughout the world.