The role and importance of pilgrimage and celebrations to Christians Flashcards
What is a pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is part of a person’s spiritual journey. It is often a physical journey that’ll take a person to a place of religious significance
What is the significance of Lourdes?
As in France, in 1858 a 14 year old girl claimed to have visions of the Virgin Mary
Why do people go on pilgrimage to Lourdes?
Pilgrims go there praying for healing, as it is a place known for physical and spiritual healing. Some miracles have even been recorded
What is the significance of Jerusalem?
Jerusalem is where Jesus lived towards the end of his life, was buried and was seen alive after his resurrection
Why do people go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem?
People go there to see where Jesus was crucified and the things that remain since
What is the significance of Walsingham?
In the 11th century, it was here that The Lady of the Manor had a vision of the Virgin Mary’s home in Nazareth
Why do people go on pilgrimage to Walsingham?
Pilgrims find the shrine at Walsingham a special place to visit, and there is the statue of Virgin Mary there too
What is the significance of Rome?
Vatican City in Rome is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church
St Peters Church is also there, which is the remains of St Peter, a disciple of Jesus
Why do people go on pilgrimage to Rome?
Pilgrims go because it is the home of the Pope, and pilgrims will visit holy sites & may take part in a mass led by the Pope
The impact of pilgrimage on individuals and for communities
Many Christians believe they can be brought closer to God as the other distractions in life are stripped away. It is also a physically demanding challenge, so some people can understand themselves and their need for God as a result of it
The origin of Christmas
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ miraculous birth
The origin of Easter
Easter is a remembrance of how Jesus, through his death and resurrection brought about human salvation and gave Christians hope of an eternal life with God
What is Advent and when does it start?
Advent begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas, and it marks the start of the liturgical Church year in Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches
The importance of Advent celebrations to Christians
Advent marks the waiting for the celebration of Jesus’ birth but also for his Second Coming at the end of time
The importance of Christmas celebrations to Christians
Christmas is important as it is the celebration of Jesus’ incarnation. It is also a time for Christians to think about peace for the world and those who are less fortunate
Q - The people living in darkness will see …
a great light
The impact of Lent celebrations to Christians
Christians fast or give something up because Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness, and resisted all temptations to eat by the Satan. By doing so, they will too resist temptation too
The impact of Holy Week celebrations to Christians
This week follows the main events in the last week of Jesus’ life.
The impact of Easter celebrations to Christians
Christians hope to grow in their relationship with God, serving Him effectively in their daily lives. They’re reminded of the grace and mercy of God
What is remembered on Palm Sunday?
This is the start of the Holy Week, and Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
What is remembered on Maundy Thursday?
This is a time to remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples
What is remembered on Good Friday?
Jesus’ crucifixion is remembered on Good Friday.
What is remembered on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday?
This part in a time for you as Jesus’ resurrection and victory over sin are celebrated