Biblical Accounts of Creation Flashcards
What is God?
God is a creator
What is the role of the Father in the Genesis narrative?
The role is to bring the world into existence
What is the role of the Spirit in the Genesis narrative?
The Spirit is the agent of God in creation. He is not only the creator of the physical form of man but also the life giver.
Q - The Spirit of God hath made me, and …
the breath of the Almighty hath given me life
The role of the Word in John 1
The word shows how God the Son was directly involved in the creation of the world
Identification of Jesus in John 1 and link to creation and pre-existence (quotes)
As ‘The word became flesh’, it refers to Jesus’ incarnation
‘Through him all things were made’
Role of human beings
Humans are created as distinct from the Rest of the Creation, as it is made in the image of God, and is given a purpose.
What does giving humans a purpose mean for Christians?
Giving humans a purpose shows that they have a responsibility to look after the Earth. They are accountable to God
Q - Let us make mankind …
in our image, in our likeness
The Fall in the Genesis narrative
The Fall is when a serpent tempted Adam and Eve to eat an apple in the Garden of Eden
What does the Fall mean for Christians?
The Fall shows that Christians do not have a perfect relationship with God and are affected by this original sin
Literal interpretations of Genesis
Some Christians believe the Genesis provides an accurate historical account of the creation of the world and the Fall
The Christian story as a myth
Many Christians believe the Genesis is used to convey important truth about the world, but it isn’t meant to be taken literally
The Genesis story as compatible with science
Some Christians believe the days referred to in Genesis 1 aren’t to be taken literally, but each day represents a longer period of time, like billions of years
Genesis 1
God creates the world in 7 days: heavens and earth, day and night, sky, land & seas, vegetation, stars, birds, land creatures, mankind,
Genesis 2
On the seventh day God rested
He told Eve not to eat an apple in the Garden of Eden