The Restless Earth: Fold Mountains - Case Study Flashcards
What is our case study for a fold mountain range?
The alps .
Where is the Alps located?
Central Europe.
What counties does the Alps stretch across?
Name 7
Austria. France. Italy. Switzerland. Germany. Liechtenstein. Slovenia.
When were the Alps formed?
About 30 million years ago.
How were the Alps formed?
Collision between African and European plates.
Where is the tallest peak?
Mont Blanc.
Italian-French border.
How big is the tallest peak?
4810 metres
Population of the Alps?
Around 12 million people.
What do people use the Alps for?
Name 5
Farming. Hydro-electric power. Mining. Forestry. Tourism.
What is the steep-upland area used for?
Farm goats.
What do the locals get from the goats?
What have the sunnier slopes been used for?
Terraced to plant vineyards.
How many tourists visit the Alps each year?
100 million tourists.
What % of tourists visit steep, snow covered mountains in the winter?
What sports do tourists do on the steep, snow covered mountains?
Snow boarding.
Ice climbing.
In the summer tourists visit the Alps to do what?
Name 4
Mountain biking.
Name a place where new villages had to be put in place to cater for the quantity of the tourists?
Tignes in France.
What are dotted around the landscape?
Ski runs and lifts.
Cable cars.
Holiday chalets.
What are the narrow valleys dammed to generate?
Hydro-electric power.
What narrow valley generates HEP?
Give an example
Berne area in Switzerland.
Switzerland gets most of its electricity from?
HEP powers in the alps.
Switzerland gets most of its HEP from the Alps, but how much?
The electricity produced is used locally to power…
Homes and businesses.
Exported to towns/cities further away.
What materials were mined in the Alps?
Name 5.
Salt. Iron ore. Gold. Silver Copper.
Why did the mining decline in the Alps?
Due to cheaper foreign sources.
What is planted all over the Alps?
Scots Pine.
Why is Scots Pine planted all over the Alps?
More resilient to the munching goats.
What conditions have people living within the Alps adapted to?
Steep relief .
Poor soils.
Limited communications.
How have people adapted to the steep relief?
Goats are farmed there as they are well adapted to the steep slopes.
Trees and man-made defences have been put in place to project against avalanches and rock slide.
How have people adapted to the poor soil?
Animals are grazed in high areas as soil isn’t great for growing crops.
How have people adapted to the limited communications?
Roads have been built over passes.
What are passes?
Lower points between mountains.
Name a place where a pass has been built?
Brenner pass.
Between Austria and Italy.
What has been put in place for faster transport links?
Tunnels have been cut through mountains.