The Respiratory System Flashcards
Describe the function of the respiratory system
The body’s system for breathing. It’s primary function involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere, the body, and it’s cells
Combining form: adenoid/o
Combining form: alveol/o
Combining form: bronch/o, bronchi/o
Combining form: bronchiol/o
Combining form: capn/o
carbon dioxide
Combining form: epiglott/o
Combining form: laryng/o
Combining form: lob/o
lobe of the lung
Combining form: mediastin/o
Combining form: nas/o
Combining form: or/o
Combining form: ox/o, oxi-, oxy-
Combining form: pharyng/o
Combining form: phon/o
voice, sound
Combining form: phren/o
Combining form: pleur/o
Combining form: pneum/o, pneumon/o
air, lung
Combining form: rhin/o
Combining form: spir/o
Combining form: steth/o
Combining form: thorac/o
thorax, chest
Combining form: tonsill/o
Combining form: trache/o
Define: respiratory system
the body’s breathing system
Define: external respiration
breathing or exchanging air between the body and the external environment
Define: internal respiration
bringing the oxygen to the cells and removing carbon dioxide from them
Define: lungs
organs where oxygenation of blood takes place
Define: respiratory tract
passageway through which air moves in and out of the lungs
Define: inspiration
breathing in or inhalation
What is the function of the nose?
to warm, filter, and moisten the air you inhale
Define: nasal septum
a strip of cartilage that separates the two external nares (nostrils)
Define: cilia
nose hairs in the nasal cavity that filter out the foreign bodies
Define: pharynx
the passageway for both food and air (also called the throat)
Define: nasopharynx
a subdivision of the pharynx that lies above the soft palate
Define: soft palate
flexible muscular sheet that separates the nasopharynx from the rest of the pharynx
Define: pharyngeal tonsils
more commonly known as the adenoids, and they aid in the body’s immune defense
Define: oropharynx
a subdivision of the pharynx - the back portion of the mouth
Define: palatine tonsils
lymphatic tissue that works as part of the immune system
Define: laryngopharynx
the bottom and third section of the pharynx. Here, the respiratory tract divides into the esophagus, the passageway for food, and the voice box
Define: larynx
voice box
Define: trachea
cartilaginous and membranous tube that connects the larynx to the right and left bronchi - also known as the windpipe
Define: epiglottis
a moveable flap of cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx every time you swallow to prevent food from entering
Define: glottis
opening to the larynx
Define: vocal cords
strips of epithelial tissue that vibrate when muscular tension is applied
Define: thyroid cartilage
two cartilage disks joined at an angle to support the larynx - also called the Adam’s apple
Define: bronchi
the tubular branches into which the larynx divides
Define: mediastinum
a general term for the median area, especially one with a septum
Define: septum
cartilaginous division
Define: expiration
air being pushed out of the lungs that travels up through the respiratory tract and then expelled into the environment - also called exhalation
Define: bronchioles
many smaller branches of the bronchi
Define: alveolus
air sacs that sit in clusters at the end of each bronchiole
Define: thorax
another name for the thoracic cavity
Define: pleura
the outside double layer of the lungs
Define: parietal pleura
the outer layer of the pleura that lines the thoracic cavity, the inside of the ribs
Define: visceral pleura
the inner layer of the pleura that covers the surface of the lungs
Define: pleura cavity
the space between the two layers of the pleura that is filled with pleural fluid that prevents contact between the ribs and the lungs
Define: apex
the topmost section of the lungs
Define: hilum
the middle area of the lung (also called the hilus)
Define: base
the lower section of the lungs
Describe the divisions of each lung
the right lung is divided into the superior lobe, the middle lobe, and the inferior lobe, while the left, smaller lung, is divided into the superior and inferior lobes
Define: diaphragm
major muscle that contracts in the thoracic cavity. It lowers itself when it contracts, allowing more space
Define: intercostal muscles
the muscles between the ribs - pull the ribs upward and outward when they contract, enlarging the thoracic cavity
What is epiglottitis?
inflammation of the epiglottis
What is a phonometer?
an instrument for measuring sounds
What is rhinitis?
inflammation of the nose
What is an adenoidectomy?
An operation for removal of adenoid growths
What is pleuritis?
inflammation of the pleura
What is a capnogram?
A continuous recording of the carbon dioxide in expired air
What is nasogastric?
relating to the nasal passages and the stomach
What is a tonsillectomy?
Removal of one entire tonsil, or both
What is bronchitis?
inflammation of the lining in the bronchial tubes
What is pneumolith?
calculus in the lungs
What is the oropharnyx?
the part of the pharynx that lies behind the mouth
What is a tracheoscopy?
an inspection of the interior of the trachea
What is mediastinitis?
inflammation of the tissue of the mediastinum
What is alveolitis?
inflammation of the alveoli
What is a stethoscope?
an instrument used to listen to the sounds in the chest