The Digestive System Flashcards
Combining form: stomat/o
Combining form: dent/o, odont/o
Combining form: gloss/o, lingu/o
Combining form: cheil/o
Combining form: gingiv/o
Combining form: esophag/o
Combining form: pharyng/o
Combining form: gastr/o
Combining form: enter/o
Combining form: duoden/o
Combining form: jejun/o
Combining form: ile/o
Combining form: colon/o
Combining form: sigmoid/o
sigmoid colon
Combining form: rect/o
Combining form: proct/o
anus and rectum
Combining form: hepat/o
Combining form: cholecyst/o
Combining form: chole
Combining form: cyst/o
Combining form: pancreat/o
Combining form: saliv/o
salivary glands
Define: digestion
the process of breaking down foods into nutrients that can be absorbed by cells
Define: absorption
the passing of digested nutrients into the bloodstream
Define: elimination
the conversion of any residual material from a liquid to a solid and removal of that material from the alimentary canal via defecation
Define: alimentary canal
digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract
Describe the path of food through the digestive tract
Food enter the mouth, passes through the pharynx and esophagus into the stomach, then into the small intestine and large intestine, or bowels, and then into the anal canal
Define: mastication
Define: frenulum
mucous membrane that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Define: lingual tonsils
two rounded mounds of lymphatic tissue at the back of the tongue that play an important role in the immune system
Define: hard palate
the hard anterior part of the roof of the mouth with irregular ridges of mucous membrane
Define: rugae
irregular ridges of mucous membrane on the roof of the mouth
Define: soft palate
the soft posterior part of the roof of the mouth
Define: uvula
a downward cone-shaped projection located at the back of the soft palate
Define: salivary glands
three sets of glands surrounding the oral cavity that secrete saliva
Define: saliva
a fluid containing enzymes that aid in breaking down food
Define: amylase
an enzyme in saliva that begins the digestion of carbohydrates
Define: reflux
Define: emesis or regurgitation
Define: pepsin
an enzyme in the gastric juices that begins protein digestion
Define: chyme
a semifluid mass created by the muscular movements of the stomach and the mixing of food with gastric juice
What is the cardiac region?
The first region of the stomach that is closest to the heart
What is the fundus region?
The upper, rounded region of the stomach,
What is the body region?
the middle portion of the stomach
What is the pylorus region?
The narrowed bottom part of the stomach
What are the three parts of the small intestine?
The duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum
Define: duodenum
part of the small intestine, only about 10 inches long that mixes bile with chyme to aid in fat digestion
Define: jejunum
part of the small intestine that is 8 feet long
Define: ileum
Part of the small intestine that connects the small intestine to the large intestine
Define: mesentery
a membranous tissue that attaches both the small intestine and large intestine to the muscle wall at the dorsal part of the abdomen
How long is the small intestine?
About 20 feet long
What are the four parts of the large intestine?
The cecum, the colon, the sigmoid colon, and the rectum
Define: cecum
part of the large intestine - a pouch attached to the bottom of the ileum of the small intestine
Define: colon
part of the large intestine that further divides into three parts: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, and the descending colon
Define: sigmoid colon
An s-shaped body in the large intestine that geos across the pelvis to the middle of the sacrum
What is a liver?
an important digestive organ located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity
What is bile?
A yellowish-brown fluid secreted by the liver that helps break down fats
What is bilirubin?
a bile pigment that is combined with bile and excreted into the duodenum
What is a gallbladder?
An organ that is involved in the production, storage, and transportation of bile
What is emulsification?
the breaking down of fats
What is the pancreas?
a 5-6 inch long organ that secretes digestive fluids into the small intestine
What is lipase?
a digestive enzyme
Define: anoplasty
surgical repair of the anus
Define: appendicitis
inflammation of the appendix
Define: biliverdin
green bile pigment
Define: buccogingival
pertains to checks and gums
Define: cecopexy
surgical repair or fixing of the cecum to correct excessive mobility
Define: celioma
a tumor in the abdomen
Define: choleic
pertaining to bile
Define: cholangiogram
an x-ray image of the bile vessels
Define: cholecystectomy
removal of the gallbladder
Define: choledochotomy
an incision into the common bile duct
Define: colectomy
removal of part or all of the colon
Define: duodenitis
inflammation of the duodenum
Define: enteropathy
any intestinal disease
Define: esophagoscopy
examination of the interior of the esophagus
Define: gastralgia
stomach ache
Define: glossopharyngeal
relates to the tongue and pharynx
Define: glucogenesis
the formation of glucose
Define: glycosuria
abnormal excretion of carbohydrates in urine
Define: glycogenolysis
breakdown of glycogen to glucose
Define: hepatitis
liver disease or inflammation of the liver
Define: ileitis
inflammation of the ileum
Define: jejunostomy
surgical opening to the outside of the body for the jejunum
Define: labioplasty
surgical repair of the lips
Define: linguodental
pertaining to the tongue and the teeth