The Reformation Chapter 9 Flashcards
Why was the pope and church so wealthy?
Because of the tithe
What is the tithe?
The tithe was a tax paid to the chatholic church, it means ‘one tenth’ so catholics had to pay one tenth of their earnings to the church
What WAS the reformation?
The reformation is a split in the catholic church that occured in the 16th century
Why did the reformation happen?
Coruption in the church caused the split to happen
What does hierarchy mean?
Hierarchy means the order of important people
Why were men attracted to the clergy at the time?
Because of desires of wealth, not because of fate
What are the rules of celibacy?
They ruled that priests were not allowed to marry
When did the reformation happen?
In the 16th century
What was nepotism?
The hierarchy often appointed family members as priest, parish priests or bishops, even if they were not qualified and untrained
What was simony?
Simony means bribery. Popes often accepted payment to appoint cardinals, cardinals accepted payment to appoint bishops and bishops accepted payment to appoint priests
What was pluralism?
Pluralism meant that some priests, driven by greed, owned many parishes or dioceses. The more they owned the richer they became. But no priest could be in two places at the same time so absenteeism occured
What is absenteeism?
Absenteeism was when parishes or dioceses had to priest for long periods of time. This was due to plurism.
What were the abuses?
Simony, nepotism, pluralism, absenteeism and the sales of indulgences
What did the sales of indulgences take advantage of?
The belief that christians had that there was heaven, purgatory and hell
What was the sales of indulgences?
The sales of indulgences was when people believed they could buy their way into heaven. The church said, in order to reduce the amount of time someone spent in purgatory, they could buy an indulgence. An indulgence was a special prayer from the clergy.
What was purgatory?
Purgatory was a place between heaven and hell, where people who not bad enough to go to hell but have still commited sins stay until they were punished enough for their sins.
When and where was martin luther born?
In 1483 in Saxony Germany
What order did martin join?
The augustian order
What did martin luther believe in?
‘Justification by faith alone’ which meant he believed that the only way to get into heaven was to pocess a genuine faith for god
What was the 95 theses?
The 95 theses was 95 arguments against the sales of indulgences.
Where did luther nail the 95 these?
To a door of the church in Wittenburg
Why did martin nail the 95 theses to the door?
It was to ensure the largest amount of people saw it because back in his day that was how people shared news
What was luther instructed to do?
To recant his criticism of the pope.
What does recant mean?
To take back
When did he debate his ideas with the popes representative (and what was the popes representatives name)
In 1519 with John Eck
When did the pope send out a papal bull?
In 1520
What was a papal bull?
An official letter from the pope
What was the letter called?
The Exurge Domini
What was excommunicated?
Banned from the church
What was the diet of worms?
A meeting in the town worms where Martin Luther was again told to recant and when he refused he was declared an outlaw
Who protected Martin Luther?
Frederick, elector of saxony
What were Martin Luthers list of beliefs?
- justification by faith alone
- priests should be allowed to marry
- he believed the bible and all religious services should be in the vernacular langauge
- indulgences were a sin and a lie
- consubstanation
- only in baptism and comunion
What was constubstantiation
Consubstantiation was the belief that bread and wine stayed as bread and wine at comunion but were a symbol of the body and blood of christ
What was transubstantiation?
Transubstantiation was the belief that bread and wine become the body and blood of christ at comunion
What did luther do when in wartburg castle
He translated the bible from latin to german
What did the treaty of Augsburg mean?
The prince of each town got to choose the religion of his people
Where and when was Jean Calvin born?
In france in 1509
What was calvins church called?
What did calvin write?
A book called ‘the institutes of christain belief’
What were the similarities between calvin and luther?
- believed that priests should marry if they want to
- they believed the bible was the source of gods will
- they believed all church services should be in a vernacular language
What different beliefs did calvin have?
- Did not believe in justification by truth alone, believed that god chose who went to heaven or not before they were born, these people were called the elect
- believed only in one sacrament, baptism
- calvin wanted churches to be as simple as possible
What were calvins strict laws?
- attendence at church on sundays was compulsory and you would be arrested if you didn’t go
- entertainment such as music was banned
- swearing was punishable by law
- dress was restricted and people were encouraged to dress simply
- heretics, who went against calvins laws were burned at the stake
What was the counter reformation?
It was a retaliation to the spread of protestent ideas
What was the council of trent?
It was a long meeting between the clergy to talk about the corruption of the church and how to react
What did the council of trent rule?
- Simony, nepotism and pluralism were banned
- Priests were obliged to live in their dioceses, ending absenteeism
- All priests were to be properly trained in seminaries
- Books that protested against the ideas of the church were banned
What was the inquisition?
A special court set up to deal with heretics (people who offend God)
How did the Inquisition deal with heretics?
They burnt them at the stake