Chapter 11: French Revolution Flashcards
What was frances goverment in the eighteenth century?
Absolute monarchy, King Louis XVI believed in the divine right of kings and had total control
Why was frances goverment called the Acien Régime?
Because it was such an old way of ruling
What was lettre de cachet?
It meant the king had the power to arrest anyone in france without any trial
Why did King Louis XVI want to raise taxes?
The goverment was bankrupt because they had been involved in so many wars
What was The French Parliament called in the eighteenth century?
Why did Louse XVI know he would win his case at the Estates-General?
The voting system was unfair and rigged
How many estates were in france?
What was the first estate ang why did they like taxes?
The catholic church, they liked taxes because it meant ordinary people had to pay an annual tax called the tithe to the church which in turn made the church very wealthy
Who were the second estate and why did they like the acien régime?
The nobilty liked the ancien régime because they didn’t have to pay taxes
Who were the third estate?
Basically everyone else. From peasants to the rich factory owners who just didn’t have power
Why did the third estate not like the ancien régime?
They all had to pay taxes for the privileged lives of the king, the clergy and nobility
What made the the Estates-General voting system so unfair?
Each estate only got one vote. Meaning even though 90% of the population were in the third estate they only got one vote, while the other two estates that didn’t have to pay taxes also got one vote. This meant whenever there was a raise in taxes it always won 2-1
What happened on the 20 june 1789?
The representatives of the third estate formed a new group, the national assembly
When was the national assembly created?
On the 20 of june 1789
What did the national assembly do to show that they would not be intimidated by King Louis XVI’s order to close down the National Assemblys meeting place?
They met at a tennis court close to their meeting place and swore an oath
What oath did the members of the national assembly make at the tennis court?
They would not go home until Louis and the other two estates agreed to make the system of goverment and taxation much fairer
What happened on the 26 of august 1789?
The national assembly passed the of declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
When was the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen pass?
Of the 26th of august 1789
Who were the san culottes?
The poor of Paris
What were poor people called?
The san culottes
What rumour went around on the night of the 14th of july 1789?
That King Louis was gonna use his soldiers to break up the national assembly, arrest the leaders and send the rest home
What did the people do after the rumours were spread?
A riot broke out with the focus on bastille prison. It was not well defended and the san culottes easily stormed it and the prison was taken and the commander killed
What did many people see bastille prison as?
A symbol of the kings power and cruelty
What did the colours of the flag of revolution mean?
Red and blue were the colours of Paris and white was the colour of monarchy. By placing the white between the red and blue the revolutionaries were showing who was in charge of france
What happened in october 1789 to the royal family?
San culottes stormed the palace of versaille and forced the king and his family to move to Paris to keep a better eye on them
Why was King Louis XVI’s wife hated?
She was believed to live in great luxery, not caring about the suffering of ordinary people
Where were the royal family kept in 1790?
At the Tuileries palace
When did Louis XVI try to escape and where did he try to go?
June 1791, to Holland which at the time of ruled by Marie-Antoinettes brother
In which town was the royal family spotted in?
When was france declared a republic?
On the 21th of september 1792
When was Louis XVI excecuted?
On the 21st of January 1793
Who invented the guillotine and why?
Dr Joseph Guillotin and he invented as a more human way of excecuting
Why did other countries attack france at the time of the revolution?
They wanted to crush the revolution before it inspired others
What was the assembly divided into between 1789 and 1793?
The radicals and conservatives
What did the radicals want?
A great and speedy change
What did the conservatives want?
They wanted chane to take place over a longer period of time
Where di the radicals and conservatives sit?
The radicals on the left, conservatives on the right
Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
He was leader of a group of radicals called the Jacobins who gained power in the 1793
Where and when was Maximilien Robespierre born?
In a small french town of Arras on 6 of may 1758
Why did Maximelien Robespierre get the nickname ‘The Incorruptible’?
Because he was seen as a very honest sincere man
Who was Robespierre a student of?
Rosseau, one of the most important writers at the time of the enlightenment
What did Maximilien Robespierre study?
What descent was Maximilien Robespierre?
When did Robespierre het qualified?
Why did Maximilien leave his position as a judge?
He couldn’t sentence people to death.
What happened to Maximilien in 1789 at the age of 30?
He was elected as one of the representatives for the third estate at the Estates-General
What did Robespierre later go on to do?
He became a member of the national assembly and joined a group of radicals called Jacobins
What did he do in January 1793?
He along with Jean-Paul Marat and Georges Danton argued for the execution of King Louis XVI
What sparked the idea of having a revolution into the french peoples minds?
Many french people returned in 1780 from helping america fight for freedom only to find that they had no freedom themselves
When was the terror?
June 1793 - July 17 1794
When was Robespierre voter as leader of the committee of public safety?
2 June 1793
During the terror what did Robespierre do?
He ordered the arrest of nearly half a million people who he thought were the enemy of the revolution and excecuted 40000 of them
What happened to Robespierre?
He was eventually arrested himself and was excecuted by guillotine on the 27 of july 1794
What happened at the end of the french revolution?
Order was restored by a new government called the Directory and by 1799 total control of France was held by a young general called Napoleon. He was popular but, like King Louis XVI he held all the power