The Randos Flashcards
Important things about the structure of Acanthocephala
Has a probiscus Non-segmetned body has a body cavity no GI tract separate sexes
known as the giant thorny head worm. why?
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
protrusible probiscus armed w/ hooks
LC Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
adults attached to SI mucosa.. eggs w/ acanthor larva passed in feces
june/dung beetles ingest eggs
ancanthor hatces, develops, ensyts in body as cystacanth
DH PIg ingests grubs/beetle
Special features of Macracanthorhynchus eggs?
kinda look like a scary vagina;
pitted shell w/ 4 layers
Any important clinical signs?
Diagnosis and treatmetnt Macracanthorhynchus
sedimentation, adults in jejunum at necropsy
Tx- nothing labeled
Prevention/control of Macrcanthohyncus
plow feilds
plow pasture
confinement rearing
Public health significance of Macracanthohynchus
prevalent in CHina/thailand acute abdominal pain/intestinall perforation
Prevention of Macracanthohynchus
dont eat raw beetles you weirdo
What is Macracanthorhynchus ingens?
NH raccons, wild canids, bears
occasionally dogs
Cool things about Pentastomida
“tongue worms” loon more like worms than arthropods
complex GI system
adults live in respiratory passages of predacious birds/reptiles
Linguata serrata
DH carnivores,
IH herbivores
rare in upper MW
Anything important about the eggs of Linguata serrate?
COntain fully developed larva when laid
shed in nasal secretions
larva have 2-3 claws when they hatch
What are Nymphs?
miniature adult Linguata serrata w/o reproductive organs
LC Linguata serrata
Adults in nasal passage attache w/ retractable hooks, pdx eggs that are sneezed oiut
IH ingest eggs
larva hatch, penetrate gut wall, develop into Nymphs, molt and encyst
DH eats IH host, excysted nymphs in gut migrate up esophagus to nasal passages
mature to adults