The Quran Flashcards
Is the Quran well organised and readable?
No, it is not easy to read in arabic original or in translation
- there is arbitrary structure and organistion
- No Chronological orders of material
- The “surahs” (Chapters) are arranged by length
- No thematic order
- Frequent repetition
- Not narrative text like the bible or Gospels
What style of book is the quran
it is Aphoristic - a collection of statements expressing the wisdom and will of Allah
Is the Quran “scripture”
Not necessarily, it is mostly oral. “Quran” as a word literally means recitation, because it is important that muslims listen to the word fo god recited through a human voice
Are the prophets all muslim according to Islam?
Yes, it could be understood that Muh’s message simply confirmed all previous revelations, as each prophet before him had acknowledged and submitted voluntarily to Allah.
Muh is the Seal of the Prophets, meaning the last
What are the Three central themes in the Q
Law, Prophets before Muh and Judgement Day
How many names does God have
99 known in the Quran, all characteristics
Types of Law in the Quran?
Food, Purity, Marriage and Family, Rituals and Religious Duties (Hajj, Ramadan, qibla, Salat (prayer), Alms).
What is Tafsir?
A genre of muslim literature, and the process of interpreting exegesis. the first person to do Tasfir was technically Muh, because he had to explain to his followers what certain messages meant to the Muslims.