Pre-Islam Arabia Flashcards
What were three pre-islamc notions of religion in pre-islam arabia
- Allah was one of the gods (guarantor of oaths)
- Mecca was already an existing place of worship to polytheistic idols
- Khulud - no afterlife or concept of it
- Tradition was oral, and tribal
What are the three sources of Islam
- The Quran
- The Tradition
- The Surah (114 verses in a chapter in the Quran)
What do people call the time before Islam?
Jihalliya (age of ignorance)
When did Islam start and what was the climate like?
7th CE Arabia, pretty bloodshedy.
What is the Quran
It is the possession of scripture of the very words of Allah, revealed to his messenger, as guidance for his people and all humankind. Codified thouh in Uthmans time
What is “Dahr”
Dahr refers to the pre-islamic poet’s term for the “impersonal agent of a preordained destiny”, basically meaning the “course of time”, used by “unbelievers” to mean that time is all that governs our existence.
What is “Hanif”
According to Ibn Ishaq, one definition of Hanif refers to the context of individuals who were searching for another religion around the time of Muhammad-
polytheistic idol worshipping was not proving fruitful
What does “islam” mean?
The act of submssion to the one god to the exclusion of all other deities
Is there a relationship with Islam to other religions?
Yes, parallels between different Prophets (Ibrahim and Muh), there was a concordance with, and departure from other monotheistic faiths like christianity and judaism. (these other religions had their own scripture too, called “people of the Book”).
Is Muhammad the Final Prophet?
In Islam, YES - The Torah Prophets and Jesus of the Gospels stop at those people
What was most shocking of Islam in Pre-Islam Mecca
Judgement Day, and Eternal Paradise based on reward and punishment. They asked Muh to prove himself, which he could not.
- The Judging god fully challenged the idea of the tribe.
What does Dahr mean again?