The Psychoanalytic Explanation of Dreams Flashcards
The psychoanalytic approach states that…
childhood interactions with our parents shape our personality
The id
- unconscious mind
- motivated by instinctual desires
- does not understand rules or consequences
The ego
- conscious mind which we are aware of
- controls rational thoughts
The superego
- part conscious and part unconscious
- provides a sense of right and wrong
during sleep, the id becomes…
since the id is dominant in sleep, dreams reveal…
our unconscious wishes and fantasies
wish fulfilment
we dream about what we desire to have
dreams are translated into … by the …
symbols by the ego
manifest content
what a dream appears to be about, which disguises the true meaning
latent content
the true meaning of the dream
methods of dream distortion (2)
- condensation
- secondary elaboration
when several ideas in a dream are mixed together
secondary elaboration (distortion)
the dreamer’s own interpretation of the dream; things may be added in or removed
defence mechanisms in dreams (3)
- repression
- displacement
- secondary elaboration
- places unwanted thoughts from the ego to the id
- these unwanted thoughts return during dreams when the ego is dominant
unimportant things are made to seem important to distract from what is really important
secondary elaboration (defence)
- the dreamer can hide the embarrassing things that happen in a dream
- the jumbled up symbols in a dream can be changed to become a coherent story
- bits can be added in
strength of the psychoanalytic explanation
Freud’s ideas were influential and have become part of everyday culture
Freud relied on case studies, meaning that…
it is difficult to generalise his findings
Jung disagreed with Freud by saying…
that dream’s symbols are unique to the individual and cannot have a general meaning
Freud’s idea of wish fulfilment does not explain…
unpleasant dreams and nightmares
There is a lack of … that dreams have …
scientific evidence that dreams have any meaning at all